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video games ruined my life


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Haha doesn't work as well as I would want.

My goal is to figure out all the counters and get my juggling going on.

I'm using that Ch....... asian girl.

maybe u r confused and meant to buy tekken

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Anyone playing/played Limbo? Damn that game has some steez. God bless those talented indie game makers. Anyone have a spoiler-free answer on about how long the game takes to complete? One of the challenges is a <5 death run through in a single sitting.

Summer of Arcade XBLA releases look aight. Probably going to cop:

Castlevania (looks interesting enough and the whole time-challenge gameplay style sounds like it has some serious multiplayer replay potential)

Lara Croft (isometric puzzle/action game, published by Square-Enix gets it an extra tick)

Not going to cop the other two.

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I heard Limbo can be beat in under 5-7 hours depending on your skill, I have yet to play it but really want too. (friend told me about how long it would take)

The new Castlevania looks amazing as well.

side question: What websites do you read for video game news? I really only use Kotaku for news and GameTrailers for all my reviews

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speaking of indie games, i've been playing mount and blade a lot lately. it's kinda like a sandbox rpg, with awesome combat, where you can control how you swing and block. it's pretty realistic. it's not an mmo or anything. there's multiplayer, it's just dueling and attack/defend siege maps. the combat system is amazing though.


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Because of the lack of simplicity Tekken and VF have, the mind games become deeper. It becomes more than a cute little game of rocks/paper/scissors, which is what I currently consider SF.


dem shots

edit: oops forgot to quote

quarter-turn, half-turn, mash buttons, jump alot, basically all there is to it
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he's right though, sf has mind games to a certain degree, but rock, paper, scissors is a perfect analogy when it comes to the projectiles and jump kicking, also the super/ultra/ex system dumbs it down even more, tekken's all about raw skill, reaction, etc. aside from the rage system which is shit but still no ridiculous combos from pressing three buttons at the same time, no hate though i still love playing sf, but tekken is my shit

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he's right though, sf has mind games to a certain degree, but rock, paper, scissors is a perfect analogy when it comes to the projectiles and jump kicking, also the super/ultra/ex system dumbs it down even more, melee's all about raw skill, reaction, etc. but still no ridiculous combos from pressing three buttons at the same time, no hate though i would love to play sf, but melee is my shit

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that link doesn't work

I think SF is just harder because of the simplicity. Also, the Super/Ultra shit isn't as easy to use against good players as it is when we're fucking around brobocopping. Miss that shit and you're done.

I like both games though.

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4 is def rock paper scissors, that shit is wack too and the graphics suck.

to me HF and ST are the most strategic. 3s is the best overall but the unblockables are kinda lame and there isn't as much parity as in HF or ST. tick throws are corner traps are wack in 2 but that shit is psychological.

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he's right though, sf has mind games to a certain degree, but rock, paper, scissors is a perfect analogy when it comes to the projectiles and jump kicking, also the super/ultra/ex system dumbs it down even more, tekken's all about raw skill, reaction, etc. aside from the rage system which is shit but still no ridiculous combos from pressing three buttons at the same time, no hate though i still love playing sf, but tekken is my shit

my brother touched on a similar point on another forum, SF and Tekken are just so different i don't see how there won't be unbalance in both games

"Stop, just stop. I been playing both games since their inceptions and no one is going to convince me that the learning curve in SF is greater than Tekken. SF4 is just now approaching the complexity that other games have had. Try doing an EWGF with Kazuya. Then master it. Then master doing it more than once in a row. Then master using it in your juggles. Then get back to me. Aside from the fact that there's so many mixups in tekken and so many moves to learn for each character, as opposed to the 6-12 or however many moves per character in SF, tekken also gives you versatility in your defense and offense. What do SF players know about Okizame? Sidesteps? Ground recovery? Counters? Chain grabs? "

I'd like to see how namco and capcom get it together

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yo melee isn't at evo for a reason bro

i don't know why people don't take it seriously. melee used to be at MLG at least in 06-07, glory years

altho melee isn't super balanced, it is such a dynamic game… there is so much to know at every moment

if two characters are on screen, both usually moving, and say your opponent jumps at you you have to calculate

does his specific character have enough horizontal air speed to be able to hit you in range, and if so, with what moves? if so, which move will he do, and what options do you have in order to avoid the hit or to minimize damage in the time it takes for that move to hit?

say if you are in range, and the only option you have in time is to block...

at what percent is your shield? will the move poke through shield?

let's say it pokes and you get hit

at what percent damage are you, what direction does the move hit you, where are you on the stage, how much does your character weigh?

these are things you think about in only one scenario, but there are so many that happen so fast, all the time. i think the game is really complex because of its different physics and just the way the game is played in general.

what im basically saying here is im jealous i cant brobocop with my sufu frenz

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