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What albums of the 2000s will be considered classics in 10 years?

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list of things i eat.

1. vagina

2. rice and beans

3. brains


another "important to a particular genre" record that will be remembered well in ten years; hidden hands of a sadist nation by darkest hour.

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  the_state said:
yeah, animal collective is loads of fun.


although i did like that panda bear record


anyway, i think most of them have been hit, at least as i see it, but i figured i'd throw a few more out there

the list of top-selling records since 2000 is pretty much the horrorshow you'd expect, with a couple exceptions, notably usher (confessions sold 10 millie) and alicia keys (songs in a minor, 6 millie)

they're both about as far away from sufu music as you can get (and i don't really listent to them in my free time or anything), but i can't deny they have that soul/r&b mojo that you can trace back to before motown

with the exception of those two, outkast (although sb/tlb wasn't that great), justin timberlake (to a much lesser extent), and a few random cuts here and there (maybe a beyonce joint or two [ll]), i will cringe when i hear any of those other top sellers a decade from now


also, no mention of hell hath no fury? it's already been hailed as an instant classic/landmark, even though they didn't move big numbers...

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  Bona Drag said:

although i did like that panda bear record


anyway, i think most of them have been hit, at least as i see it, but i figured i'd throw a few more out there

the list of top-selling records since 2000 is pretty much the horrorshow you'd expect, with a couple exceptions, notably usher (confessions sold 10 millie) and alicia keys (songs in a minor, 6 millie)

they're both about as far away from sufu music as you can get (and i don't really listent to them in my free time or anything), but i can't deny they have that soul/r&b mojo that you can trace back to before motown

with the exception of those two, outkast (although sb/tlb wasn't that great), justin timberlake (to a much lesser extent), and a few random cuts here and there (maybe a beyonce joint or two [ll]), i will cringe when i hear any of those other top sellers a decade from now


also, no mention of hell hath no fury? it's already been hailed as an instant classic/landmark, even though they didn't move big numbers...

yeah yeah. timberlake's latest and the clipse should definitely be added. clipse record is still craze.

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  Liberation1945 said:
^^ but back then it didnt matter if shit stayed stale or was an instant classic...music, how it was listened, how it was distributed, etc flowed so differently that an obviously shitty record couldve turned into an instant classic...lets be real, a lot of classic/staple bands as we know it have put out shitty albums or flat out suck as a band, but they simply stood the test of time(which wasnt hard to do back when innovation was so easy to come by)...everythings been done and everythings been heard...thats word.

just another point of note rap and dance (or whatever you want to call mia etc) and god knows how many other kinds of music didnt even exist when led zeppelin and their "classic rock" counterparts were recording and youd have to be stupid to argue that there aren't "classic" albums in those genres.

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pavement suck. pavement have recorded exactly one good song. [in the mouth, a desert]. that's it. that's their only worthwhile song.

pixies have recorded more than a handful of good songs, but by now, they are all very fucking boring. maybe im biased because their reunion tour fucking blew my dick so hard i came spleen, but god... so fucking boring.

ATDI is our Black Flag.

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i still get mad hype off the first mars volta record.

yo but im puerto rican though, them dudes play some mean fucking progged-out salsa shit sometime. i cannot hate.

mars volta is our descendents. sparta is rollins band.

i hope i dont need to explain this.

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  Liberation1945 said:

i think love angel music baby will be a classic. cmon dont lie that hollaback girl beat is bananas and you wish you made it and rapped over it.

oh man, how could i have forgotten no doubt "rock steady" (2001)? easily one of the five best records of the first half of the decade and probably the entire decade once we're through. at some point i will write a belated rebuttal to nick hornby's "kid a" review, heralding how kid a and rock steady were the glorious final nails into the rock-as-rockism coffin that jann wenner (and his embarrasing wannabe lapdog hornby) should have been buried in decades before.

it's a real shame we'll probably never hear a proper follow-up to rock steady. lamb was pretty awful but the 2nd solo album was surprisingly good (or at least had great singles, the true measure of any commercial album these days). "wind it up" = some charles ives grime vs alpine yodelfest genius.

plus gwen stefani in the "underneath it all" video trumps a chan marshall / bjork / joanna newsom 3way any day of the week.

cult, you are truly delusional (re: pavement). although i once saw gina arnold at a pavement show in chicago once, even that couldn't ruin it for me. not that i think pavement is the second coming but they are still

another extremely underrated album from the early 00s that will never be given its proper due is oasis heathen chemistry... so many great songs.

