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best eBay/paypal disputes


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YOU ARE *NOT* GOING TO RIP ME OFF!!! I am a single parent of a small child and I use the money I earn on eBay to pay my bills. Losing $220 is going to KILL US!!! I know people like you have no concern for others, but I will do everything in my power to ascertain that you do not succeed in taking our money away from us. We are already living in total desperation over here, and if you have any sort of conscience whatsoever, you cannot knowingly sit there and do this. In my entire history of selling and buying on eBay I have ONE negative feedback, from someone who said they never got their item and then gave me a neg even after I had cheerfully refunded their money. I am not out to rip anyone off and I cannot comprehend the pure evil of people who do things like this to total strangers.


please post yours.

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I sold a couch to this lady on craigslist. She sent an email along the lines of "Oh my gawd, your couch is so great! Can I paypal you 50% of the cost ($50) so you can hold it for me!?" In the listing I stated that our cat likes to run across the top and the fabric has some cat pulls.

She shows up to my house with her car with PA license plates and a friend, who is drunk. She refuses to help me move the couch, so me and the drunk guy struggle with the huge couch (not a fold-out, very old - wife got it 10+ years ago from salvation army). The only way to get it down my narrow-ass NYC hallway is upside-down at an angle. which means the top part with the cat pulls is running along the floor.

We get down to her station wagon and it's POURING rain, and the car is PACKED with furniture already. Me and the friend strap the couch to the roof and run this long hemp rope through the doors so the windows cant close all the way in order to secure it to the roof of her car which meanwhile is so full the muffler is about to scrape the blacktop. She pays me the other $50 in cash.

She and the drunk guy drive off. Two days later I get an email from her saying "Wow these cat pulls are so bad and evidently I was so much of a lying blind cunt that I am going to try and reverse the paypal charge to recoup my losses."


So I write her back "a) you saw the couch in my apartment, and yet chose to take it anyways, B) I had 1500x1500 pixel images on the craigslist posting showing EXACTLY how bad the cat pulls were and c) paypal protection only applies to things that were mailed"

She continues to email me for a month, with messages filled with bitching.

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