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What are your jeans doing today?


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x post from the world tour thread.

  On 11/14/2011 at 9:17 PM, robbie said:

I accepted the new job, but still have about 10 days left working at EPS before I'm completely done. Here's just a brief look into what I do while working for the school as a dishwasher.

show up nice and early (not, 9:30 am)


I get in, grab a cup of coffee toss in the 'ol headphones and get to it!


The breakfast dishes are waiting for me : Spoons, juice glasses, bowls, and 90% of the faculty's coffee cups also. I wash everything,EVERYTHING. During sports I wash all of the water bottles, I've even had faculty bring me their own personal tupperware to wash. :angry:


The jeans getting their dishroom on!


works almost exactly like the dishwasher you might have in your house, only much faster! Put the dishes in, and Ka Pow a minute and a half later sparkling clean dishes! I typically do between 25 and 35 loads in the average day.


Silverware. It has to go through twice, and I have to sort it as well. It's my least favorite.


actually, i take it back. I hate these stupid salad plates. We have a salad bar for the middle and high school kids, so basically these just become a giant column stuck together with ranch and any other condiments available that particular day. Once the dishes are done I have to clean up.


the work area is gross.


but with a little soap, comet cleanser, and elbow grease


it's shiny and new looking. After this I take out any trash, sweep, and wipe up. It would be an ideal job if I retired and just wanted to get out of the house for a a few hours. I punched in a 9:25, and was done by 2:15 (not even 5 hours)


anywhooooooooooooooooooooooo Waywt contribution for 11/14 I triple dipped today. (type 3,wrangler shirt,and the contest jeans)

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OMG - just getting caught up here, now that I can finally log in :mad:

Great posts everyone! riff, your cottage area is amazing, rapunzel - awesome excursion, robbie - :), misterh - what a cutie, devilish - love your shots!

I'm late to the game but.... sufu 5 sucks! then again, I have a seeming endless supply of what now passes for rep, so i'm going to town on this thread! :D

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The other day i visited Locals AMS showroom. Locals AMS is desert boots label based in Amsterdam, they are handmade desert boots made in Spain.

more about Locals AMS (http://www.localsams.com/lookbook/) and once they also featured on Hypebeast (http://hypebeast.com...s-desert-boots/)

I was lucky enough to get a chance to see their latest collection (A/W 2011 and S/S2012). I talked to both Mercedita and Daan about how they started the company and they are cool people to hang out with. Of course they showed me the different types of desert boots.


These 2 models are the same (single and double suede layers)


sole is rubber. as usual i also checked their stitching and natural filling (fyi these are sample boots, so please excuse some little defects)


These 2 are their winter boots, the maroon one has fur layers and black rubber, the blue one has sturdy looking sole and higher tops.


checking their stitching again...


ok this is sneak preview of their Spring/Summer 2012 colors ;)


Seeing those colors made me wanna collect some boots. Finally they asked me to try on the boots, damn... those boots are way more comfortable than my Red Wings lol... i like them much, unfortunately my size was not available so no new boots for me, think i'll be back again as soon as they get their samples restocked. Regarding the sizing, they are pretty much TTS.

the only online shop that i know is http://www.afura.nl/...locals-ams.html but not all models are there.

Then i took picture of Daan wearing his APC Petite standard and his fave boots


boots detail


Daan and I talked pretty much about jeans and stuff. it was a coincidence that i ever shot him a year ago while he also worked for Red Wing Amsterdam back then and he still remembered me. i think my memory got corrupted, i started to dig some old archives and found his picture wearing Edwin + RW :blush:


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So, in the dim and distant past of sufu 4.0 i posted a wayjdt about building a large rainforest enclosure for some poison dart frogs. well the first set of frogs is finally in. thought i would share a few pictures of them. the lighting is difficult because it's got blue spectrum ones for the plants and daylight ones for the frogs. Anyways here are the pics as well as a couple random other shots.






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Short trip to my father's hometown named Bagansiapiapi.

Woke up really morning just to catch up the flight, quite shocking because there were so many people queue at the check-in counter at 5:00 in morning. Stay save, so better fasten your seat belt.


It took one and half hour to take us from Jakarta to Pekanbaru ( the capital city of Riau ) and we had to go there by car. It took us 6 hours to get to Bagansiapiapi ( ass-breaker trip ) and this is what we rid.


Finally we arrived there around 5:00 pm and checked in a small hotel which clean and nice ( also cheap :) ).



We went out for early dinner with my father's friends. They bought us noodle called "Wan Than Mie" ( their traditional food ). It's noodle with barbecue pork. It's wrapped with plastic and newspaper. WOOT.

Btw, they speak Hokkien as their main language because according to the story, their ancestors are from China who sailed by sea looking for better future and they found this place and build a city. Once in a year they have a big ritual called "Bakar Tongkang."


After that we went for a walk and then had a dinner which is the same menu as the early dinner shown above, different is only it was served in a bowl. LOL.

Next morning, we were looking for breakfast and it was a little bit raining, so we went to somebody's house and suddenly it became a "Kopi Tiam" as well.





