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Books on denim / workwear


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Wondering if I could question the expertise of the forum. I have $60 to spend on amazon, whats everyones favorite or recommended books on denim or workwear or anything inbetween? I wanted to get ahold of a copy of the Denim bible but amazon doesn't have it atm, anyone own this book? Is it good? I would be interested in books on the history of denim etc

Need some suggestions!

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the forums very own PaulT wrote this?? It looks great, I'd go for the 1st edition if it wasn't $130 more expensive than the edition with mcqueen on the cover!!

Ok i've bought that one, still got some money left any suggestions??

Anyone in japan familiar with Mono magazine? I was told about a book that Mr. Imai of mono magazine had written a few years ago about the history of denim which was supposed to be very good.

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Just got Paul T's book in the mail along with Fugitive Denim. It reminded me that a girl in my textile and clothing class is the great-great grand-daughter of Jacob Davis and her father or grandfather started Ben Davis. Anyways....

Anyone know where to get a copy of this book?


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also just got Paul T's book the other day, it's a really good read - exactly what I was looking to get.

thatslapz - I've been looking for a copy of that on amazon for a little while but there doesn't seem to be any copies, i'd really like that book.

I also got 'The Bikeriders' by Danny Lyon the other day, really good photojournal book about the chicago bike scene.




Anyone got any more suggestions??

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just got Paul T's book in the mail along with Fugitive Denim. It reminded me that a girl in my textile and clothing class is the great-great grand-daughter of Jacob Davis and her father or grandfather started Ben Davis. Anyways....

Anyone know where to get a copy of this book?


In regards to The Denim Bible, a magazine called Sportswear International publishes them. However that second edition is all sold out.

Supposedly they are going to make a new edition, but there was actually a big gap between the first edition and the second. You can check it out on the website. They have a couple other books.


The magazine itself is really cool. It has up to date information from brands from around the world.

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