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been noticing teeny boppers reblogging posts and replacing source links/click throughs with their tumblrs...


This. I've almost stopped posting photos of my own because people would erase the source and claim it as their own, which sucks because my shits pretty mediocre anyways hahahaha. I posted a picture of my shirt sleeves and some fuck reblogged it, erased the source and captioned it "my closet". Like, really?

Anyways, gaws.tumblr.com

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I get what you're saying, but I think how most people use tumblr (viewing through their dashboard and scrolling, scrolling, scrolling) makes it ideally suited for visuals, rather than large amounts of text.

Hrm. Well to be honest, I don't browse with the dashboard because it's tedious and it's easy to get behind on posts. I only follow like 20 tumblr sites and prefer to just visit their site or read it via rss.

Even if the format caters to ADD-style assault of images doesn't mean you have to tow the line. Half this thread is about people bitching about how they only have a few hundred followers etc. but they never to stop to look to their left and right. They're all just jjjjound clones without their own thoughts, just regurgitating and aggregating the same 10 men's fashion blogs. Where is the point of view? What's the point (of difference)? How are we suppose to give a fuck?

That's not aimed at you, I know you use it to promote your art, but you know what I mean.

I was going to make this sort of site regardless of the platform, but suggesting that platforms dictate how you should behave is narrow-minded.

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I'm not saying platforms dictate how you behave, I'm saying you pick a medium that is most appropriate to your message. Let's be honest anyway, the way to get as many followers as possible is to post as many pictures of girls as possible, interspersed with some tattoos and graphic design. There's nothing wrong with that, but let's not act like it's major social commentary or contributing massively to modern culture, especially more so than the jjjjound clones.

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Seriously, browsing through the dashboard sucks. Since I got a tumblr, I almost never check the sites I'm following anymore as I've already seen every posts via the dashboard... and despite the end result being the same I'm enjoying it a lot less. It takes away a lot, there's no context, no identity, I find myself wading through the stuff on autopilot, everything starts to look the same.

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^My google reader OFTEN says 1000+ items unread, and I follow 164 people on tumblr. Quite difficult to visit them individually, and if I used RSS they'd just get stuck in the huge pile of unread posts on my google reader. With the tumblr dashboard set to let me just keep scrolling, I can generally view every post quite quickly.

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I'm not saying platforms dictate how you behave, I'm saying you pick a medium that is most appropriate to your message. Let's be honest anyway, the way to get as many followers as possible is to post as many pictures of girls as possible, interspersed with some tattoos and graphic design. There's nothing wrong with that, but let's not act like it's major social commentary or contributing massively to modern culture, especially more so than the jjjjound clones.

I'd do my site the same if it were on Xanga. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

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sipang needs to know whose telling him something is cool to tell if its actually cool

What does cool have to do with anything ? I'm talking about browsing experience here. I'd much rather sift through your New Reference tumblr page after page than use the dashboard, there's an overarching theme, links between posts etc. I think we can agree that most of that is lost when your Vanessa Beecroft post finds itself trapped between the nth Alden Longwings reblog and some pic of Paul Newman on his fishing boat.

I do get the practicallity of the dashboard but it's not all that. Also, why the fuck do I waste my time customizing my shitty theme with my nonexistent html skills if no one ever bother to visit the damn place :D

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How so? Usability has nothing to do with server stability?

You're citing server stability as an actual factor? U srs bro? Some of us have been on tumblr for quite a while, "switching costs" are high, chronic server stability issues have only occurred recently and if they were prevalent at the onset sure I could understand that weighing in as a factor. I'll have to assume you're trolling because you can't be that stupid.

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feel that

i actually agree with you i just felt like talking some shit in the tumblr thread

also i fixed the links in my signature

I get the idea that you'd (the collective you) like people to visit your blog and luxuriate in the design of it etc, but the popularity of rss feeds proves that the majority of blog readers (not even taking into account tumblr) don't like to view their blogs in that way. The idea to me that you don't think about the format/medium when making content is ridiculous. Why not release a daily super 8 format video blog where you hold up hand scrawled signs for a split second, making people pause their projector to watch it? Or perhaps it would be better to pick an appropriate format?

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