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Thanks, guys.

TTM- Actually, local pickup would save you about $10. They are all going to be shipped to me, and then I will package them up individually and send them out to everyone.

Turntabloid- I sent the list to Nathan, the guy making the shirts, and he's in the process of checking availability. He'll send photo samples of what's avialable.

For the purchase poll, you guys should assume that you'll get the color you want. I am just trying to get a rough estimate of how many of each shirt will be ordered, especially since 50 people responded to the design survey!

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i picked this up in vermont a few years ago from a woman selling her deceased father's stuff on the side of the road. He had died a few years before and she was finally selling his house and hauled all of his old clothes and items out onto the edge of the street. She said he worked for LP/Miele from the mid 50s to the late 80s. Judging by the plastic buttons and the fact that it's in pretty good shape I'm sure it must be from the 70s or 80s, and not earlier. But it's comfy as hell and I've got a soft spot for the lettering on the back.



an aside: Miele plumbing and heating still exists in Ludlow . . . {click}

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The Measurement Guide is up for the MTM Workshirt Group Buy if you guys are interested in taking a look at it. Photos of the chambray samples will be up today or tomorrow. Orders will likely start on Saturday, but I'll keep you posted.

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thanks Rivet & HH. I suppose anything's possible, I had just imagined that if her dad had worked for them for so long and this shirt was from earlier on it would likely be in far worse shape. But what both of you say makes sense. I wish there was a way to know for sure.

The tag in the collar is still pretty well intact, I'll have to get a photo of it and see if someone can identify the brand. The only marking is a logo that appears to be a red "H" with a little crown on top of it. Not a mark I've ever seen.

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Those wide horizontal labels don't become popular until the late 60s or later. they are designed to allow for names or id marks on laundry that is commercially laundered. You see them a lot on Universal Stonecutter and Red Kap items.

As far as a workshirt archive, there really isn't one that I know of, but check out this page: http://redcloud.co.jp/top.htm

Click on detail on the left and then on work wear tag.

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I own an old Sears delivery jacket made by Edward Hyman Company and their logo is a Large Black "H"

might be the same company...

Mine's from the mid/late 60's..

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can't rep you again HH, but thanks. My brief search revealed two types of Edward Hyman labels via some ebay auctions:



neither is it, but the first is somewhat promising, with the bold "H".

and vivaslochet: i looked through every single shirt and tag on that amazing site, but no luck. I really is admirable that they have a close up of each and every tag!

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Picked up the gray one yesterday for free with a sweater purchase (buy one get one free is good for ts, shirts and sweaters). I looked over the blue and gray and imo the gray is the better looking of the two. The Gap also has a 1969 denim workshirt that's a little sturdier (triple stitching, heavier fabric, and I think I saw selvage lines) for 59. I almost picked it up but I didn't like that it had a button down collar. I don't have anything against button down collars but when it comes to workshirts I prefer a standard collar.

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For those of you who were interested in the MTM workshirt group buy, I am starting to take orders for the second shirt, the Navyman, today. Check my signature.

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I just picked up 2 of the Gap Chambray shirts. One is gray and the other in blue. They had a buy one get one free sale today.

They're not fantastic but I guess for 25 bucks they're okay.

they have the chin strap, fabric on the seam split at the bottom... Their buttons suck. They are pressed steel to look like the plastic. Cheap if you ask me.

The gray one has no pocket flap and the blue one does. I'll take some pics once I get them washed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have that shirt. It's one of my go-tos, even though I have come to loathe the glut of "western" shirts you see all over the place. Unfortunately the sleeves are really short so I've got to have them rolled up all the time. No big. You can still get this shirt but it's poly-cotton instead of the original 100% cotton.

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I have that shirt. It's one of my go-tos, even though I have come to loathe the glut of "western" shirts you see all over the place. Unfortunately the sleeves are really short so I've got to have them rolled up all the time. No big. You can still get this shirt but it's poly-cotton instead of the original 100% cotton.

the one I posted was 100% cotton and 16x35... It's actually too tight for me but the sleeves fit great. It's available if anyone's interested...

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