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What albums of the 2000s will be considered classics in 10 years?

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I don't really like much of the music on Two-Headed Boy's list either, but the truth is that Pitchfork is a major tastemaker. And for better or (moreso) worse most of those are the "famous" albums of the indie set that people are going to keep talking about. So I'll be the voice of dissent to say I think it's actually pretty valid.

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I avoid the music press like the plague, and a quick search of Pitchfork confirmed my reasons.

6.8 for Miss Machine? I'd like to know just how talented these garage rock cretins they worship are to get 9.xs.

Also no magazine that ever thinks a piece of art can be rated to decimal places should ever be trusted with a bargepole. 5 stars will suffice.

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  Double D said:
I avoid the music press like the plague, and a quick search of Pitchfork confirmed my reasons.

6.8 for Miss Machine? I'd like to know just how talented these garage rock cretins they worship are to get 9.xs.

Also no magazine that ever thinks a piece of art can be rated to decimal places should ever be trusted with a bargepole. 5 stars will suffice.

anyone who seriously listens to animal collective is a d-bag.

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  Two-Headed Boy said:
ok guys, mabye I read a little Pitchfork. Lets just say if it weren't for them i wouldn't know shit about music. Is agreeing with a review site a crime? better than being like my lame freinds and listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers.

You still don't know shit about music. Now you listen to whatever one single website tells you. Not much different than your friends with the radio listening to RHCP.

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  premiumsqueezed said:
You still don't know shit about music. Now you listen to whatever one single website tells you. Not much different than your friends with the radio listening to RHCP.

I am not saying I know anything about music. In fact I probably know less than most..

I just use pitchfork as a source to discover music, not to be some kind of hipster douche. I just find I agree with their taste. I won't listen to something i hate just because pitchfork likes it.

Hating Pitchfork is the new thing music elitists do. It is the new platform they've made for themselves, to stand on, so they can look down at someone on the internet. Then they post something on their blog. and Pitchfork gave it a 9.0.

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hating pitchfork has been around since about two years after pitchfork started. for all the reasons people have stated, and for people like you that blithely defend it without understanding a. music b. the industry c. history.


californication was released in 1999, by the way, for everyone talking RHCP business.

and yeah, i can see that standing the test of time. but if we're going to include 1999 albums, another MAINSTREAM OMG WTF record that is probably going to get a healthy re-evaluation is OMFG ARE U FOR REALZ Korn's Issues. if anyone remembers the amount of airplay all the singles off of that record got and how for about six months after its release all everyone from hardcore fans to TRL watching teenie-titty-boppers would talk about was "FALLING AWAY FROM ME, FALL-ING A-WAY FROM ME!" then you know what's good.

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elastica s/t is pretty much a classic in the same way is this it is. actually the strokes' first is up there with the stone roses' first and i think will have the same meaning for kids that grew up on it (hence its inclusion on my list). the rapture's echoes is also a great album with a half dozen awesome singles, i think the different genres they work in tend to confuse people though. at any rate it's certainly 10x the album the yeah yeah yeahs put out.

it's not like kid a is an unknown album but it is underrated to the extent that people have yet to realize it is by far their best album, i think this will be corrected in ten years though.

i don't know about outkast, it's either going to remembered as 3 feet high and rising, or the miseducation of lauryn hill. i kind of think the latter. i can't tell you how many new yorker-reading, npr-listening dudes i've met that have actually told me they would like hip hop if there were more hip hop groups like outkast. blech.

interpol antics was a much better album than their first.

re: cat power, the only two great ones were moon pix and the covers record. i'm sure there are plenty who feel strongly about some of her 2000s output, however i can't be bothered to pay that much attention so i figured i'd leave that open to debate.

also what's up with slowdive being the best band of the 90s all the sudden? they had two classic records (1st ep, pygmalion) everything else pretty much sucked and now wtf?

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  Two-Headed Boy said:
I am not saying I know anything about music. In fact I probably know less than most..