so basically my top 5 for the first half of the decade would be

the rapture - echoes

no doubt - rock steady

oasis - heathen chemistry

yura yura teikoku - no memai and no shibiri

various roll deep joints

not including many bands that sustained a body of work at an extremely high level (lsd march, miminokoto - live & toshiya tsunoda, to name 3)

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  readytoignite said:
oh man, how could i have forgotten no doubt "rock steady" (2001)? easily one of the five best records of the first half of the decade and probably the entire decade once we're through. at some point i will write a belated rebuttal to nick hornby's "kid a" review, heralding how kid a and rock steady were the glorious final nails into the rock-as-rockism coffin that jann wenner (and his embarrasing wannabe lapdog hornby) should have been buried in decades before.

it's a real shame we'll probably never hear a proper follow-up to rock steady. lamb was pretty awful but the 2nd solo album was surprisingly good (or at least had great singles, the true measure of any commercial album these days). "wind it up" = some charles ives grime vs alpine yodelfest genius.

plus gwen stefani in the "underneath it all" video trumps a chan marshall / bjork / joanna newsom 3way any day of the week.

cult, you are truly delusional (re: pavement). although i once saw gina arnold at a pavement show in chicago once, even that couldn't ruin it for me. not that i think pavement is the second coming but they are still

another extremely underrated album from the early 00s that will never be given its proper due is oasis heathen chemistry... so many great songs.

so basically my top 5 for the first half of the decade would be

the rapture - echoes

no doubt - rock steady

oasis - heathen chemistry

yura yura teikoku - no memai and no shibiri

various roll deep joints

not including many bands that sustained a body of work at an extremely high level (lsd march, miminokoto - live & toshiya tsunoda, to name 3)

i wasn't able to weed out the sarcasm from this mess, but heathen chemistry? heathen fucking chemistry?!?!

i mean, yeah, roll it over was pretty tight and hindu times was kinda cool, but this album was fucking mediocre. it's when i realized oasis would never be "great" again. don't believe the truth was definitely stronger, but all in all i've lost complete faith in the brothers gallagher.

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no sarcasm in any of the above (though i forgot to finish my comment re: pavement, i'm sure you can figure it out). i suppose you could argue that heathen chemistry verged on self-parody with the performances but there's some pretty classic anthems in there... hell even the power ballads are classic anthems.

you can drop almost any song into rotation on aor and it would stand up pretty well, can't say that about too many bands post-grunge

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  onemancult said:
i still get mad hype off the first mars volta record.

yo but im puerto rican though, them dudes play some mean fucking progged-out salsa shit sometime. i cannot hate.

mars volta is our descendents. sparta is rollins band.

i hope i dont need to explain this.

Explain it. I think Mars Volta was kinda boring.

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  PaperSt. said:

that came out in 1999 you fucking douche bag.

and lmao at Heathen Chemistry..

and i LOVED how Carl criticized dude for picking some slightly questionable albums and commenced his list with the silver jews. the silver fucking jews??? you've GOT to be fucking kidding.

Okay maybe i'm fucked up in the head but when I think CLASSIC album i'm not thinking "oh this album is so good i'd probably remember it and maybe even listen to it a few years from now"

When I think classic, i think like albums like Rubber Soul, Stone Roses, The Queen Is Dead, Definitely Maybe, Blood on the Tracks, Back in Black, etc.. out of EVERYTHING mentioned I think the only 2 you can even put in the same category as all that is probably

Is This It

Kid A

The Blueprint (Toss up between blueprint 1 and 2)

honorable mention to the first 2 libertines albums. I'd love to put them there but it really hasn't had as big of an influence to be up there YET.

and these albums BARELY cut it. There you go ladies and gentlemen, the only two albums of the 00's that can compare to ACTUAL classic albums..

Seriously I think sometimes you guys lose track of what albums are ALREADY deemed classic.. devendra banhart.. fuck you gotta be kidding me.

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  poopie boy said:

Okay maybe i'm fucked up in the head but when I think CLASSIC album i'm not thinking "oh this album is so good i'd probably remember it and maybe even listen to it a few years from now"

When I think classic, i think like albums like Rubber Soul, Stone Roses, The Queen Is Dead, Definitely Maybe, Blood on the Tracks, Back in Black, etc.. out of EVERYTHING mentioned I think the only 2 you can even put in the same category as all that is probably

Is This It

Kid A

The Blueprint (Toss up between blueprint 1 and 2)

honorable mention to the first 2 libertines albums. I'd love to put them there but it really hasn't had as big of an influence to be up there YET.

and these albums BARELY cut it. There you go ladies and gentlemen, the only two albums of the 00's that can compare to ACTUAL classic albums..

