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in my 9th grade health class we had to do a project on a sickness. once we decided what we were going to do our project on we had to tell our teacher which one we chose so there wouldn't be any repeats. i walk up to his desk and our conversation goes something like this:

jennitalia: hey mr. m, i'm going to do my project on pancreatic cancer.

mr. m: oh, my dad died of pancreatic cancer.

jennitalia: cool. i mean not cool.

mr. m: [blank stare]

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  On 5/29/2012 at 1:21 AM, littlemike said:

Fb chatted some bz to find out if she's back in town for the summer, she says yeah but she's got like 4 finals this week. So, naturally i ask her why she's still taking finals...

...it's because her grandmother died.

see you in the dovo dating club thread

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  On 5/27/2012 at 11:45 PM, MJR said:

I went to see a movie earlier today with a friend. We were among the first people in the theater and it was empty, plenty of seats.

Several minutes later, a father and son sat directly behind us, the father behind me. Prior to the start of the movie, he tapped my shoulder and asked me to please take off my hat as it was blocking "the frame." Granted my hat was cocked up slightly, but it was his choice to sit directly behind me in an empty theater.

When he tapped me, I was somewhat startled and asked, "what's that?" ...unable to process his request. He repeated what he said and then I said something to the effect of, "blah blah blah it was your choice to sit directly behind me in an empty theater" and told him I would not take off my hat but simply lower it. We went back and forth for a bit -- and he was cordial -- but i almost felt like larry david for a minute having to defend myself against what i perceived (and still do) as a stupid request.

why not simply move seats in an empty theater if the view and/or person in front of you is not to your liking?

look out for the nose breathe broe

Edited by destructodisk
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  On 6/1/2012 at 4:19 AM, boy better know said:

i got all excited thinking your new superawkward tale would involve alex now that she's back from her spiritual journey

i am dissapoint

Sorry bruh. We're going to the same party this weekend and we're going to dinner before hand. I'll report back. Ha.

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  On 6/1/2012 at 4:09 AM, hahapete said:

I was over at my parent's house today and was bringing in their trash cans when, not paying attention and walking backwards, I bumped into a random chick who was running on the sidewalk. I don't know how I didn't see or hear her but I bumped into her and she stumbled, tripped, and fell onto the lawn. I was really embarrassed and apologized to her a hundred times. She was laying on the grass so I got worried that she was hurt and asked her if she needed help getting up. She just laid there, face down, in the grass and wasn't responding.

I thought I somehow killed her or knocked her out so I kneeled down and poked her to see if she would respond. She just laid there unresponsive despite my poke. So I rolled her over and her eyes were open and she was breathing. I asked her if she was okay but she just stared at me. I asked her if she was okay, again, and she just stared back at me blankly and then jumped up and ran off with dirt all over her face. I felt really bad.

I went inside and told my parents and sister who tell me that a Japanese family moved into the neighborhood. They, apparently, don't speak much English and just moved in. On Tuesday. What a great ice breaker.

but were the boobies nice?

Edited by lmaozedong
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Was walking around downtown, and a tourist couple was walking in the same direction as me.

The man was behind of his wife, and I was walking behind them since we were around a crowd.

He lets out the biggest and most disgusting fart in front of me, and I moved my way to the side.

He thought i didn't know, but it was at the moment where he turned back and we were making dead eye-contact.

He smiled. I left.

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  On 6/4/2012 at 5:15 AM, Krackrox said:

you sound insecure

No I could care less, but I was literally being surrounded by the manager and the girl at the counter, they were both eagerly awaiting the check to be picked up because the place was jam packed with people.

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  On 6/4/2012 at 7:26 AM, Fycus said:

No I could care less, but I was literally being surrounded by the manager and the girl at the counter, they were both eagerly awaiting the check to be picked up because the place was jam packed with people.

you couldn't care less, bro.

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