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  Tarmac said:
I dunno where you anti mac tech nerds come from.

90% of the hardcore programmers I know use a Mac. I dunno why, I'm not a technerd. You tell me. They aren't smelly hipsters either. They are uber dorks

Probably because MacOS is basically linux and and such plays much more nice with other linux platforms than windows.

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  blm14 said:

1) I consider using a computer on the internet at least as dangerous (if not more so) than driving a car. When people want to drive a car, we give them literacy training, supervised periods of hands-on training, written tests, and a formal license which has to be periodically renewed. If someone were to say "I just want to buy a car and have it only have 3 buttons and drive around after only having read the user manual" we would say HELL NO!

keep driving that compaq minivan

find me in a brushed aluminum aqua type bitch. 24' cinema displays.

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  funkdoobi said:
how did he revolutionize either of those? he created an OS on a shitty phone with limited capabilities that required you to use his locked program to do anything with it.

then he took mp3's and packaged them in the same program so that he may sell it to people.

he revolutionized home computing in general. that's it.

he produced the first phone that combined as many different platforms in such an accessible and ultimately consumer friendly package that transcended what blackberry did. Email, phone, mp3 player, browser, etc. etc., all in a package that functioned well and looked good. 10 years later the blackberry's browser is still shit and while google has provided a viable alternative with android, it's still ultimately an emulation of the model that jobs released with the iPhone. he changed telecommunications forever - finished what RIM started, more or less. As far as music is concerned, iTunes is the biggest distributor of music on the planet and popularized a legal way to get mass amounts of music via the internet. He's never been the "first" necessarily, and I don't think anyone's saying apple is always the "best". But it is the most successful, and by being the most successful he's had the most long-term impact on society at large.


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  DÃœM said:
that first analogy doesn't make any sense to me.

anyway, I think most of my apple love comes from Jon Ive (which comes from Dieter Rams)

no love for hartmut esslinger?

been using apples and pcs my whole life... agree with blm14 though. but i am considering a macbook air...

itunes is the worst tho

and lol@android being "an emulation of the model that jobs released with the iPhone"

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  billy. said:
keep driving that compaq minivan

find me in a brushed aluminum aqua type bitch. 24' cinema displays.

1) that was the car I learned to drive in , bitch :)

2) I haven't purchased a prebuild PC in years. DIY fo lyfe

3) This is my current workstation, and I can turn the LEDs on and off from software:


(the dell next to it is something I scavenged from work and is a 4TB fileserver)

4) Even compaq sells 24" slick looking displays: http://www.shopping.hp.com/product/display/display/1/storefronts/XP599AA%2523ABA

  \ said:
zomg ANOTHER pc vs. mac discussion?

you guys are so boring just let the man rest in peace

It was inevitable and you know it. I blame blm14.

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  blm14 said:
1) that was the car I learned to drive in , bitch :)

2) I haven't purchased a prebuild PC in years. DIY fo lyfe

3) This is my current workstation, and I can turn the LEDs on and off from software:


(the dell next to it is something I scavenged from work and is a 4TB fileserver)

4) Even compaq sells 24" slick looking displays: http://www.shopping.hp.com/product/display/display/1/storefronts/XP599AA%2523ABA

It was inevitable and you know it. I blame blm14.

damn you riced the fuck outta that.

where's your NOS sticker

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  diamonds said:

if sufu would allow me to rep you right now I would rep you so hard. You would still be sore from my repeated repping. So sore that your rep count would be double your post count.

damn you riced the fuck outta that.

where's your NOS sticker

actually it's a stock case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129066

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when i was in elementary school in Cupertino during the late 80s, Jobs decided that Apple would donate a computer lab full of mac computers to our school. this was my introduction to computers, where i learned to type and other educational games. i could have learned about computers elsewhere and it could have happened differently, but this is my first memory of Apple, and i will always be grateful.

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  funkdoobi said:

article from shortly after jobs stepped down as the head honcho. all he cared about was making apple money. fuck philanthropy i guess? that's why i never liked him and his mom jeans.

All that article says is that there's no public record of him giving to charity. It even speculates that he may have done so anonymously. All we can conclude from it are:

1. He may not have donated to charity. There's no requirement for rich people to do so. It's just nice.

2. He may have donated to charity anonymously. Large donations done publicly are 50% for charity and 50% for the rich person to wave their rich cock around. He was a private enough guy where you might figure he didn't feel the need for the attention.

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