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The Official "Help Knucks Master The Pounani" Thread


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this is a fine thread.

Note that, all women are different. They just happen to act similar when in groups. Thats how they survive.

When in active pursuit of a girl not in your circle of influence (i.e. you dont see her at parties here and there, you don't know any of her friends etc), note that there are always counter variables thats sole purpose is to derail your chances of the scoop. Therefore, in order to counteract these said variables, you must display your own variables that make you different from whatever she already has in her life.

I guess this is important for dudes who are dating outside of race, seeing as from the get the odds are against you.

But as with all women, youre gonna have to achieve a couple things in order to lay her:

a, her interest. she has to think about you

b, her enjoyment. she has to draw some sort of meaning from your company

c, attractiveness. this is your clutch, if all else fails you have to rely on your looks. A man can't be pretty, so you have to use charm to take you where you want to go with her. Youd be surprised how much this helps.

What niggas dont get is that women use all of these things on you. But they use it indiscriminately for their own personal gain. Where as a guy is out for sex, a woman is out for money and image.

Maybe i'll drop a few more lines if this thread goes anywhere.

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  Gouf said:
this is a fine thread.

Note that, all women are different. They just happen to act similar when in groups. Thats how they survive.

When in active pursuit of a girl not in your circle of influence (i.e. you dont see her at parties here and there, you don't know any of her friends etc), note that there are always counter variables thats sole purpose is to derail your chances of the scoop. Therefore, in order to counteract these said variables, you must display your own variables that make you different from whatever she already has in her life.

I guess this is important for dudes who are dating outside of race, seeing as from the get the odds are against you.

But as with all women, youre gonna have to achieve a couple things in order to lay her:

a, her interest. she has to think about you

b, her enjoyment. she has to draw some sort of meaning from your company

c, attractiveness. this is your clutch, if all else fails you have to rely on your looks. A man can't be pretty, so you have to use charm to take you where you want to go with her. Youd be surprised how much this helps.

What niggas dont get is that women use all of these things on you. But they use it indiscriminately for their own personal gain. Where as a guy is out for sex, a woman is out for money and image.

Maybe i'll drop a few more lines if this thread goes anywhere.

I consider this terrible advice.

Attractiveness is not about "relying on your looks". People do not choose who they are attracted to, they are simply attracted to them. You can easily influence women to be attracted to you, regardless of your physical appearance. Obviously if you are a complete and utter slob, you're going to have problems but if you are just an average looking guy, there are other ways to build attraction.

I agree that women are attracted to men with money and strong social images. but that contradicts your statement about relying on looks. You don't need to achieve anything OTHER than attractiveness. If she is attracted to you she obviously thinks about you, and enjoys being around you. Thus, your A B & C are really all the same thing.

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  KyleFall said:
I consider this terrible advice.

I agree that women are attracted to men with money and strong social images. but that contradicts your statement about relying on looks. You don't need to achieve anything OTHER than attractiveness. If she is attracted to you she obviously thinks about you, and enjoys being around you. Thus, your A B & C are really all the same thing.

Well they all are needed to make the close. I just broke them down.

I suppose they may be out of order as usually its your physical or, as you noted, your financial attractiveness that opens the door for you to spark her interest thereby creating situations and meetings that lead to her enjoyment.

Fortunately for me I am not ugly, so I can't speak on behalf of those who are. These are just a few aspects that some guys may want to keep in mind.

Another big thing is do what works for you. Often adopting someone else's game in its entirety will limit your success or even greatly hinder it.

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There are lots of ways to demonstrate value. You listed a few of them.

One thing you are correct about though is trying not to adopt someone else's game. Some things will work for you and some things won't. Obviously the core of pick up is still the same, but don't use the canned material or games and routines you read about in "The Game" or "The Mystery Method". They are nothing more than a crutch.

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^yeah ive been hearing a lot of talk about this book by some rolling stone editor, the game?

Women adapt to shit. I'm sure women will adapt to this book and for those who are trying to use it, it will only hurt their success in the long run. Because again, youre not being yourself and using what you got, each situation is different though you may run into the same settings.

Plus why would you want to have the same style of play as some guy that absolutely had to read the book to get a few of the right ideas?

trial and error. You gotta die a few times before youre gonna get it right.

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Those books are for corny fucking nerds who need to turn everything into a numbers game.


