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Superfashion randoms thoughts

Guest jmatsu

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Posted · Hidden by Leonard Leroy, April 10, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by Leonard Leroy, April 10, 2012 - No reason given

From another online discussion in another forum:

I think if you're style conscious, playing with exaggerations of social standards as far as dress, hair, fashun, appearance in general... it really helps you find your grounding as to what makes you feel cool, straight up.

I've gone hyper-feminine silhouette for androgyny then in reaction to social norms, the lovely communist I am now, was budding then, and annoyed with the desexualization of the asian male, i went into a hyper-masculine silhouette, which, hilariously enough and awesome! even, gave me an even more androgynous look.

You go in with good, or even just passionate intentions, and as with all things, especially apparent in artistic focuses, you kinda just internalize things, you become unconscious of what you're doing. The truth you want for yourself expresses itself without your knowledge. And that's style.

It takes little or a lot of time, but it is a thing you do work at, so I wouldn't deny even attempting a lie, as in "my body is not up to masculine norms, but fuck it, lets do it and show that norms are rules, and what they say about rules." And then you find girls, boys, and everyone in between is a fan of looking at you.

if you're a waifish male, and you wear the drapey clothes and the long shirts like the silhouette of a woman's dress, it's easy for others to take a look at you and make a snap judgment: "gay."

if you're a waifish male, and you wear the classic silhouettes with your thin body in mind, with the only flair is that you are conscious of dress, you are not in drag, you are not in camp, you are instead almost an elongated version of what we consider handsome, but at the same time you could be a hot chick from behind, people have to take at least a few seconds to consider you. And I think you get something closer to stylish, when people try to judge you, then figure you just look cool in the end.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Saw that yohji is making an actual film. Last time I saw a designer make a film it turned out perfectly (Tom fords 'A Single Man') so I'm really stoke to see what yohji does.

The designer has admitted he is working on his first film, which will be released in two years time

2 years!!!! excited none the less. Also personally a much bigger fan of the whole yohji aesthetic/culture/brand identity/etc versus tom ford, so hopefully this will be pretty amazing.

Edited by jackg
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In My Dear Bomb, Yohji wrote in a letter to Wim Wenders:

"My regret is that I'll not be able to realize the joint venture with Road Movies, which has long been my dream.

I'm OK, Wim! Let's make a film together in the near future."

I do hope Wim is also involved in that movie.

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