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I would know this place anywhere -- that's Boris and his used shoe shop. I think I've been to this place every time I've been to NYC in the past several years because a friend of mine from Brooklyn somehow knows Boris.

As we were sitting there talking to Boris, people were trading their used shoes for his used shoes that weren't in any better condition. Homeless guys would also pay him $1 - $2 to glue/reinforce the soles of their sneakers.

At the bottom right corner, you can somewhat see his large battered Barney stuffed animal. That thing is so mangy and covered in burns, patches, and anarchy symbols. He said it was given to him by a punk band... possibly the Casualties. I have some pictures of it somewhere but can't seem to find em.

Boris and his shop are truly one of a kind. Must spread -Z-.

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x-post from CONE x ROY thread

so today was the first time in two weeks i went back to work at my weekend job. last week was spent mourning the passing of my gramps and the week before last was spent in and out of hospital a lot.

so today when i got to work, i found to my dismay that the lock to the shutter was changed without my knowledge and because of this i didnt have the new keys so there was a mad rush and a lot of scurrying back and forth so that i could get the new keys for the shop so i could open up for business. had to go somewhere else to grab a spare set of keys from my colleague..

but amid the rush of madness of course i could find time to pick some yoghurt up. havent had these in a really long time and its my favourite comination. natural mixed with peach flavoured yoghurt. mixed nuts and cranberries as toppings. GOOD!


one of the many luxury brand stores situated in the mall that i had to go to. sitting in the heart of the shopping district, at least there was good old air conditioning which was reprive from the sweltering heat outside.


finally after all that rush i managed to open the store for business. busy day today with a whole load of transactions which was good for the company. headed out across the road for a quick purchase of some fancy paper for a project.


after work ended at 9pm, i went over to another store to check out a friend's collection launch and pick some stuff up for my girl as well. not my cup of tea but nina nikicio is a really nice person. good stuff if you're into things like that. a lot of black drapey ladies clothing.


where the launch was held. the girl used to work there when she was back during the last trip. sorry for the bad framing on my end. the signs were designed by local customiser SBTG known for his work on nike trainers.


blackmarket no.2 is a pretty rad store. i love great spaces with great design. can never go wrong with great store design.


they've also got some consignment goods on sale as well. the bicycle is amazing. wished i had the money for it. look at how it glimmers in the light.


ending the night now, exhausted from not being used to working a 7 day week after 2 weeks of absence. i leave you guys with a fit pic. cheers.



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@Max, this is the first time I didn't see any alcohol in your pics, LOL!

elegant coffee place and nice shirt.

@Baeyer-Drewson, nice to see familiar buildings in Singapore.

Hope your have a good time there :)

Since you are at Arab Street, you can come visit my leather shop :)

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Great pics, Ranon! You're right about good interior design for stores, makes a world of difference. Although this is common throughout (first-world) Asia, sadly, retailers in Australia have not caught on yet and most of our stores feature pretty lazy interiors. Boring.

@Baeyer-Drewson, nice to see familiar buildings in Singapore.

Hope your have a good time there :)

Since you are at Arab Street, you can come visit my leather shop :)

hey OBG! I did come to your shop! Haha... You prob don't remember me but I was there with my girlfriend (short dakr-haired du with leggy blonde girlfriend) about three weeks ago. Great store, I really wanted to buy a new wallet but I just can't part with my Corter-made wallet at the moment. Singapore was really great! I'll definitely be back soon and I'll grab some leather goods then!

Here are some pics from my third day in SG. Pulled tea for breakfast mmmmm...


And then I had to track down that amazing art deco building (Parkview Square) for a better look.


The forecourt had all sorts of art deco-inspired ornamentation. Reminded me so much of Bioshock...img4053lt.jpg


Bronze statues of a whole list of great thinkers, artists, and political leaders from history...



Inside was one of the most impressive foyers I've ever seen. Around the central raised area you can see here there was a walkway lined with orchids and just crazy levels of art deco detail on every surface. Unfortunately, I accidentally left the flash on giving this mediocre view and forcing one of about eight patrolling security guards to inform me that there was no photography. Quite disaapointing really when it's such a grand lobby. I figured it was some sort of fancy hotel (peep the bar with grand piano above it, etc.) but apparently it is all office space. Would love to work here!