I just use pitchfork as a source to discover music, not to be some kind of hipster douche. I just find I agree with their taste. I won't listen to something i hate just because pitchfork likes it.

Hating Pitchfork is the new thing music elitists do. It is the new platform they've made for themselves, to stand on, so they can look down at someone on the internet. Then they post something on their blog. and Pitchfork gave it a 9.0.

people have been hating on pitchfork since well before the days when they listed all recent album by alpha order and before you discovered them 3 months ago and started listening to jeff magnum and kayne west and told you it was ok to like justin timberlake and timberland records.

the only thing you're learning from pitchfork is how to be a 9.3 grade douchebag aka Best New Douchebag

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  pavlova cakesworth said:
i cannot stress how much everybody in this thread is overrating is this it. don't get me wrong, it is a personal favourite of mine, but just because they launched a thousand NME covers means diddly fuck in terms of recorded material. the same goes for the libertines. or would you put highly evolved in your lists as well?

Read the thread title, we're talking about ten years here. These are not albums we enshrine after fifty like the velvet underground or zepplin.

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I think it's pretty disappointing that people think "American Idiot" will be a classic. I supposed a lot of people would say the same about Dookie, though, and goddamn if I don't think Dookie is a classic 90s album.

Some great albums not mentioned (excuse me if this is a little pitchfork-y/urban outfittersy, and devoid of "only-keegan-listens-to-it-type stuff)

The Wrens--The Meadowlands

My Morning Jacket--It Still Moves

The Ponys--Laced With Romance

Doves--The Last Broadcast

Queens of the Stone Age--Songs for the Deaf (unless Homme totally destroys the legacy)

Belle & Sebastian--Dear Catastrophe Waitress (which I hated on first listen)


and maybe Okkervil River--Black Sheep Boy

Maybe a good thread would be 2000s albums that seemed rad at first, but haven't held up.

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  Liberation1945 said:
i want to have any kind of sex with cat power. =(

fixed, for me at least. she prob tastes so sweet...

i can't believe any of you think antics > totbl. i thought that totbl's awesomeness wasn't debatable. like saying stone roses (self titled) > second coming.

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there is no way in hell antics is better than the first record. antics is basically all the same drum patterns from the first record with slightly hookier songwriting and even more inane lyrics, with none of the bite/sharp edge that the first record had. the only songs on antics that are worth listening to in terms of making any sort of progression as a group are slow hands and c'mere.

joanna newsom in person is not so cute. bjork is. i'd take bjork over joanna newsom.

also, check bjork out in the pagan poetry video. sexy as all hell. [although i would bet that joanna tastes way better than bjork, for sure.]

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  onemancult said:
there is no way in hell antics is better than the first record. antics is basically all the same drum patterns from the first record with slightly hookier songwriting and even more inane lyrics, with none of the bite/sharp edge that the first record had. the only songs on antics that are worth listening to in terms of making any sort of progression as a group are slow hands and c'mere.

joanna newsom in person is not so cute. bjork is. i'd take bjork over joanna newsom.

also, check bjork out in the pagan poetry video. sexy as all hell. [although i would bet that joanna tastes way better than bjork, for sure.]

ok so bjork > joanna in battle of punani.

what about feist vs. cat power (it's a no-brainer but seems like a similar matchup).

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  onemancult said:
there is no way in hell antics is better than the first record. antics is basically all the same drum patterns from the first record with slightly hookier songwriting and even more inane lyrics, with none of the bite/sharp edge that the first record had. the only songs on antics that are worth listening to in terms of making any sort of progression as a group are slow hands and c'mere.

much hookier songwriting = not stupefyingly boring. lyrics? i didn't realize anyone but teenage girls rated interpol as a real band? without the hooks, interpol's just a poor man's chameleons / kitchens of distinction (which the first album more or less proves).

  onemancult said:
joanna newsom in person is not so cute. bjork is. i'd take bjork over joanna newsom.

also, check bjork out in the pagan poetry video. sexy as all hell. [although i would bet that joanna tastes way better than bjork, for sure.]

