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Have anyone tried advanced bodybuilder things like T3 or clenbuterol for a fat loss? I've bought T3 and intented to try it, I don't even mind to loose some muscles (actually, I think I have overdeveloped chest muscles, at least to my taste, so won't be a problem if it becomes a bit smaller)

Ok, I started my T3 usage. I'll write about progress. First time I'm planning to use very small doses (no more than 50 mg, probable even smaller).

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Be very very carefull with T3

You can seriously mess up your thyroid for the rest of your life, it also has to be pyramided and done with some testosterone or you will melt away loads of muscle as well

Drop me a pm before you start this

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I mean, I never listen to anyone that, lets say, is weaker than me and looks worse than me.

Not to say I'm the shit or anything like that.

i guess that, for example, for one to be the best football coach he has had to be the best player in his era, right?lol

i don't really understand where your hate is coming from, he seems very helpful and informative.

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Well tbh all info should be taken with a grain of salt.....you shouldn't let one persons opinion be the only one you listen to.

I mean we all know how badly Arnold trained early on. But he was JACKED. If everyone just followed what he did, most people wouldn't amount to shit and would probably have more injuries than anything else.

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Ok, no offense, but take everything CUTUP writes with a grain of salt. You ain't exactly JACKED guy.

Whats with the bullshit attitude?

I need to be an IFBB pro to help people out? I work out with guys that would dwarf your ass, but I dont spout off about it. Not trying to dummy down peoples opinions, but I know guys who dont juice and are a great size, but they know more then some of the 250 pounders. I am not claiming to know it all, I am just trying to help people out

What did I say that wasnt correct?

And not to start a pissing contest ( I know your a big guy), but I am pretty happy with my size for my height, as I dont exactly weigh nothing. I respect you ( as I have read your posts) but I dont think I have to weigh 250 pounds to have relevant information to share. and by all means, people should ask as many different people as they can, no one is %100 right all of the time


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pose down pose down!!!!

Naw, Im not trying to be a dick and call people out, I know Knucks is a big boy. I had this pic from 6 months back when someone asked me how big I was, and felt I would defend myself a bit

I dont mind a difference of opinion, but I dont appreciate being talked down to.

And besides, some people dont need to be juiced to shit all the time to be a specific size,I am happy with were i am and work more on refining my shape then enlarging it

Knucks, we all have differant goals man, and my frame at my height is not exactly built to hold 200 plus pounds

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Cutup you look good no homo.

Thanks man

Seriously there is no friggin way I would ever get past 200pounds without being a super fatass, so I dont try. I was told by my doctor and trainers when I first started working out that I would never put on past 20 pounds

I weighed in 11.5 years ago at just over 110 ( skinny as fuck) and now I am a lean 180

I respect big guys man, but the amount of pounds you weigh doenst mean shit in the big scheme of things when it comes to knowledge. I also dont know shit when compared to other guys, but that doesnt mean I wont stop learning and helping out othes that had the same questions that I did years ago

Its when you close your mind to outside information that you stop growing, there is always something new to learn regardless of the size of the guy telling you.

I know what Knucks means though, as it seems every guy who has spent a day in the gym has an opinion about something. And it takes years to learn that many of the guys who talked the most, also knew the least

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Ok, no offense, but take everything CUTUP writes with a grain of salt. You ain't exactly JACKED guy.
I mean, I never listen to anyone that, lets say, is weaker than me and looks worse than me.

This ranks up there with the dumbest things I've ever read, pure Internet ignorance.

guess you'd never listen to this guy huh?


all he did was write this:


probably the most comprehensive text ever written of the subject of strength training and conditioning.

TBH, I was very unimpressed with the recent pic of your legs that you posted. They are esthetically very unappealing; decent width but that's about it.

I don't know why you keep braggin' about heavy "beltless" squats but I have a feeling the braggin' will stop the first time you hurt yourself....Yea, I do understand why you think you need do them. Again, it should be about lifestyle and the long run.

for the record, my goal was always to improve athletic performance and to have an "athletes body", like a jacked NFL receiver or an olympic sprinter


not a meathead physique.

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Be very very carefull with T3

You can seriously mess up your thyroid for the rest of your life, it also has to be pyramided and done with some testosterone or you will melt away loads of muscle as well

Drop me a pm before you start this

I've read tons of info before using T3, so I hope I'll be fine. I'll carefully examine how my body reacts before taking larger doses.

I'm starting with 12.5mg (already started yesterday), then I'm planning to switch to 25mg, and then to 37.5mg. Maybe I'll try 50mg but no more than that.

As for messing up with thyroid, it more looks like an urban legend among bodybuilders. There are no scientific studies that prove it can destroy you thyroid for the rest of your life unless you are going to take really huge doses (200mg) for a very long period of time. I'm not planning to take it more than 3 weeks.

As for loosing muscles, I don't mind actually loosing some muscles in my legs. If my upper body will start to loose muscles (I hope to understand it if my strength will go down drastically), I'll stop using it.

If you have any useful comments, please write here or pm me. Thanks. :) I know some basic things like using T3 in pyramides, increasing proteins not to loose to much muscles etc.

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I mean, I never listen to anyone that, lets say, is weaker than me and looks worse than me.

Not to say I'm the shit or anything like that.

this is the stupidest shit I've ever heard

btw, CUTUP, you're looking quite broly there (0) and nice bro tattoo (10)

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this is the stupidest shit I've ever heard

btw, CUTUP, you're looking quite broly there (0) and nice bro tattoo (10)

I know man I know... It's the only tat I have that I wish I held out on. It's all good though, Im gonna buy some Ed Hardy and call everyone bro, it will work out in the end LOL

Cerunos I'm glad you read into it, I know guys that just took it without research. And I know the immidate shutdown of your thyroid almost never happens, but damage done by t3 doesn't generally appear until later if abused. Let us know about your progress man, I would love to hear about your results

RaWorkshop I am around 181 or so in that pic, I am 5 foot 8. It's all been about shaping for me the last 2 years. You can look 20 pounds heavier if you play with your proportions properly and sculpt the areas your are lacking in. That's why. Tend to disgree with the meathead attitude of "what do you weigh". Proportions play a huge roll in how big you look

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Starting a Purple Wraath and Green Magnitude stack as soon as it comes in the mail. Anyone have any experience with these products? From what I gathered you're supposed to take the Green Mag pre-workout, and the Purple Wraath pre/intra. Any other information would be highly appreciated.

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