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went to the airshow at Langley AFB today. love this stuff!


Eternal JimmyC shirt, Eternal Jeans


the C-17





a highlight at the show, Fifi, the only operable B-17 in the world. this is WWII Pacific era stuff guys...


one of my fav's, the Navy's F-18


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Air Force F-15. i forgot to take pic's of the F-22's. didn't have my other cam so all this is from my celly yo.


crowd stuff


killer mullet


Quinn gettin ready to fire up Fifi!!!


two vids of the Thunderbirds performing


this a great trick that i've seen before. i call it the distraction. they get you looking one way and then one of the two "solos" comes outta nowhere.


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Man. Summer feels good. Throughout this week, I was literally in my room studying my ass off. I'm glad that school is over. Finals will surely kill me one day.

Well, I went out today and enjoyed the beach with my girlfriend. Kaka'ako beach has one of the best sunset hotspots on Oahu.


Cult by aznkrnboi, on Flickr


Over The Horizon by aznkrnboi, on Flickr

Edit: Some more goodies from today!


Good Night Kaka'ako by aznkrnboi, on Flickr


The Sunset Wedding by aznkrnboi, on Flickr

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So, I invited some good friends for breakfast today. I played discjockey and pulled out Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry and Robert Johnson.

I made Kaiserschmarrn, Carmen brought strawberry pie that was delicious.

And, as James was disappointed that no alcohol was involved in yesterdays pictures, we had some 14 year Old Clynelish and as I was in the mood to celebrate, the 30 YO Strathisla.

No wonder I'm starting to get fat and look desoriented...






Cheers to you, friends...

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Day 3 in Singapore (cont.):

Had some martabak @ Zam Zam's... inifinitely better than anything I've had in Australia (although they were Indonesian martabaks, to be fair).



Stayed a couple of nights at New Majestic Boutique hotel...


Weird geometric grass sculpture out the front and lots of wacky, misplaced shit in the lobby...



The room had a glass-walled bath as the centre with the bed in front (adjoining a balcony) and the bathroom behind.



The pool was just awesome. Three big portholes in the bottom that looked down over the fine-dining restaurant below... Best at night-time...




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We went to check out Haw Par Villa, established by Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par, the founders of Tiger Balm, on account of a friend who is addicted to the miracle cream.





The main attraction at this bizarre park was the "Ten Circles of Hell" where you can see dioramas depicting the various horrible deaths that await you for comitting certain types of sins or crimes.





This one was particularly nice, crushed under a giant stone in the fourth circle of hell. I think the crime was something particularly heinous like "being disobedient to ones siblings".



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Xpost part II

A few more

This reminded me of DocBlue's set up







Bought these


Ate this


Saw this on the drive home


Back to Queens


I had a great time. There was too much to see and buy. There were over 10 fields and hundreds of dealers. Picked up a couple of hat boxes, wooden crates, a wrench, a pulley and a magazine rack. Next time, I'll probably go during the week. I'm pretty sure most of the good stuff was long gone by Saturday. For some reason, there were a ton of stoneware jugs. It seems everyone was selling these jugs and prices varied from $18-$125. I guess they are very popular. Looking forward to Rose Bowl next month.

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More torture at Haw Par Villa. This place was amazing. Especially when the majority of tourists were parents with their small children. Ultimate fear-mongering status.



Warrant for having your skull sawed in half in the afterlife? Probably something irreprievable like hubcap theft...






Went to Maxwell food centre on the way back to hotel for some quick fish bee hoon soup with lime drink. Singapore's hawker centres are the best. The fish bee hoon place had the longest queue so you just know it had to be good...




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@Max, looks like an enjoyable weekend for you, my friend. I'd love to eat your home-made Kaiserschmarrn if I got the chance :)

@Baeyer-Drewson, you sure know what to eat in Singapore, eh? Zam-Zam, fish bee hoon soup... these are our hawker's delicacies :)

Haw Par Villa is still as scary as when I visited when I was a small boy, LOL!

Just like This Sunday, went to a garage sale, flea market, but we call it vide grenier in France :)

Donkey rides for the kids


still unable to figure out, wat's the use of hanging a bunch of pacifiers on the saddle...


