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Johnny Walker Blue Label?

Guest freedomfighter

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serious answer: its one of the most complex blends out there and apparently only ballantines 30, cutty sark 25, and white & mackay 30 can compare. apparently even an expert can spend an hour trying to find all the flavours that are in one glass. its not a single malt so you dont get much snob cred though.

i had some once and it tasted pretty good but i dont know a thing about scotch so thats the closest thing to an opinion you'll get from me

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the green and gold are good from what i hear, but ive never tried either. Green seems to be only available in Asian airport duty free stores.

my personal fav. scotch is 16 yr lagavulin, perhaps for nostalgic reasons. It was the first single malt I was given a serious recommendation, last year of high school by my history teacher, our whole class ended up chipping in and getting him a bottle as a thank you present at the end of the year. Thanks to Mr. Parker for that one.

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i think green used to only be sold in army PX's... it was the army version that got popular, could be a lie, but if it is its a good lie.

as far as blue label, let me sum it up for you...

i was at a bar with some friends and people they know, friends of friends i guess. One of these outsider hanger on'ers is a rich LA kid that moved out here and was just blowing money in OBSCENE ways, no logic or cred, just loose with the cash. Anyway, he does not feel like walking to the ATM, and comes back to the table asking for five euros so he can get a drink, my GF is a nice girl and offered it up to him as we had seen him around enough to be social but not friends. He comes back with this shot of jonny blue. i began to drunkanly berate him to half death and tears that he needed to borrow money to get the most expensive shot in the house. we ended up going to another bar and he bought drinks for us all night while i made him feel bad about everything he said, which in turn, got us more drinks, which made the hate even stronger. good times.

Thats jonny blue to me, a rich fat kid asking my GF for money he does not feel like getting, so he can try something obscenely expensive and new.

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blue label conjures up similar memories for me. Rich taiwanese kid dressed in D&G shirts and true religion jeans would always have it at his place. So for me blue label makes me think of poorly dressed wealthbeasts.

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blue label conjures up similar memories for me. Rich taiwanese kid dressed in D&G shirts and true religion jeans would always have it at his place. So for me blue label makes me think of poorly dressed wealthbeasts.

+REPZ for Wealth Beasts!

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I would never be less than happy to get a bottle of Blue as a gift. It is the smoothest of the JW but is it worth the extra $$ for the upgrade is something I'm not sure about.

The thing I associate most with JW blue is that it is drank by asians who know nothing about scotch but drink it primarily because everyone knows it is expensive. The color of JW that you get as a gift/bribe is a good gauge of where you are on the social ladder in China.

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ftb you cant really compare blue label to a single malt

yeah people who order expensive scotch at a club are dumb as hell because theyre probably too drunk to taste the difference anyways. same with champagne more expensive than moet/veuve, vodka more expensive than stoli/smirnoff, etc

but i guess snot value is important too

honestly though its pretty good and i dont really care if some hk kids like it.

would never pay 200 dollars for a bottle though. maybe when im older.

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I like Blue. It's the best blend I've ever tasted, for sure.

Used to be really into Scotch, I'm a huge fan of the cheaper Johnnie Walkers. They're really great, cheap blends. The Black label is kind of a staple. It's the kind of scotch you can have every day and not get sick of.

As a side note, my band just got a track licensed for Johnnie Walker Japan. I hate doing ads, but I love JW, so I decided to just take a check and told my morals to take a walk.

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You get opinions from people who just want to get fucked up in this thread. There are some sensible ones, but most couldn't tell the difference from paint thinner.

Blue Label is good shit, and when you get it off of Duty Free in Taiwan (cheapest) it's the best bang for the buck.

Black Label taste like shit compared to Blue, but if you are fucked you wouldn't know.

I also don't get throbbing headaches from Blue.

I got a couple of Greens stashed away, but Blue is my choice of poison if I had the cash.

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blue label is great. awesoem for a blend, but a better single malt can be had for 1/2 the price.

drink it and enjoy, dont ever buy it for yourself though. its great to get as a gift, but a waste to pay full price for. and never order it in a restaurant, youll pay out the ass.

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ftb you cant really compare blue label to a single malt

my post was poorly phrased

wasn't really comparin the blends with single malts, i am not too knowledgeable in either. But just goin off of what I know, I tend to prefer the black label to the blue, and then second part was the best whiskey i've ever had that falls under the "scotch" umbrella was the Lag 16.

on that note, Japan also produces some excellent whiskeys. The Nikka 10 yr is great.

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i agree that if you compare blue label to similar priced single malts, it's not that great. but some people just want one of the best blends i guess.

most critics/reviewers call blue label one of the top 5 blends, which to me makes the price reasonable. personally wouldnt buy it or any other $200 scotch (or any other liquor in that price range for that matter) though. i honestly cant tell the difference compared to stuff that costs half as much, and thats good because i spend enough on alcohol already.

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I'm sure there are better scotches out there. But if you want to show people how rich you are and don't mind the fact that its the most popular expensive scotch and what that says about you, go for it.

Personally, I'd dig deeper and get something more rare / interesting / historic.

hmmmm interesting, tell me more XenoX101!

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If you're gonna spend that much money on whiskey you're better off buying single-malt.

I've had all of the walker offerings (red, black, green, gold, blue) and I can say categorically that once you get past green there's really not a huge difference. Gold is only a bit better than green and blue is only a bit better than gold.

If you really want to spend $200 on whiskey (already a somewhat dubious and unnecessary action, but I'll leave that aside) then you're better off buying something like this:


I am VERY particular to Oban, and according to http://www.singlemaltsdirect.com/ this one is about $250:


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