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video games ruined my life


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Does anyone know if they patched BO so that you can hear footsteps easier now? Was in a game earlier and it seemed like I could hear guys trying to sneak up on me.

I feel like most of the people who complain about black ops are the ones who aren't good. Yes the spawns and melee are terrible, but if you get turned-on then you probably a) can't aim, or B) should lead your shots. I don't see how you can have a k/d lower than 1.5. The game takes much more skill because it requires more shots to kill people, unlike MW2.

Played a few games of dom with kidaradio last night, shit was fun. Still need to get a group to play zombies with.


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i forgot how much fun cod zombies was

played the shit out of the FIVE map with my bros yesterday

I played a pretty good run with my buddies yesterday. Got to level 24. We used the panic room/defcon strategy, but the zombie spawn exponentially exploded from 23 to 24, and were walking right thru our main 2 gunner's PaP'd HK11's/RPK's. I think we need to start running around the middle floor in circles at that point, but it's pretty hard to do with a full party.

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Thoughts on BO:

Sometimes i wonder if playing HC is so different that your KDR should be seen in a different light.

The lack of tubes in this game is refreshing.

Being able to pick up your claymore is AWESOME!

I already kinda want a map pack.

On another note:

Anyone play uncharted 2? I heard its very good. Thoughts?

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the single player in uncharted 2 is amazing, graphics are some of the best on PS3, maybe next to GoW3, really solid story/voice acting/puzzles/gameplay, also has multiplayer as well, i have a copy if you want to buy off me for cheap, i've played it through too many times, and don't have time for online.

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Does anyone know if they patched BO so that you can hear footsteps easier now? Was in a game earlier and it seemed like I could hear guys trying to sneak up on me.

I feel like most of the people who complain about black ops are the ones who aren't good. Yes the spawns and melee are terrible, but if you get turned-on then you probably a) can't aim, or B) should lead your shots. I don't see how you can have a k/d lower than 1.5. The game takes much more skill because it requires more shots to kill people, unlike MW2.

Played a few games of dom with kidaradio last night, shit was fun. Still need to get a group to play zombies with.

Unless you have a 3 bar connection.. then the extra bullets to kill is just fucking annoying and gets you murked b/c your bullets take 1-2 seconnds leave the chamber, apparently. Probably going to return this game for the new assassin's creed after thanksgiving break (when I'll be on a shit ton while I'm home with a solid connection - hit me up). AC: Brotherhood has like a 50 hour singleplayer + multiplayer mode, sounds pretty cash imo

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did you see the car list? it's on GTPlanet, i think there's something like 40 GT-Rs, over 100 Nissans, 100 Hondas, only 18 BMWs, all the comments are from people that are pissed because alot of the 1000 cars are just duplicates with different models/badges, also only the premium cars have interior view apparently

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