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Djrajio Dating Thread/Advice Column

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  pwnzj00 said:
Just moved to Manhattan. Where/how to meet japs and fashionable chicks

Japanese club nights in the east village.

It's mostly on Thursday nights. Lots of J-beezies who are DTF.

I don't know if white dus are allowed in there though

You should be studying for the CPA exam.

Not chasing J-beezies.

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  american_hearts said:
If he didn't follow up his "I'm out of town for a bit" with "...but how about next weekend?" etc., then he either

A. is getting it elsewhere and has lost interest

B. read this entire thread, passed out from the exhaustion, and woke up as this...this THING. This beast. This woman-ignoring, money-acquiring machine fueled by pure pussy-gettin man power, and fuck yo text.

Hahah alright, I'm just sort of thinking "a" isn't true based on how it's always been between us (example, things have always been really last minute, we never actually plan anything even if we talk about when we'll be in town). but I could be wrong. I hope I'm not though :|

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  cord13 said:
oh, so they CAN smell fear. good to know.

depending on the girl and how attractive you are physically, naivete/innocence/social ineptness can be charming

  cord13 said:
so I texted her a few hours ago. she said that she "had plans with the girls" tonight, and "might not be on campus tomorrow :(". I told her to text me if she changed her mind. I'm not doing anything else with it.

don't let other people commenting on how you blew it get to you. its all about making mistakes. the more you do this the easier it will get, and the whole thing will make more sense. that said delete the number from your phone and move on. if you run into her again in class just say, "hey, hows it going" and don't entertain any hopes of getting another date.

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  catchforusthefoxes said:
He's being a dick, don't push anything at the expense of further boosting his ego (which is already high enough considering he's probably impressed with his ability to have sex outside of a relationship).

Let him hit you up, if he doesn't he's a jerk-off or he's afraid you want a relationship.

I already told him I don't do relationships and he's kinda the same way since his last one ended a year or two ago. He's a bit older, so there's none of that immature ego about being able to get a girl, but I'm sure there's still some ego there since he's really attractive and could probably get most girls. I'm just going to assume he's a jerk-off though. Thanks.

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Dont want a relationship? sounds like exactly what you want..

  ABC said:
Everything was amazing for a while, the both of us basically looked forward to seeing each other whenever we could. We'd hang out for hours, talk about anything and everything, go out together, and do the obvious things we'd do when we were alone.

you mention all this relationship-y stuff before describing the sex. maybe its just a girl thing? (0)

but I could be wrong. I hope I'm not though :|
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and also i hate to break it but unless you are the serious outdoorsy type, camping is just an excuse to get really wasted and hook up with people while not having to worry about finding a ride home or a bed to screw in. its all that sexy fire light and all

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He's had sex with 26 girls before me, so I'm well aware he likely has others right now. It probably is a girl thing, but I don't do random hookups. I'm very picky with who I have sex with; we need to have good chemistry and I need to get to know the guy first, otherwise I won't do it. It makes it a lot more enjoyable for me.

I could explain all the reasons why I don't want a boyfriend, at least in the near future, but it would just be long and dull.

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  ABC said:
He's had sex with 26 girls before me, so I'm well aware he likely has others right now. It probably is a girl thing, but I don't do random hookups. I'm very picky with who I have sex with; we need to have good chemistry and I need to get to know the guy first, otherwise I won't do it. It makes it a lot more enjoyable for me.

I could explain all the reasons why I don't want a boyfriend, at least in the near future, but it would just be long and dull.

you say he doesn't want a relationship, but you approach him in a way that would be suggest relationship interest.

so you talked a lot and fucked a lot, and then you contact him...maybe he thinks you caught feelings and want relationship now.

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That could be true. I'm kinda thinking it's something other than he just lost interest (it is possible for sure, just doesn't seem 100% likely based on what I know about him) so that's why I've been unsure of how to approach it. If you're right about him thinking I caught feelings, then not talking to him will definitely end things. It's hard to just do nothing about something I could probably fix.

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  herpsky said:
Japanese club nights in the east village.

It's mostly on Thursday nights. Lots of J-beezies who are DTF.

I don't know if white dus are allowed in there though

You should be studying for the CPA exam.

Not chasing J-beezies.

East village is mostly KWGs these days, alot of the japanese parties moved to bushwick, williamsburg and ktown.

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married women who I have no interest in be up in my shit on facebook these past couple years.. I quit AIM and MSN long ago and get by only with FB, but I have about 3 or 4 girls I know from between middle school to college/beyond who are married, have kids, and then they have whatever going on in their lives to make them want to get on their iPhones and flirt with me via fb, once every so often.