Notice the big tank, it is used to keep the water from rain. They still use it for washing their dishes, clothes and JEANS of course. They even boil it for drinking. :)

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After waited for sometime, somebody brought this.


What inside is


Traditional way of delivering food, nice. It was pork and chicken in herbal soup.

FYI : The people really like coffee and talking talking talking and talking. That's why they have so many "Kopi Tiam". You can just come to somebody's house and they immediately set the tables for you and offer you a drink.

Finished my breakfast, we went to a place we came for.



Those are buildings for bird nests. Before we went in, prepare a light.


I didn't get good pictures because it's obviously too dark, these are the best I could get.

Harvest time.




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I found something interesting. :)



The keeper still counting with old calculator.


And had some snacks which are sea shell satays.


Just after that, taking a break and went for dinner. Too hungry and forgot to take the pictures of the food but not forgot to take vintage bike. Silly.


And we went back to hotel and had some sleep because we got to wake up at 4:00 am to catch up the plane ( shit, ass-breaker trip on way back to Pekanbaru ).

Well, it is exhausting yet exciting. :)

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This evening my cousin and I took a look at the Orchid Exhibition and the newly constructed Garden Dome, at Marina Bay Sands Singapore. I forgot to bring my camera along so all I had was an iPhone 4 for pictures.


This display done by a Thai team won 1st place.



Pots of Pitchers?



This was an unusual orchid that smelled like chocolate. Unfortunately, my cousin was the only one who couldn't smell it. lol.



Then we walked over to the Flower Dome about 2 blocks away, couldn't take a decent photo of the overall structure but hopefully the pictures show the immense size of the garden house.


Different varieties of Bottle Trees on this path.


Sea of Orchids


And now I'm out for a cycle at the beach. Seeya Sufu.

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The other night it was pouring heavily but once the rain slowed down, my friend and i went out to shoot some macro. The last time we went out to shoot after the rain, lots of insects could be spotted so we tried our luck today again and sure got some cool insects.

This is a longhorned beetle. Their horns are longer then their body. They look like a roach if you are mistaken.This guy seems to have gotten a few bullet shots on the head. Might be the work of mites.


Brown Longhorned Beetle by Zeen., on Flickr


Now you know why they are called longhorned beetles by Zeen., on Flickr

This guys were having a threesome.Amazing! They are called fanhorned beetle. But it seems that only the male has the horns.


Threesome? by Zeen., on Flickr

This guy sure was happy to have his photo taken. Look at him smiling. Earless Agamid


Earless Agamid Lizard by Zeen., on Flickr

Frogs got their wish when it rained heavily.


Frog by Zeen., on Flickr

Sleeping tiger beetle. Cooling night to be sleeping after the rain. Look at all the dew.


Hey, I'm sleeping. by Zeen., on Flickr

One of the biggest weevils i've seen. It was on a dead log. This guy was probably an inch in size.


Fullgrown by Zeen., on Flickr

Fungus weevil. Size is around 3mm. Huge challenge to shoot this guy as it was small and it kept moving around.


Fungus Weevil by Zeen., on Flickr

Lastly, my favourite subject to shoot.. a jumping spider.


Jumping spider by Zeen., on Flickr

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what i've been up to recently...via instagram.

rode in a ton of cabs...


spent a lot of time looking out from the office...


ate Japanese food...


watched INNI, film by Sigur Ros...(still waiting on my shipment from the US, containing audio equipment to make this experience much, much more enjoyable on my TV.)


bought some T-shirts from American Apparel...


spent a lot of time hanging out at The Opposite House


found a few interesting buildings...


explored some of them...


watched some people...



that's about all for now...until next time. keep it up in 5.0 everyone!

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missed this thread. always good to see what everyone's been up to.

Today I went to get myself fitted for a suit with 2 good friends, then headed down to do some motorbike hunting for one of them. I wound up seeing a bunch of Harleys that were very sweet. Even found a chop shop that dealt exclusively with Harley customization. They shared with me how I should go about putting together my dream bike. It's always been my dream since a kid to ride a custom Bobber. Perhaps in a couple years or so, it'll be time to play out that dream.

I don't care what people say about the 48, its a really nice looking bike, albeit the small fuel tank.


And this was an interesting Honda Chopper which I spotted in the same show room. Bloody long, way too big for a small guy like me.


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Off to the Detroit, MI area to visit my aunts, uncles and cousins this

Thanksgiving. Me and my cousins grew up in Ohio and in Michigan

but now we live all over the world. Here I am waiting for the SuperShuttle

to take me to the airport.


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So i edited through some more shots from cottage country…

A random pic from trail biking


One of the things I love about autumn is the colours - lots of vibrant green juxtaposed with the orange tones



We'll have to take care of this when winter sets in…


We had a bumper crop of young pine trees


We decided to relocate some of them to areas that needed more erosion control


Feels good


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While we were digging, we unearthed this little guy. At first we thought he was dead, but no - just asleep, and grumpy to be awakened



We discovered tons of these seed pods





Nah, Just us having some fun!


Pups had a great time too :)


Edited by riff
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