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Lightning Magazine - English Translation


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This is something that Christophe and i were toying with the idea of doing, but neither of us has the time to take on something like that.

I say do it.

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like the idea very much.how are you going to get enough related ads which are lightning/free&easy are filled with to afford this?

I imagine you could count on ads from History Preservation, Self Edge, BiG, Craft, Stronghold, Context, Mister Freedom, Superdenim, Kiosk 78, Eastman Leather and tons more that I can't think of. Maybe some Red Wing and White's advertisements, some other Canadian and European stores too. An english version of Lightning or Free & Easy would probably do well in other non english countries in the EU (assuming japanese versions of the mag are available there.)

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I imagine you could count on ads from History Preservation, Self Edge, BiG, Craft, Stronghold, Context, Mister Freedom, Superdenim, Kiosk 78, Eastman Leather and tons more that I can't think of. Maybe some Red Wing and White's advertisements, some other Canadian and European stores too. An english version of Lightning or Free & Easy would probably do well in other non english countries in the EU (assuming japanese versions of the mag are available there.)

exactly!! and im sure most of the cats here would pay a premium for an english version, considering a japanese version costs what, 30 and some change usually?

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exactly!! and im sure most of the cats here would pay a premium for an english version, considering a japanese version costs what, 30 and some change usually?
For sure... you could count me in on a subscription. I'd be way more interested in a translated version at a premium than buying the japanese version for less.

You both say that but what do you consider a fair premium? Also how many people here consider buying them more then one or two times a year if its gonna cost you $30+.

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Well the one place i know that has them here in store sells for around $20 an issue. The magazines i get are mostly when my Japanese friends come and go so im lucky.

However i don't think its a huge amount of us who have the magazines let alone buy them regularly.

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The main thing that holds me back from buying them more often is the fact that it's in japanese and I only get so much from pictures. I don't know what a fair premium would be since I don't know the costs involved but I imagine it would only get cheaper once circulation increases and more people are taking out ads. I would definitely pay $30-40 to help get an english version of Lightning off the ground.

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yeah, 40 an issue is no problem, and would be a great service to everyone. everytime i go to buy one, i talk myself out of it cause its in japanese, and its not like its a local place, i have to order it online, if i could pay whatever to have them shipped to me, every month, in english, hell yeah, whatever it takes

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Sure it's expensive for a magazine but denim/workwear/repro seems to only be getting bigger and I think the advertising would only grow as would the circulation. I would view it as an investment, something akin to paying a premium at a local business trying to bring something new to the market.

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