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video games ruined my life


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i encountered some ground war boosters GWdomination a few weeks back, dude had an ac130 2 mins into the game while we were still trading toobs around the corner to capture C on terminal. i felt something was up and started investigating, low and behold i find dudes back behind the baggage carts and delivered some quick booster justice, got a nuke that game too

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red dead redemption.... can't wait.

x3, every trailer looks better and better, i think i may pick up Just Cause 2 on tuesday, demo was alot of fun, also i just hooked my tv up to my monitors last night to play COD, totally different experience, i can hear EVERYTHING haha

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i think my PS3 is dying T.T it's been freezing up more often lately, also had three issues after restarting with a screen saying there was an error and had it send a report to Sony about it, which has never happened before, also last night while playing MW some sounds weren't loading, i got a harrier and only after a minute or so did the sound of the harrier hovering come in, not to mention the last two games i joined both froze afterwards while trying to go back to the lobby, requiring a hard reset, not good.

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This is probably the easiest place to ask this...

If I get a usb video capture card with composite input, can I plug my xbox into my laptop and use it as the monitor? My assumption is yes, the capture software will show the video in real time. Right?

I want to be able to take my xbox to play at work......

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To prove some du wrong about not camping to get scores like 30-1 in FFA, I recorded one game of me playing on Afghan that I joined.

I have no capture card and I can't find a digicam so I had to use my laptop webcam instead haha It's so shitty. Also, the sound is craptacular. The idea only just occured to me, I've had some better games tonight, but whatevs.

I'll post my peasant status video after it's uploaded...which will probably take 5 days since the internet at home only has an upload rate of 28kbps. I love the TV here though, the sound of footsteps is like 10x louder than anything else, and the speakers make it really easy to tell if someone is coming from my left or right.

Currently on a 66 FFA winstreak. May stop at 69. I don't think I can carry on to get 100 or something. Thing is, I'll never rack up this many wins again, so it's now or never.

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enemy footsteps are 4x louder, it's fucking fantastic but barely worth the trouble

cool thanks for that, i'm all about getting the titles + eblems now

anyone else think its easy to get headshoots with the tar then any other gun?

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I wonder if Barcalona learned any of your camping spots watching that video tab. ;)

Nice work.

On another note, BFBC2 is so much better than this game its a joke to me. So much more to do, more options on how to do it, i just cant say enough good things. get it!

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cool thanks for that, i'm all about getting the titles + eblems now

anyone else think its easy to get headshoots with the tar then any other gun?

I've got more headshots with the F2000 and the M4A1 and I use the SCAR/TAR/FAL far more than those two.

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