i flat out reject matthew barney's sloppy seconds. it's like after prince got his hands on kim basinger, you know she was ruined for life.

anyway, i can guarantee you no one in ten years will care about joanna newsom unless she incites someone to suicide with her voice

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would 'classic' as discussed here mean a record that the general population will be aware of/heard, or do you still need to be interested in music and different genres?

if there's any justice:

godspeed you black emperor - lift yr skinny fists...

hot snakes - suicide invoice

rachel's - system/layers

nine horses - snow borne sorrow

maher shalal hash baz - blues du jour

karate - unsolved

nick cave & the bad seeds - dig lazarus dig!!!

...but none of them will, except for gybe, perhaps.

definitely discovery though, more so than cross.

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  polishmike said:
funny how people mention m.i.a. - kala but not her first album arular which i thought was much better. same with godspeed and lift your skinny... when F♯A♯∞ was so much better (although from the late 90s)

arular was tight and had some great songs but kala seemed more focused especially on that third world tip.

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  polishmike said:
same with godspeed and lift your skinny... when F♯A♯∞ was so much better (although from the late 90s)

I agree, not that it's that much better but as a whole I prefer F♯A♯∞ as well. Sleep is probably my favorite track of all of them though.

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  onemancult said:
hating pitchfork has been around since about two years after pitchfork started. for all the reasons people have stated, and for people like you that blithely defend it without understanding a. music b. the industry c. history.


californication was released in 1999, by the way, for everyone talking RHCP business.

and yeah, i can see that standing the test of time. but if we're going to include 1999 albums, another MAINSTREAM OMG WTF record that is probably going to get a healthy re-evaluation is OMFG ARE U FOR REALZ Korn's Issues. if anyone remembers the amount of airplay all the singles off of that record got and how for about six months after its release all everyone from hardcore fans to TRL watching teenie-titty-boppers would talk about was "FALLING AWAY FROM ME, FALL-ING A-WAY FROM ME!" then you know what's good.

Okay you are going to hate me for this. I still think this attitude is of the person who used to like Pitchfork, but then when it became an indie staple and everyone discoverred it went OMGZ HOW CAN I BE INDIE NOW??? I KNOW! LETS ALL PRETEND TO HATE PITCHFORK AND TELL EVERYONE THAT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND US UBER-INDIE PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW ANY MUSIC, HISTORY AND INDUSTRY.

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Sleep has been warming up to me as of late, but I still think Moya is the best considering it's length... perhaps one of the better "climaxes" would be attributed to East Hastings but it takes quite a while to reach that point, which can also be said for Sleep.

Even with that, I don't think anything by GYBE would be considered a classic because their appeal isn't that universal or mainstream.

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  the_state said:
people have been hating on pitchfork since well before the days when they listed all recent album by alpha order and before you discovered them 3 months ago and started listening to jeff magnum and kayne west and told you it was ok to like justin timberlake and timberland records.

the only thing you're learning from pitchfork is how to be a 9.3 grade douchebag aka Best New Douchebag

ok and I'm sure this told you: Ok, I'm not longer aloud to like Kanye and Magnum because Pitchfork likes them. It seems you are influenced by Pitchfork just as much as me. and oh, i like the I was on the I hate Pitchfork band-wangon, before you ever listened to music attitude. Pitchfork isn't a trend, but people professing their hate for it is.

Ok, shit I am going to stop now because this isn't going to go anywhere. music is about having fun, sorry for bitching @ you guys.

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  Two-Headed Boy said:
Okay you are going to hate me for this. I still think this attitude is of the person who used to like Pitchfork, but then when it became an indie staple and everyone discoverred it went OMGZ HOW CAN I BE INDIE NOW??? I KNOW! LETS ALL PRETEND TO HATE PITCHFORK AND TELL EVERYONE THAT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND US UBER-INDIE PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW ANY MUSIC, HISTORY AND INDUSTRY.

I dont think black people were allowed to be indie when pitchfork first came out.

My how things have changed.

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