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When your friends old man tells you really dry, extremely long and completely unfunny jokes....that time when you are listening to said joke, do you half laugh....or do you save it for the end cause you gonna need it, because you already guessed the punch line.

"Be careful with that joke, it's an antique"

Brian- Family Guy

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my great memory for facial recognition can sometimes be awkward for me.

I see someone i met and dont know if they'd remember me ... so if i dont say hi and try to avoid/not look at them its awkward when they say hey to me.

and if i say hi to them and they dont say anything/dont remember me ... that can be awkward too.

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  scoki said:

- sidewalk tangos

- those moments after short conversations that kind of go on and no one knows what to say and the conversation is basically over but no one can find a good way to end it correctly or leave

- small talk about the weather

- accidentally bumping into someone REALLY awkwardly

- freudian slips

Plagiarizing off other peoples' forums and posting them here is pretty weird and awkward too, Scoki. :) Hehe.

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  mrchariybrown said:
I feel awkward to the point of anxiety in most social situations..

me too. :(

  showbiz00ditc said:
my great memory for facial recognition can sometimes be awkward for me.

I see someone i met and dont know if they'd remember me ... so if i dont say hi and try to avoid/not look at them its awkward when they say hey to me.

and if i say hi to them and they dont say anything/dont remember me ... that can be awkward too.

me too. :(

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its about 12:40am and i'm studying for a final when three guys - obviously drunk - ask if i'm some guy living in room 363. One guy looks extremely pissed and thinks i'm the person he's looking for, and so i had to ask why.

Apparently, this guy he's looking for had gone into his room and took a fat shit on his pillow and told yelled that he would be in the lounge. This was about 5 minutes ago and im still laughing. The fact that some guy actually took a shit on another guy's pillow is just hilarious and on top of that, for a good 5 minutes he really thought it was me. I guess i can say i've now been accused of shitting on someone's pillow and been challenged to a fight over the ordeal.

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  mrip said:
when people know me but i dont know them

running into people from HS

i just both of these things today in one sitting outside of a fucking bathroom in a VEGAN COFFEESHOP.

i didn't think it was awkward. should I of?

he was ugly and was about to do SLAM POETRY

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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQi8zFxrlPg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQi8zFxrlPg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

.. my boss rubs my shoulder every time we talk
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  mrip said:
when people know me but i dont know them

To me, the other way around is just as bad. You ever meet a girl in passing some time, and maybe their hotness automatically makes you remember everything in a 2 min convo. Then a month later you see her again and be like "what's up ___" and for the life of her, she can't remember your name/face. Maybe that shit just happens to me, but it's awkward as balls.

Also, I'm pretty awkward about girls I like and don't know what they think. So basically, it's like i'm 14 years old.

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Guest jeffvyain

i suck at saying goodbye to people. usually when the conversation sounds like it's over, i'm just like..."alright later" and i hang up. hopefully that other person is ready for the convo to be over too. in person things get a little more tricky. the other day i tried to say bye for like 5 minutes and then was just like "sorry i'm so awkward" and walked out the door

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