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What are your jeans doing today?


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Night 3



LAst full day.. was a rendezvous with some friends who shared the cottage that night, a meal at the oyster place you can see elsewhere in these pics, a long walk west then my friend and I managed to lose the wives and hit the Neptune pub. Packed.




Walking home, the pub behind us. There is something about the quality of light here that I love.


And then home… and the last sunset.


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Went to dinner last night to grab some Iranian food with friends



Yowza. Note to self: don't read this thread before eating lunch.

Great pics all! (and a hello to Andrew as well - swell guy).





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oh man Farhad, need to head out for some kabob soon...

farmer, very cool shit.

Paul, what can I say. Incredible pictures from what must have been an amazing weekend!

well this past weekend as I said in my little post yesterday we went up north for the last great weekend of the year. The weather was amazing, and we did lots of bike riding, my old man and I did some great mountain biking, and rode around the lake a bit with the wife and my mom with little Simone in the carrier. Went hiking a couple hours each day, ate some great food, and drank way too much, which is a given anytime you put "vacation" and the -Z- family together in one house...haven't had a fire since we were here last year, so it was good to sit in front of some burning logs and play some games, have a hot drink, and listen to music all night while the waves were crashing in the background...memorable weekend all together.

where to begin, well its a bit of a drive, not that bad but about 5 hours up to our cabin (if you can call it that) not exactly roughing it like riff was a few weeks ago, but we've got a great property along with a bunch of other condo-type units where everybody gets along and just has a good time, so its no bother that its not very private.

Driving down into Duluth heading north, north, north.


not sure if I mentioned it before, but my wife is a chemist, and is working at a food test lab at the moment developing healthy alternatives to the typical desserts we eat every day. well that's a small portion of her job as the big companies (Target, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, etc.) who fund her company don't exactly thrive on healthy eating...so we get stuff like powdered sugar doughnuts brought home about once a week...(we give them as gifts, but Simone always steals some!)


I'll skip forward a few hours and here we are, chillin' with a sam adams at the cabin, after unloading the car, this is the first thing I did...


then we all went for a long walk out along the water. our place is great, situated right on the edge of a small bay. forgot how beautiful it is up here...

Simone, my wife, and my mom in the background taking a walk....


surprised by a rainbow not long after.


on went the evening, had some really great steaks my dad and I grilled, and were not disappointed by the sunset....from either direction!



woke up the next morning to quite the sunrise, and you have to love all the kitschy things parents put in cottages...


spent the morning trying to teach my wife how to throw rocks...again...Simone enjoyed just sitting around, collecting stones, and lobbing most of them at me while trying to get them to the water, was a great morning.


went for a long bike ride after that, then the family drove up the coast a bit to spend some time at a gorge / beach which empties into Superior. from here dad and I went on a long hike inland along the river gorge..


read on for more........

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spent the entire afternoon out along the river gorge, it was fairly crowded which i always like to see, as it means people are getting out and enjoying the outdoors. I took a boatload of pics, as did my pops, i'll put some up here.


I really love this particular tributary, because it had a ton of really great elements to it. apparently there used to be a 300ft. wide waterfall here, which over time dried up into a small river, which overtime created a really cool gorge with a ton of small waterfalls and rapids.



I got caught again while working through some of these hating color photography when there isn't really much "color" to be had. and I switched some of them to b&w. just personal preference i guess.





a bit pissed about this...there was a ranger station near by (national park and all) but I hate when they just throw power lines wherever, it ruins scenery like this.



once you get out of the lower gorge, you can see the tallest "peak" hell its just a really big hill, in the distance, and the river continues west until it hits another big gorge a few miles upstream, we didn't venture that far today, women wanted us home to cook dinner.


more....sorry for the huge photo dump, had a great weekend.!

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happy monday grinding everyone~

my 3 week trip pics are coming to an end. after seoul, i flew direct to atl to be inspired, see some friends, handle some business, and eat some good southern cookin!

waywt with mr. homeroom himself


inspiration mags, yum!


field trip to sid mashburn (and ann mashburn)


love the pingpong table they were actually playing on




tailoring at the back of the store...love it


hanging out with the #1 dj in atl and my best japanese friend dj baby yu


nyc on sunday!

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something different for sunset night #2...weren't any clouds.


didn't have to wait long until we had a hell of a sunrise though!!!


Saturday was overcast though, and very cold. so we headed up to Grand Marais for the day to do some shopping, and just enjoy the little town.

moose are big around here...


and they really shouldn't let the buildings go for this long....haha.


this is exaggerated of course, but it was overcast...and COLD


bought jam from this little stand on the sidewalk.


and this huge fish head...


of course, as we were leaving, another moose sighting.


was going to eat at Sven and Ole's, but went to our favorite the crooked spoon instead. pics in the next post.....


my side of the family


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shit, last post I promise.........annabelle, great stuff. sorry to trap you in the middle of my post frenzy! everybody rep annabelle please. consistently great stuff.


lunch Saturday.