The start


vintage meteor forecaster, i believe


antique sewing machine


peugeot racer


wrangler scarf


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B.D haha you are a true local and that is true local speak when you said "you know its good cos the queues are long". we do that all the time and that is why singaporeans love joining queues. those are 2 good places to eat at, especially the fish bee hoon, was surprised you went all the way! being singaporean i have never been to H.P.V before which is weird but the 10 levels of hell is like next level mortal kombat "fatality". HA!

thissunday and obbigood, love the flea markets. treasures abound to be found. hope you picked up some good stuff james.

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^^Max, NICE selection of whiskys on that shelf. That 30 yr. Strathisla would be about $150 bucks in the states. I dig ike the sherry cask ones like this....

Must spread.....

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Another busy week of Mandarin...that's not changing any time soon, had the camera with all week but was running around to dinner and whatever else at night so I didn't get much time to shoot. Didn't even get my Eternal's picked up from Self Edge, need to get on that ASAP.

Food update? I should really start taking pictures of food again since i've been eating really well, looking back through my Yelps I ate dinner Sunday through Saturday at Serendipity, Cornerstone Tavern, Ninja, Les Halles, Ippudo, 1, 2, 3, (mainly for the $2 shots...) and Spice. Had brunch at Philip Marie as well, get the crab cake eggs benedict, its great. Not all my choices on those places (especially Ninja, way overpriced, though my lamb was really great, but the atmosphere is childish at best)

Here are shots from the last week, attempting to put them into some sort of chronological order.











Overall having a blast shooting around town. only shot 73 frames this past week, I hope to have more to share soon.

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Your photos always look so crisp, z. Love your work.

Continued the tourist cliches in Singapore and went to the night zoo. Nothing really to show here because all the photos I took of animals are just black rectangles. Was a pretty cool zoo tho. My jeans and me in a random waywt earlier in the day.


gf chillin in her dry bones...


leopard chillin in its spots...


continuing with the tiger balm theme (god that stuff is addictive):


some random cwg's getting their feet cleaned by "doctor fish".


stopped by Newton food centre on the way home to satisfy that street food craving. place was still buzzing at about 1 am.




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Checked out some temples,


checked out some more temples,


some more temples... (to consumerism)...


Rode a really long escalator to get some chow chow.



Got taken to some awesome late night dim sum (no vis), followed by a few traditional Chinese soy desserts, by Ranononarant. My first ever real life SuFu meet up! My gf found the SuFu meet-up concept "weird" at first but was very charmed by Ranon :) We owe you and your girlfriend some dinner when you're next in Aus!


Saw an interesting sticker on the way out of the bean curd place...


And that was pretty much the last thing I saw in Singapore. Really enjoyed my brief stay in SG and I'll definitely be back next time I'm in Asia... Super cool place!

Sorry we didn't get to meet up, Minou! I didn't have international roaming sorted and just ran out of time. Definitely let me know when you're in Sydney, we'll grab a few beers!

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X-post from Heavyweight Denim Championship - thread!

HUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuge picture update !!!

so i was pretty active at the weekend.

at first i took some shots again:

Photography Post Vol.2 - #1

Photography Post Vol.2 - #2

so on sunday i went to Bern again, after i was the first time (2.5months ago, for a traineeship interview, which i`m now in!)...

i was at the famous "Albert Einstein House, the famous "Zeitglockenturm" (=clock tower) and the famous "Bärengraben" (=bear ditch?)...

From now on i`ll let the pics do the talking :)

the arrival


then i had to get up there, using...


...the lift o/course :) 1.20CHF


the view from up top

(you might can see the bear in the middle, but we`ll get to that later)


some nice gardens (for roy6 to work in!)



an great lookind old house


one of the churches


to cont.

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X-post from HDC-thread


finally got to the inner-city


some nice sculptures on top of the fountain


in front of the Albert Einstein House



same text as above


inside there was sth. to read


i mean a lot to read :)



as well as a bronze-statue of Einstein


to cont.

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X-Post HDC-thread


finished reading and down the steps i went


there even was a little caffee before the exit


Einstein everywhere :)


back on the streets again


you already can see the clock tower ("Zeitglockenturm")



done with sightseeing this old train passed by




to cont.

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