I've personally found one of the most surefire things is to act slightly disinterested. It's been said before, but it gives you a good gauge of how bad she wants it.

That and get with some ESL chicks, you can convince them anything

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  2000dB said:
go for slightly overweight ones with low slef esteem and work your way up.

why hasn't dark posted in this thread yet... both thoughts are unrelated.

I was busy reading the Julius SS09 thread....... matter of fact I go for the chubby ones these days!

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  Dead_Wizard said:
Those books are for corny fucking nerds who need to turn everything into a numbers game.


I've personally found one of the most surefire things is to act slightly disinterested. It's been said before, but it gives you a good gauge of how bad she wants it.

That and get with some ESL chicks, you can convince them anything

That wouldn't be a problem, if those same corny nerds weren't pulling MORE and BETTER girls than most guys.

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  TransparentCranium said:
Showing disinterest demonstrates that you are higher value than the girl and won't supplicate to her.


They don't really need to learn that, they'll be happy as long as they're getting off....

That looks like a good read, and you seem to know what you are talking about. I'm really digging people summing up dynamic social interaction by calling people who study it nerds. I get the feeling some of these guys think buying a girl a drink is a solid opener.

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^Honestly, you don't seem to be inputing much other than critique on other peoples advice. To which you offer only snide remarks and scoff commentary.

Albeit anyone who uses an internet link as a primary source clearly isnt killing it, but care to share anything more than negative reprisal?

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The only real advice I have is to read the Mystery Method. Try what you learn, and then read it again. The shit works and it's undeniable. Once you understand the fundamentals you should be able to run damn near flawless game. Of course nothing works better than just flat out approaching women.

I also didn't realize that content lost its credibility when written on a website instead of in a book, even if the work is contributed by the same authors...

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I guess what I'm saying is that anyone who reads books or websites about game methods is a massively classless(**EDITED OUT BC WILD HOMOPHOBIC**)in my book.

This thread just hurts me so badly. In my stomach, like bad shellfish. There's something so pitiful about grown men being well versed in the intense minutiae of social engineering. Something that demonstrates in full the degree to which a society of deconstructionist, micro-examining children has gone in eroding the organic and dynamic elements of our lives.

Edited by Halifamous
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Every piece of advice you have offered, in contained in that book.

You have a more natural approach to those things which I'm totally cool with, I think most guys would prefer to be naturals with girls. Some people have to learn and that's the way it is. When it comes to being TAUGHT how to interact with women I believe there isn't a better piece of literature out there than the Mystery Method. I also think that there are tons of tools contained in MM that most naturals don't have, or are not willing to acknowledge.

Personally, I read the book because I find stuff like that interesting and not due to a lack of ability with women. It definitely improved my comprehension of dynamic social interaction though.

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  KyleFall said:

Personally, I read the book because I find stuff like that interesting and not due to a lack of ability with women. It definitely improved my comprehension of dynamic social interaction though.

it comes down to this: Are you fucking more? I mean are you fucking significantly more than you did before you read that book? And I don't mean the natural escalation of pussy attraction i'm speaking of he man herculean status of pussy attraction.

Thats what half is trying to get at... did you NEED this book to fuck on the regular

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  Cotton Duck said:
Stating that girls are only into looks and money/power is Sexist!

Acting like that certainly won't get you any girl who is worth something in the long run...

What else is there to be into? Most men don't have stunning personalities. You're right though duck openly discussing this with a women likely wouldn't yield good results.

Gouf, having read The Mystery Method I can say that it HAS helped me decipher certain situations with girls that I may not have otherwise understood, but not reading it certainly didn't prevent me from meeting my fair share of interesting and attractive women. Thank god I'm a tall white boy.

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Just be cocky and funny, thats more or less what it all boils down to.

The game methods of SARGING work. this is the truth. if you know what your doing and the girl does not know what your doing, you will most likely get laid. if you do it right. its not a given, if you got no game, you got no game. But i have seen weak ass dudes use the book to help them. or you just have the attitude already, and dont read. or you just dont get laid and complain about it i guess.

i dont agree with clopek about not fucking her when you can, but if your looking for something long term it does prove to not hurt the scheme. but to slow play a bitch you picked up, for the sole purpuse of fucking, and then not fuck her, your gay, or will regret it later in life when your laying in bed with your real GF years later, wondering, why did i not bang that girl?!

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