Look at this shit, some girl I made out with in 8th grade in the back seat of her dad's teal Ford Taurus (0), who I really haven't seen since - I get her fucking horny message talking about my cock last week, I had to deflect this incoming shit all awkwardly, because 1) i have zero interest, and 2) she has a kid! and is married, so I wasn't about to lay a millimeter onto this pile of shit... pretty out of the blue but, other beezies have been pulling this shit on me before as well. And if you're still in college little dudes, this is what you get to look forward to when you're 28, hoes from high school trying to skeez you out on facebook when you're about to turn 30.


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I have mad Chris lee stories too; there's an Asian du on styleforum who has started a 7 page opus on his 'douchefriend'... well, chris lee was never really my friend but he is indeed an unsophisticated douchebag, and I have a lot of good writing material on him. He wouldn't make for much of a story on his own, but I could make him a star via context.

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  DaBestSpoona said:

this just blew my mind. This dude can't actually exist, even though sadly I'm pretty sure he does, in every city, within 100 miles of every Mercedeeeeez dealership.

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  RandR said:
this just blew my mind. This dude can't actually exist, even though sadly I'm pretty sure he does, in every city, within 100 miles of every Mercedeeeeez dealership.

I actually worked with korean dude like this who was an only child his mom did everything for him like clean his place, laundry, etc. Nice enough guy in normal situations. One time we went to a falafel place for lunch, and they added gratuity because we ate in, or whatever, and that set him off and made this huge scene and he was ready to punch the waitress. Then came back to the office and punched a hole in the wall and threw a heavy Humanscale Freedom chair.

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  american_hearts said:
It was extremely rude, but don't try to prove a point with her. That's the kind of thing that, as a man, you shove down deep inside you to fester until, someday, you take it out violently on someone you love, or snap and have a brain aneurysm.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Swallow your pride my pride my friend, and channel your hate for the gingy when ur plowing the next bitch.

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  DaBestSpoona said:
I actually worked with korean dude like this... Then came back to the office and punched a hole in the wall and threw a heavy Humanscale Freedom chair.

The fact that you included the make and model of the chair is brilliant.

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Korean dudes are most likely to be mama-con... but I lived with this filipino guy in college my sophomore year, lived in one of those crackerbox townhouses off campus in a 4BR/2bath huge vaulted ceiling motherfucker that cost $1000 to heat and cool a month; the apartment was split into two 2BR/1BA sides, with this huge LR and kitchenette in the middle. The guy who kinda recruited me to live with him also recruited this mama-con ass Filipino dude who was his childhood friend/schoolmate(? connection unknown) and they lived on the other side.

I lived with this dude for a year and I have almost no memories of him, apart from the fact that the minute class ended on Friday, he'd drive 3 hrs home and not be back til Sunday or Monday. He had a spotless maroon Camry that was about 10 years old, and he came back from his parent's house with a week's worth of food in tupperware, every week. I don't even know what was in there, and I actually don't even remember seeing him eat it. I mean, we went to the same university and were a year apart, I don't know what he majored in, and I don't know if he got good grades or not. I know he was asexual, and I saw his room once or twice and was really freaked out that he color coded everything and arranged his tees in one of those wardrobe hanging shelves, in a gradient pattern top to bottom. We had house parties and I'm not even sure he invited anyone, I do think he drank alcohol, but like one or two Solo cups, max, those being doubles of Captain Morgan with a shitload of ice and coke, and he had a high pitched weasel-y ass laugh that I do remember quite clearly, because it was the most annoying laugh I've ever heard in my life.

I didn't even remember that shit til now. haha. He'd be a good minor background noise character if I ever wrote a Murakami-esque thing.

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  Caps Lock said:
I asked this cute redhead out last thursday for drinks and dinner for friday night. She agreed and that we would meet at 6pm at this event that was having free dranks. I get there round 6:30 and send a text message saying that I'm there. Waiting and 7:30 passes and I realized that I've been stood up. Tried calling but the phone would ring and go to voicemail but the voicemail box is full. So I sent a text message saying that perhaps we should meet up again sometime soon.

Waited a few days and decided to see if she would call. No call, Nothing. Decided to call and left a voicemail saying what had happened and stuff like that. If I dont hear from her, is it worth even contacting ever again? Its not big deal but at the sametime, quite rude to be stood up. I think I just wanna prove a point.

so the old saying "Gingers have no soul" is correct?

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