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So friday i picked up a QP of trees.

Im breaking it up for me and some friends.

They come over to pick up, and it weighs out almost half short.

I tell them ill hit my plug up and get it sorted and stop by tomorrow, they leave empty handed and confused.

Hit up the plug, hes apologetic and gets me sorted.

Break off a couple people with their order, send them on their way.

I get home, weigh again still short. 

Hit him up saying its still quite short.

Get a text in the am " are you weighing in DWT not grams by any chance?


Text friends, " hey i goofed, i need to take some of your order back "

Reply to plug, " hey sorry, yeah my scale was in dwt mode, you were right"

everything ive weighed has been 150% over

Ive been screwing my self over for a few years. 

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  On 7/13/2015 at 5:35 PM, EG562 said:

So friday i picked up a QP of trees.

Im breaking it up for me and some friends.

They come over to pick up, and it weighs out almost half short.

I tell them ill hit my plug up and get it sorted and stop by tomorrow, they leave empty handed and confused.

Hit up the plug, hes apologetic and gets me sorted.

Break off a couple people with their order, send them on their way.

I get home, weigh again still short. 

Hit him up saying its still quite short.

Get a text in the am " are you weighing in DWT not grams by any chance?


Text friends, " hey i goofed, i need to take some of your order back "

Reply to plug, " hey sorry, yeah my scale was in dwt mode, you were right"

everything ive weighed has been 150% over

Ive been screwing my self over for a few years. 

um nice keep posting about selling weed and someday you will be ronnel =] 

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  On 7/13/2015 at 10:52 PM, BRICK DOM said:

Think he's just tryna be holier than thou passive aggressive like 'lol you fuccboi weed seller'


lol holier than thou about selling weed? i sold weed for years u simpleton


im basically telling him to keep it up n someday he will be ronnel. giving him a goal. pretty obviously a serious post bc i included the patented chatties smily (" =] ")


go back to posting school cus ur posts are weak, cunt

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  • 3 weeks later...

lmao today i was in the grocery store parking lot and i started to drive home after shopping and someone flagged me down waving their arms. i drove to a parking spot and they came up and said "you're dragging around a garbage bag!!" 


evidently, some asshole left bags of garbage in the parking spot i was parked in and i didn't see it when i initially pulled in. there was a trail of garbage behind the route that i drove, and a lot of people saw me so i couldn't just make a run for it. i didn't have any garbage bags and the one that housed all the garbage was all torn up, so i went and got a shopping cart and threw all the misc. bottles and plastic things in it and then threw them out, in the only garbage can in the whole shopping center, right in front of a five guys burger joint packed with ppl. i stood with my back to them and emptied out a shopping cart full of garbage item by item, then went in and washed my hands and quickly got the fuck out of there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

not even that awkward but who cares...


a while ago i was at george greene in chicago (they stock ma+, yohji) wearing #jawnz or whatever along with some totally trashed vans sk8-hi's (complete with holes and rips) and the (otherwise) extremely knowledgeable salesperson came over and asked 'whose shoes they were', implying that they were some high-fash-pseudo-povera sneakers. yeah, we kind of just laughed it off....

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This past Sunday, I was lugging up two heavy suitcases and several containers up the stairs as my apartment has no elevator. It was a long day of moving heavy furniture, I was tired and drenched in sweat. Anyways, I got tired on my way up several flights, so I eventually let one of the suitcases down, not in the most gentle manner. In the process, my body also bent forward and I let out a fart..........right onto someone's face behind me. I turned around and our eyes locked. He moved aside and kept walking up as I caught my breath. I hope I never have to see him again.

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Recently went to my cousin's wedding. After the first clanging of forks against glasses, he slowly turned to the bride and gave her a peck on the cheek. The clanging slowly stopped, and there was about 10 seconds of absolute awkward silence. 

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When you are walking at a brisk pace and encounter a group of people walking at a slower pace than you up ahead, but you can't get past because the pavement is narrow or it is a stairwell. You are forced to slow down to their pace but end up mingling with their group. Even more awkward if it is a family. 

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  On 8/18/2015 at 8:55 AM, gettoasty said:

Walk through them? I guess it depends on the group. Usually there is one person courteous enough to divide and let you through. 


If someone turned around because they could hear me coming up I'd just say "excuse me". 



yeah but then u have to sped up to pass them so you don't just slowly interfere with their group and then you have to continue with your faster speed so you don't just walk like two feet in front of them and then ur legs get tired duh

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^ Think I lived in UK for too long, where people are pathologically polite about things. 


I remember complaining about my food at a restaurant once, and when I said I would like to speak to the manager, the rest of the restaurant became pin-drop silent all looking at the dude who was actually complaining about something. Didn't realise 'it just isn't done' in the UK, as my friends later informed me. 

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