Crooked Ale, a lot like Bells Two Hearted Ale, but home brewed.


believe it or not, that's french onion soup


crab cakes with jicama slaw


venison sausage stuffed red peppers


fresh caught fish sandwich with more of the amazing slaw


tofu and i forgot what it was served with!!


pulled pork with pickled jalepenos and cheese


and last but not least, some pretty foliage. cheers everybody, hope this wasn't too irritating.


happy last week of October.

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theres a reason why while other threads are slowly fading away on this forum, this thread will always remain gold. props to catchusforthefoxes for starting this one. I'm totally loving the last few posts that came up and they sure are amazing, heartwarming and definitely making me envious and hungry all at the same time!

farhad, i think you nailed it there with the kabobs. seriously i've never had the chance to try iranian food but damn the rice here looks loose and i'm a fan of rice like this. back home we've got a dish that seems similar but yours in all honesty is damn amazing. the egg yolk on the rice thing TOTALLY hits the spot. lovely to see your dinner companions and definitely better to see you having a good time!

farmer those pics are too cool. always keeping it real i see! -insert cool emoticon-

paul it looks like you were on an amazing vacation and i always love those pictures that you take that make me want to take a trip down. nipper seems to be having a ball of a time crab hunting. haha. I'd love to head over some time, looks amazing for photo ops!

anabelle it sucks to be ending a 3 week long break! that was a great vacation from what i can tell though. sid mashburn store looks real good. your reading material is cooler than what some of us have! come on already! inventory, free & easy, lightning magazine? you must be pretty inspired by menswear. heh.

finally -z-, those photos i swear are the greatest ever! seriously. eternals are looking great on you as well. give little -s- a big hug on my behalf because shes too cute. damn i love all the little ones (no pedo), makes life so much better and worth living. heartwarming shots from the family and the waterfall thing is too cool. don't apologise for the pics because i'm pretty sure everyone loves seeing them!

just wanna say thanks guys girls for sharing and making this terribly mundane tuesday 8am a whole lot better!

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simon626 -isn't it just a bundle of those crackers you see in the background or does it have a name? :confused:

Yesterdays weather was nice, we walked (like we have a hundred times before) to the nearby park with a playground and fun fair/amusement park (closed for the season).




These two and a couple of big tortoises can be seen if it isn't too cold. I took a more explicit pic of white and brown here and will post it if there is demand.


The mini golf course version of the landmark building i posted a couple of pages back (Turning Torso)


My eternals and her H&M with some rice cracker crumbles.


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Here's where the "Old Cars" ride goes.


Mosaic, notice the Nintendo Sega team-up in the lower right corner.





Some people have built a village in protest against the kind of apartments that will be built on this empty lot next to the park. I agree with them but think their method is kind of childish.


Came home and decided to line up my jeans before I got rid of some of them.


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Really more of a "what were your jeans doing this weekend", but I'm just getting around to downloading the photos...

Anyway, as other parents can attest, around 2-3 years of age, your child starts getting invited to a seemingly endless number of birthday parties. It's gotten to the point where we have a couple of extra presents just lying around for the party we will inevitably forget about until the very last minute. I swear, we go to a party every single weekend. Our current record is 3 in a day. Obligatory cake pic:


Not very good, but I deferred prime position to the dozen or so other parents taking pics. My kid wasn't at the table, so I didn't care.:) You can't really tell, but the cake toppers are Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, complete with lightsabers that actually light up. It amazes me that Star Wars and Legos are still just as cool for small boys as they were when I was a small boy...

Then we went out to find a suitable pumpkin for holiday decorations. HoustonBenjamin is a complete camera whore.


We then tried out a new place for barbecue. It's been my experience with bbq that the quality of the food goes up as the appearance of the building goes down. Thus, ramshackle dump=awesome food. Respectable building=crap food. This place was very clean and pretty.


The brisket sucked, and if you can't do decent brisket in Texas, you don't deserve to be a bbq joint. Sausage and cheese grits were pretty good, to be fair, though.

Finally, we convinced our child to try on the jeans we bought for him a while back- Gap selvedge denim. Aside from the awful predistressed finish, not too bad. Again, HoustonBenjamin is a complete camera whore.


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Thanks for positive feedback and rep. I will return the camera I used tonight but in a couple of days I will buy a used Sony A200 which probably will satisfy my needs and skills (or lack there of).

riff -kids always seem to see things differently, when the kangaroos were cuddling she was busy picking little stones...

ranon -the jeans are a quite mixed up bunch. In the back are pre raw era stuff like H&M, Levi's twisted and Diesel. Then there's Ijin, Denim Demon, Morris, Nudie Straight Sven, Evisu (EU), contest FC, Blue Highway and contest Eternals.

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