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Ooe yofukuten world tour 2009-2010


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glad to see an update. love the picture posts more though! hope you get better weather soon.

next tour lets use iron ons, they're harder to fuck up!

edit: okay fuck that, i think fucked up stars look better after checking out the video again. ed's giant star makes me happy.

Any good site that let's yo upload multiple pics, it's really time consuming uploading one pic at the time.....

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Another sunny day here in Turku so I brought my shorts along to Ooe's to the park and sat there for some time just chilling. Weather was really nice and sunny!





After that I took off to the library for some books and on the way I stopped here for a quick recharging coffee.


Don't know if you guys have ever heard about Artek but it's supposed to be pretty famous internationally, they do have alot of nice desings but they cost alot of money!!


And finally the library where I got some books on running, that's it for today folks. I'm going to Helsinki this weekend for my best friends wedding and hopefully I will come back with some nice shots for you!



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Before heading out today i took some close ups of the denim and belt.

Both pacthes are looking really good, especially the leather one



My star looks tiny compared to Ed's


Shot of the texture


Crotch is severy damaged adn has been repaired numerous times, I will try and fix the hole sometimes next week



Roping and selvedge


Our belt was looking crackled and dry so I just put a thin layer of oil on it



And finally a fitpick!!


Have a nice day everyone!!

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So I'm back to work and the days of slacking and partying is over for now. Is I mentioned I was in Helsinki this weekend attending my best friends wedding but for privacy reasons I cannot show any pics from the ceremony or the massive afterparty.

Did a little home workout today in the morning and after that I had this:


Todays outfit:


This is what I'm riding these days, an old Swedish military replica bike. It is sturdy and heavy as hell but it will never brake and it takes me from a to b.


This is how happy I was to go back to work


Ooe's are resting safely in the closet


Workplace from the outside


At nine my shift ended and I headed back home



where I had some food and played some



Good night everyone!!

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Been busy at work but here a little evening update for you guys!!

Today a made a Ruccola sallad and had some chicken with that, and to go with that I had some whine! I'm certainly no vine expert but this is really good :)



Later on I decided it was time to put my sewing skills to the test. The jeans have been repaired numerous times already, all in the crotch and it was time for yet another patch. Here is the equipment and the damage done



I let the result speak for itself. This must be the worst repair job ever done/seen by man but I was so tired when doing this. I'm just hoping that it will hlod for awhile and that it doesn't get any worse that it already is!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Allright, final update from Finland!!

Last weekend I was invited to a pool party at a friend from work. Offcourse I forgot to bring my camera along so Iphone shots will have to do I guess. We stopped by aa local store on they way to pic up some more food and more alcohol.



After that we settled down and started having some fun :)


To our dissapointment the pool was not ready for use when we got there cause the layering had not been done in a proper maner so we just sat in the garden and drank

This is were we went to drink after it got cold. It's a basement that has been remade into a chill luonge bar type of place. Was to dark to take pics inside though


Later on we player some Minttubingo. THe way this works is that we had different colored glasses and when you spin the bowl a colored ball drops, and the person who has the same colored glass as the ball that just dropped has to drink a shot of this:




We finished to minttu pretty quickly but fortunately we had a good stock of liquer to choose from


Later on we headed out and got so hammered that I forgot to take pics. As an added bonus I lost my Iphone that night, and when I woke up my girlfriend told me that some guy had found my phone on a busstop and had called the latest dialed number on the phone _(which was my girlfriends number). He had told her that I could call him up later that day so that I could get my phone back :) (Thank good for honest people right...

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As of lately I have been not been able to move properly due to ishias pain. Have been taking alot of these to ease the pain


It has been bugging me for a month now and nothing has really helped until I went here:


The first two session I got accupuncture which really didn't do anything for me but the third time I got a special treatment consisting of both accupuncture and manipulation. I was a little sceptic towards manipulation at first and it DID HURT LIKE HELL when a guy lays down 95kg on a sore muscle. The guy also popped my back into it's right place and I can tell you that I have not felt this great in a long time. After a month of pain it was all gone in a matter of 50 minutes!!!

After that I took my trusted kronan and went to the park to chill.



I also repaired the hole in the crotch before giving them a final wash and sending them to the next person. Result is a little better this time..



And so tday I took the last two shots of me wearing the jeans. They had shrunk to a snug fit and after these fitpics I took the jeans to the post office and the are now headed for Germany.



It was a great experience to wear these jeans and I hope that you guys enjoyed the Finland part!!

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^well the problem was, that on some point the pic was resized and soo small and i asked the guy (don´t remember who it was) to re-do and make a higher res version or send me his pics, so i´d do it, but this never happened...so i didn´t carry on for the last few legs....

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