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talk smart: use words you learned in college in this thread

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On the surface, Superfuture itself seems to me to offer a parallel view of society itself; those with jawns are praised, and those without are marginalized. This is the typical belonging-exclusion dichotomy that we see mirrored in the everyday. But of course real life isn't so simple--the view Superfuture offers is parallax, not parallel. Superfuture, while appearing to be a straightforward representation of society, offers not a parallel analogy but instead a metonymic one, one in which overpriced trinkets and pseudodermal clothing are associated with status, both social and economic, intelligence, and, surprisingly, taste. The reality of the situation is that there are a few who possess seemingly precognitive powers with regard to adapting next-level trends, but sadly, the majority are content to indulge in an onanistic celebration of shibboleth brands and designers. The obverse to this, of course, is that some brands and designers are Gileadites and some are Ephraimites, so to speak. All of this borders on the foolhardy; at the end of the day, what looks good looks good, regardless of the WAYWT caucus. The world that Superfuture evinces is not real life; it does not asymptote toward real life; it doesn't even approximate real life. It is a Bizarro world, a niche, in which many of the posters, in a desperate attempt to win "reputation" and the acceptance of their compeers, are willing to turn their life into a Potemkin village; what is revealed in the lens of the camera, in the series of self-laudatory anecdotes, one may safely wager, oftentimes lacks the veracity of the actual. Some may use their posting history to act as a (in some cases, therapeutic) sort of bildungsroman, but the majority, in a perhaps desperate attempt to placate whatever insecuriities they may already otherwise internalized, offer narratives that have clearly been embellished or, in some cases, falsified. Given the strides made in the technological manipulation of representation, even a photograph or a series of photographs can no longer serve as evidence of anything. Endless exegeses don't matter; endless photostreams don't matter; in the end, we find ourselves reliving the Copernican revolution all over again, in which our entire world, our entire universe is being decentered, and we come to the realization that only existence matters. But Superfuture itself is not a bad thing; as long as one is cognizant of the fact that Superfuture is Superfuture and nothing more than that, then, and only then I would argue, can one fully partake in the Superfuture experience.


collegiate edition

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Intelligence is largely absent in this thread.



words I lactually earned in college: dirty sanchez, utilitarian, knife hit, keynesian, mad dog, microlending, AK, Euclidean space, burn cruise, biodiverse sustainability, shuttle diplomacy, shotgun, ECOSOC, motorboat, maxwell equations, etc.

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On the surface, Superfuture itself seems to me to offer a parallel view of society itself; those with jawns are praised, and those without are marginalized. This is the typical belonging-exclusion dichotomy that we see mirrored in the everyday. But of course real life isn't so simple--the view Superfuture offers is parallax, not parallel. Superfuture, while appearing to be a straightforward representation of society, offers not a parallel analogy but instead a metonymic one, one in which overpriced trinkets and pseudodermal clothing are associated with status, both social and economic, intelligence, and, surprisingly, taste. The reality of the situation is that there are a few who possess seemingly precognitive powers with regard to adapting next-level trends, but sadly, the majority are content to indulge in an onanistic celebration of shibboleth brands and designers. The obverse to this, of course, is that some brands and designers are Gileadites and some are Ephraimites, so to speak. All of this borders on the foolhardy; at the end of the day, what looks good looks good, regardless of the WAYWT caucus. The world that Superfuture evinces is not real life; it does not asymptote toward real life; it doesn't even approximate real life. It is a Bizarro world, a niche, in which many of the posters, in a desperate attempt to win "reputation" and the acceptance of their compeers, are willing to turn their life into a Potemkin village; what is revealed in the lens of the camera, in the series of self-laudatory anecdotes, one may safely wager, oftentimes lacks the veracity of the actual. Some may use their posting history to act as a (in some cases, therapeutic) sort of bildungsroman, but the majority, in a perhaps desperate attempt to placate whatever insecuriities they may already otherwise internalized, offer narratives that have clearly been embellished or, in some cases, falsified. Given the strides made in the technological manipulation of representation, even a photograph or a series of photographs can no longer serve as evidence of anything. Endless exegeses don't matter; endless photostreams don't matter; in the end, we find ourselves reliving the Copernican revolution all over again, in which our entire world, our entire universe is being decentered, and we come to the realization that only existence matters. But Superfuture itself is not a bad thing; as long as one is cognizant of the fact that Superfuture is Superfuture and nothing more than that, then, and only then I would argue, can one fully partake in the Superfuture experience.

The quick version:

Superfuture ≠ Real life

Keep it real.

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la valeur ne réside pas dans les qualités intrinsèque des biens, il n'y a pas de valeurs objectives, l'individu est libre d'accorder ou non de la valeur aux biens. elle n'est plus objectivement prédéterminée par la valeur-travail, donc la vérité des choses n'est pas contenue en positition universaliste.

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