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super (or not) roommate : your experience/Fuck dumb fucking roommates that don't do..


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i did a summer session in college one year, and all students living on campus (lots of exchange students) had to live in the undergrad apartment complex, suite style.

so i moved in and all was well into my fobby asian roommate's lifestyle started to interfere.

dude cooked every meal at home, which is all well and good, except he'd make an awful mess doing it. dude would literally leave discarded pieces of fruit on the floor. shit was disgusting. tried talking to him reasonably about it but nothing ever changed

it all culminated one morning when i walked into the kitchen and the floor was literally covered in ants like a fucking carpet. had to lay down a bunch of paper towels on the floor and start stepping on them (kill + cleanup in one move) until it looked like they were all gone.

it took all of my human decency not to kick down his door and make him eat those fucking ants.

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i never wanted a roomie in college... i only had one twice the whole time, and it was the same dude, i did not mind him until he broke my bed while fucking in it when i was home for the weekend.

i hate fucking roommates, cause of that i have barely spoken to him since, or at all.

haha corrected. nice one
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my roommate left a big poo in the toilet

i had to flush the toilet 4 times before it went down

it was like ---- and the hole is like 0.

Same thing happened to me but at school. its embarrassing when you have to double flush so when i noticed my deuce still in the bowl after flushing, i just left it there and walked away casually. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Figured I might as well post in here. Moved out of my parents right after high school graduation. I found a place which I shared with one of my good friend's mom. Her son, friend's brother, fucking idiot but that's about it. She was basically my mom too, made me food once in a while but we mostly just stayed out of each other's business.

On the other hand, room was a fucking mess because of her other son and I hate the kid because he stole my ipod right before he left for juvie. I cleaned up the room, got a desk, better mattress, wireless internet, etc. and it was pretty good from there.

Enter my best friend moving in... Room turns into a mess again because he constantly smokes weed and just passes out and leaves shit around. He ended up sleeping outside cause apparently, I snore too loud for him and he used that as an argument when I asked him not to smoke in the room, bad for my skin, and to help clean up.

I mean, it's fun when you think about it and I thought he was a clean guy but he's just lazy as fuck... The dinner table turned into his own little desk and it just had crumbs all over it. I left for a week to visit some family and came back to my mousepad covered in salsa and other stuff just encrusted with some food.

Glad I moved back out because last time I checked, it's a disaster in there.

and here's one of our conversations...

"hey, jeff, do you think you could sort of clean up the dinner table because it's got crumbs all over it and donna(our friend's mom) thinks it's me but i'm never at home anyway..."

"well you know i have to sleep outside cause you snore"

"... what does that have to do with anything?"

"it doesn't but just keep it in mind when you give me orders"

"what the hell are you talking about?"

"i sleep outside in the living room cause you snore"

"i'm in the city 4 days out of the week. just clean up this mess"

and if you ever have a place for me to stay for a couple weeks or something, i'm down. i clean like no other, i buy groceries every single day and when i cook, i always make a meal for everybody else. only things i think are bad about having me as a roommate is that i always have girls over and i'm always working on cars/motorcycles with a different one every week.

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my 2 flatmates fought over some random bullshit like 3 weeks ago, partially destroyed the place, and don't to each other ever since. they're still my friend but... wtf

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dam, that is brutal. i knew jeff since he first went to middle school but i didn't know he was like this. god, he has to get his shit together.

I thought he'd be better too but damn...

I went over today and it's a huge fucking mess except with more computers now... I have some photos of the shitstorm it turned into.

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Glad this thread got resurrected.

Not a roomate but when I was in Afghan last year a guy on my team that lived in my building was a fucking disgusting slob. Du would just sit in his room all day and night on non-mission days playing Call of Dutu and Twilight Princess. He never showered or left his room and just ate shit like Mountain Dew, Otis Spunkmeyer muffins and chips and shit. What's worse is dude was so lazy he would piss in empty bottles and hide them under his piles of dirty clothing. His room was a disaster. And I was the medic so they made him my problem. Dude was so fucking nasty he was about ten minutes from a sock and soap party.

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Ay yo I've put up with it enough now.

Like I thought he'd cool his jets after two quarters...

But as the end of the third quarter approaches I realize my roommates are just wack as fuck. I live in a triple. Sucks. One is uhhh another time, but this one yo he's wack as fuck. Never leaves the room except for class and food. And he makes the WACKEST comments. We will just be sitting, like doing work or chilling and he'll say shit like DICKS. We ain't kids anymore mannnn. But weirdest is he'll try to make jokes like. I'm your mom sucking a giant dick! then he'll do shit like pretend to suck a giant dick but in incredibledetailholyfuckitissogrosswhydoeshethinkit'sevenfunny.


He looks like a pedophile.


p.s. loads more besides his weird jokes...

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  • 1 year later...

Once lived with a really mormon guy who wrote us a note to take down the posters of hot women. We rejected and he moved out a few days later. The guy would say plenty of stupid shit - "Whats up?" him: "The ceiling hurrrrrr"

I'm moving to UWisc for grad school in the fall.. really wanting to get established in my own place for the whole two years and not ever have to worry about room mates. Good idea??

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