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favorite couples

Guest Phrost

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Guest Phrost

b i z z y n haptronic

arm & hammer n coke (sup bona drag)

dunkin deeznutz n cutebutdeadly

whitney n bobby

phrost n sadomasochism

mjg n ball

diamonds n timber

tony soprano n comares

darkanimal n hustlin

ROYALEFATALE n one of you gook's little sisters

dismalfuture n e cup j beezies

bun b n pimp c

avon n wee-bey

mr and ms cinderella

scott m n midnight snacks

mass n inaya

margiela n hermes

rashida jones n jews

tweeds n soepom

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Guest Phrost

dogs n peanut butter

fuuma n pickering

promethazine n codeine

bodie n poot

de niro n black women

cutebutdeadly n black men

bouwnt n sistersuzie

jane n demonito (edmond)

shrimp n grits

stringer n adam smith

billy n ms will i am

godfather 1 n 2

mrip n amateur porno

billy d williams n colt 45

jj n cholas (cmb's)

icandunkonyou n fat asses

billy barbados n fat ass haitians

lil wayne n dedication 2/suffix

julz/bouwnt/salaryman n arab money

herpsky n corny white girls

phrost n female mugshots

pancakes n caramelized bananas

lucas n black/mixed girls appreciation

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Guest Phrost

curious george n man with yellow hat

humbert humbert n lolita

ichigo n jap land

brad pitt n gossip gurl

dismalfuture n temple of jawns

timber n anything nerdy

helmut newton n guy bourdin

juliaN/fadetoblack/matt n cousin fucking

djrajio n ballin

junglejane n tyra gifs

dum n redheads

avon n stringer

dolly n higher education

mumma/niggah n expensive minimalist european shit

mike lowerey n expensive minimalist sz basics

leon n mathilda

lab n jungle book crew

helmut lang n new york

whitney n cupcakes/muffins/fruit loops/pixie sticks/anything with sugar

whitney n diabetes

joey_formal n nipple chafing

fuuma n dolores haze

a history of violence n eastern promises

jmatsu n critiques

phrost n epicaricacy/schadenfreude

haptronic n infractions

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Guest Phrost

icandunkonyou is black and doesn't like fat asses. sayword

geekbonchic n fabulaz

fried chicken n hot sauce

leather n wood

mrchariybrown n questionable cwgs

marijuana n head

jeepster n shiksas

minou n baguette

hydrocodone n acetaminophen

minou/baguette n the village ppl

jmatsu n tupac

profmonituff n biggie

scott m n shyne

jkissi n wallabees

larry david n woody allen

pop rocks n coke

demonito/edmond n toe jam

geekbonchic/minou/baguette n chinese new year money

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Guest Phrost

malt liquor n brown paper bag

park bench n brown paper bag

fly boricuas n summer time

booty shorts n summer time

jones beach n summer time

robert moses n summer time

summer time n piraguas

jewishes n long black skirts

dolly n red knees

cinderella n chinese long ass

coke n cigarettes

club modiano n sour diesel

white owl n uptown piff

miller high life n cwgs

pabst blue ribbon n cwgs

jose cuervo n cwgs

two finger split n cwgs

nyc condoms n cwgs

ortho evra n cwgs

dino might n planned parenthood

red plastic solo cups n kegs

chantheman n anything with a vagina

bodegas n utz red hot

bodegas n quarter waters

bodegas n loosies

loosies n matchbooks

bona drag n nola 9th ward

inaya n atl zone 5

mass n poutine

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malt liquor n orange juice

black people and tyler perry

white people and not understanding tyler perry

tyler perry laughing at white people

dino_might n blunts

worm n habia n fookums n lib1945 n westside

hamburgers n hotdogs

humus n pita

shorties n 40's

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Guest Phrost

real talk highschool history teacher went on a date with him. homegirl was aspiring actress then. tried to get that d but he wasn't interested. she's a little bit of a klutz but still got it goin on

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Phrost

brad pitt n femelle

balls n asshole

havoc n prodigy

outkast n ugk

peter gunz n lord tariq

billy danze n lil fame

starter jackets n champion hoodies

julz n inaya

eric b n rakim

ini kamoze n salaam remi

salaam remi n amy winhouse

north face n timbs

big boi n dre

outkast n bowen homes (rip)

kunk n stylezeitgeist

kunk n rick owens

kunk n superfuture

kunk n jil sander

aaliyah n timbaland (rest in peace)

r kelly n underage girls (sup fumma)

dave chapelle n r kelly

rqfsimons n helmut lang

jj n balmain

somsjeans n supererotic

ordo n photochop


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