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Evisu is still loved!


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300$+ for that one is too much, though.

Hey, Buzz also have this:


Another pair:


Denim Fanatismé.

The Arc - Hitting the selvage from August 1st 2005.

PASHION - The pasion for fashion. Denmark - soon.


Edited by skecr8r on May 24, 2005 at 03:36 AM

Edited by skecr8r on May 24, 2005 at 03:42 AM

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and about this one... Another pair:


i want this one!!!! i collect this version, already got size 30, 32 and 34 icon_smile_big.gif

it's an old european (italy) made evisu jeans, probably from '97 or '98, a few years before they changed the gull to the gull you nowadays see on the european evisu jeans

btw, have you noticed the bottom? no chainstitch, so they have been shortened not the right way icon_smile_tongue.gif

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its only EVIS that have the red tab and not evisu? because im seeing some evisu on ebay with red tabs saying evisu. and as most seller dont show you the selvedge i presumed these were fakes. can any one clarify this?

ice cold vintage

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I could actually read that, GJ Witts :)

Yes, when they don't show the selvage and generally if the jeans look suspicious, they are fake. Common sense is key here.

The thing is, Levi's have multiple Red tab cases running (and already closed a lot of them) and the current 'law' is that it is okay to sell jeans with a red tab in Japan (The japanese evisu's)and asia, but not anywhere else, officially of course.


On this photo, from respected Rakuten seller Hinoya, it should be clear that japanese evisus are allowed, and have, a red tab. Check the rest of the models http://www.rakuten.co.jp/hinoya/119788/

Again, common sense is key. Evisu's doesn't sell for 50£, that is reality. The price retailers pay are actually even more for new, standard Evisus, approx 130$/70£. Why should all these sellers then sell for less? Naturally, because they are as fake as botox.

Denim Fanatismé.

The Arc - Hitting the selvage from August 1st 2005.

PASHION - The pasion for fashion. Denmark - soon.


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i know that, its jus ive seen some nice pairs on there but never bidded because i thought they would be fake, and if theyre are any genuine ones there never good ones. the evis shown earlier in this thread are very nice, but i think theyll be out of my price range. I just saw some of the rare crane evisu that were released for the millenium, brand new with the presentation box, i saw these in my local shop before i had a job so i had no chance of getting some then, but im definatly going to try an get these.

dammmm its so long typin all this proper english ! i feel like im back @ college

ice cold vintage

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Quote: http://www.rakuten.co.jp/hinoya/119788/ are you sure all of those are genuine? because ive seen alot of those on ebay pretty cheap!

You because you've seen some 'like' them, doesn't mean those you saw are authentic.

The idea about fakes, is that they should look like the authentics.

Anyone who knows any japanese website, which ships international (ref. Europe)?

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Naturally they are all real.

It is actually amazing that you have to explain to people. I even knew that japanese shops nearly never ship outside japan or have any intentions doing so before I begun my vintage interest.

You _cannot_ order through Rakuten, YahooAuctions or anything in resemblance without using a service like www.celga.com or www.rinkya.com, but these are expensive.

So, NO you cannot order from those sites. Gosh, I'm tired of explaining this over and over again to anybody who ever sees the japanese sites.

And yet another scandinavian. Welcome AntiHelt. :-)

Denim Fanatismé.

The Arc - Hitting the selvage from August 1st 2005.

PASHION - The pasion for fashion. Denmark - soon.


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Naturally they are all real.

It is actually amazing that you have to explain to people. I even knew that japanese shops nearly never ship outside japan or have any intentions doing so before I begun my vintage interest.

You _cannot_ order through Rakuten, YahooAuctions or anything in resemblance without using a service like www.celga.com or www.rinkya.com, but these are expensive.

So, NO you cannot order from those sites. Gosh, I'm tired of explaining this over and over again to anybody who ever sees the japanese sites.

And yet another scandinavian. Welcome AntiHelt. :-)

--- Original message by skecr8r on May 24, 2005 11:54 AM

Goddamn it's expensive.

Now i got all exited about getting some new Evisu:/

Btw. thank you:)

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Heh, of course it is Japanese yen, use the www.xe.com/ucc currency converter, add 5% for change of currency. But 1000Y = 10$ pretty much.

And no, you can't get BS united outside of Japan.

A trip to Japan from the UK is probably... 2.000£, isn't that pretty fair with flying and staying in tokyo. This is without leisure expenses.

Denim Fanatismé.

The Arc - Hitting the selvage from August 1st 2005.

PASHION - The pasion for fashion. Denmark - soon.


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I have some questions. I know the "No. 2" is lower quality than No. 1 or 0, but what are the differences? Also, I have 2 pairs or Evisus from 2002 made in Hong Kong with both lot #s being 0001. Were these jeans made before or after Evisu's decline in quality?

--- Original message by Silversurfer on May 24, 2005 03:16 PM

as far as i know it has something to do with the weight of the denim. if i'm not mistaken no.1 is 14.5 oz, no.2 something like 12 oz i guess. and no.1 is more tougher before the first wash.

another difference i noticed is that the newer no.2 (not older than about 4 years) has one plain red and one plain white selvage side (know what i mean?). no.1 still has the usual red line selvage

can you post some pics of your jeans, i can't tell by your description...

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ssh eldave, we are actually talking about evis without hating :D

I'll check on all the denim for you guys tomorrow.

Denim Fanatismé.

The Arc - Hitting the selvage from August 1st 2005.

PASHION - The pasion for fashion. Denmark - soon.


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