Seriously I think sometimes you guys lose track of what albums are ALREADY deemed classic.. devendra banhart.. fuck you gotta be kidding me.

you almost negated your entire arguement by brining up blueprint 2, but i'll let that slide.

i totally feel you in respect to the word "classic", but there are some great albums that get lumped under classic that aren't mega blockbuster super 5x million selling jawns.

your remain in lights, your lovelesses, your pinkertons. while i agree that any devendra banhart records aren't worthy of the farthest stretched definition of classic, there are some albums mentioned here which are worthy of that, even though they're not of definitely maybe stature. (ie: madvillainy)

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loveless is one of the most overrated "classics" and a perfect example of pitchfork reader group-think / received "wisdom." i would argue that there are one and a half teenage filmstar albums that are actually better at doing what loveless tries to do, than loveless. and for that matter i would pick the first flying saucer attack album over loveless any day of the week.

part of the problem is that americans are seemingly incapable of grokking the concept of a singles band, so you end up with a lot of albums that are overrated based on the quality of their attendant singles. exemplars of this false understanding include the cure, the smiths and mbv.

you guys can laugh at heathen chemistry as much as you want, you probably skipped through it once when it came out and wrote it off.

poopie, your point is somewhat moot since all albums viewed as classics are viewed as such through a specific lens encompassing the specific moment of time of their release (culturally and personally) as well as the legacy of the band's work (their influence and relevance at the time of looking back). so basically it's a theoretical exercise.

although i concede that some posters seem to understand / anticipate this better than others.

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on pavement

slacker crackers bore the shit out of me so bad, man. i dunno. the only song of theirs that resonates with me at all is in the mouth a desert. everything else falls way flat. i recognize it as influential and important and everything but it does nothing for me overall.

on descendents / rollins band analogy

rollins band sucks wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than descendents. and i don't even like the descendents. i just needed bands that split off from black flag. who i also don't like. i have this problem with middle class white kids complaining about stuff too much.

on mars volta / sparta

ok, sparta suck period. there is no way around that. sparta are a weak impression of what post-hardcore should be, and coming from the ranks of ATDI the fact that they suck so much is a testament to how important the two main beaners who ended up forming the puerto-progxican styles of TMV were to ATDI.

i really cannot hate mars volta, as much as i would love to due to a shitty fan base and tendency to go way overboard. if you're well-versed in nyc-based salsa dura, or hard salsa, and in latin prog rock, then you can totally get how on-point and delicious TMV are. i really think that if you haven't listened to Fania All Stars and early Santana you shouldn't be allowed to listen to TMV, because you won't understand it at all.

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i'm with you on the smiths. totally a singles band. and my bloody valentine too.

i mean, the smiths' best work is all contained on two compilations with severe


but the CURE, come on.

the cure are knowwwwwwwwwwwn for their singles, for sure, but can you really really really really really really tell me that you aren't down with Seventeen Seconds and Faith and Pornography as three wonderfully complete platters of sour-mouthed, despair-filled gothique roque? the transformation from extra-gloomy but still catchy post-punk to funereal atmospherics to all-out bleak attack force over those three albums is nothing short of amazing.


and i owe you a beer : )

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yo, you saw them in '04. come on. don't judge them on that.

go see morrissey now and tell me you still love him... dude has turned into burt bacharach.

i don't want to turn this into a cure vs. the smiths thread cuz we already had one of those a long-ass time ago, but here's my bits:

people judge the cure on their pop singles and totally ignore the other 90% of their work. and that is wrong. that'd be like me judging the smiths based on how soon is now and nothing else.

if i had to pick one band to listen to at the exclusion of the other though, the cure's body of work is so much more varied and nuanced and extensive than the smiths. so i'd have to go with bobby smith.

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i feel it is my national duty to hate pavement a bunch of kids from the us doing impressions of early 80's flying nun bands, they had the clean, the stones, double happys, the gordons so many good chose from in their pillaging of my cultural heritage. did they?

no. they put together all the worst bits of the dunedin sound and sold it as their own.

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