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I've been pretty happy with ISOFLEX...

Again, great stuff but I think your vastly overpaying for the name IMO

Go here http://www.wheydepot.com/, for the same $60-70cdn you are spending on 2 lbs of that, you can get 5lbs of pure isolate from these guys. It mixes very well and tastes excellent. Plus if you order 25lbs you get an amazing price cut. It almost works out to you paying $43 for 5lbs

Plus they make all of their own products and source all the raw materials, so you know whats on the label is whats in the bottle.

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not an extremely meaty question but...

has anyone else gotten turf toe before? from the wild pain in my big toe joint and looking at symptoms, I've deduced this what is what I got after playing football in a park. anything special to do to heal it quicker or am i going to get fat for a few wks?

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i'm running out of isopure and wana try ATW isolate.....what flavors are good?


I've only tried ATW Isolate Chocolate PB and Cinnamon Bun....I had Cinnamon first, tasted "eh" until I tried the Choco PB and it made me miss Cinnamon.

Then I got Vitamin Shoppes vanilla(my friend was throwing it away so I grabbed it from him) and OMFG it was the nastiest shit and made me worship the Cinnamon Bun.

I just ordered two Cinnamon Bun blends since they are dirt cheap. Bought a Cup Cake Batter isolate....

Get the 25 dollar Cinnamon Bun...with free shipping...omfg such a good deal idk why anyone is passing it up.

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well when you bulk u wont go through too many cravings since ur supposed to be eating more then u burn and naturally ud gain a little chub. I wouldnt crave anything while buulking cuz i was always eating haha

it sucks when u cut or just eating right, but you get so used to it, i went without pre-prepaired meals, fast-food, cafeteria food- or soda for my senior year in high school and was working out 5 times a week, a big difference.

Sleep and diet are most important in making improvements...

that is after consistency of course

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what's the hype about ATW protein? is it just cheaper than other brands? tastier? i've been using GNC 100% whey just cuz it's convenient for me to pick up. it's pretty expensive, like 40 bucks for the big jug....

creatine? i heard it gives you water muscles?? :confused:

i know diet comes first. but someone school me on how and what to supplement!

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Guest on-display
what's the hype about ATW protein? is it just cheaper than other brands? tastier? i've been using GNC 100% whey just cuz it's convenient for me to pick up. it's pretty expensive, like 40 bucks for the big jug....

creatine? i heard it gives you water muscles?? :confused:

i know diet comes first. but someone school me on how and what to supplement!

first never buy your shit from gnc/supp stores they mark their prices up its ridiculous. bodybuilding.com is usually the best place to get supplements. atw taste good and is fairly cheaper then other products like ON whey.

Creatine maintains the water in the muscles.when you take creatine, water is retained in your muscles and when you weight train you will get more effect because your muscles are capable of building muscle. Creatine is used to develop more strength and increased endurance as well.

what supps? depends on what your goal is. honestly all you need is a multi vitamin and protein and then depending on your goal you can take it from there

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what's the hype about ATW protein? is it just cheaper than other brands? tastier? i've been using GNC 100% whey just cuz it's convenient for me to pick up. it's pretty expensive, like 40 bucks for the big jug....

creatine? i heard it gives you water muscles?? :confused:

i know diet comes first. but someone school me on how and what to supplement!

Supplement with protein.

Why ATW? It's cheap. Tastes half decent. And did I mention its cheap? I mean the price per gram of protein for the isolate is cheap as shit.

Uhm. This is what I take...

Protein, fish oil, creatine, ZMA, multi...although multis are bullshit. Better off just eating a balanced diet with a ton of whole foods.

As anyone would say...its based on your goals...like, if youre trying to go into ketosis, don't mess with creatine because you'll need carbs to utilize it...

Why fish oil? Because western diets are lacking in omega 3 fatty acids...and if you want to avoid a ton of diseases , you'd want a balanced omega 3-6-9 profile.

Oh I always take fish oil because I have tons of acne, well HAD, shit cleared up a bunch thanks to it.

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on display, sole (can't rep), thanks. i've been bulking for the past 6 months, looking to go a little longer to add about 5-10 more pounds. still doing starting strength every other day, rest the weekends, trying to eat as clean as i can.

i take about 3 scoops of whey daily, 1 in the morning, two after workouts. how would i best use creatine in my routine? i don't wanna pull up cramping during class or something, lots of water to rehydrate with creatine right?

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on display, sole (can't rep), thanks. i've been bulking for the past 6 months, looking to go a little longer to add about 5-10 more pounds. still doing starting strength every other day, rest the weekends, trying to eat as clean as i can.

i take about 3 scoops of whey daily, 1 in the morning, two after workouts. how would i best use creatine in my routine? i don't wanna pull up cramping during class or something, lots of water to rehydrate with creatine right?

First off, use kre-alkalyn creatine. Higher absorption, less is used, and it bypasses the liver and it doesn't create creatinine, a waste product that puts a toll on your liver. No cramping or stomach issues either. If you want the name of a good ( and very cheap) online seller let me know and I will post it up.

You need to take more protein. The goal is 1gram per pound of bodyweight, so I am guessing your not taking in enough. I try and take 3 shakes daily, one right when I wakeup, one mid day, and one right after my workout ( Im talking like minutes after your workout)

Drink lots of water with high protein and creatine intake, take 1 pill in the morning, and 1-2 half an hour before you workout or right after you workout to replace lost levels. If your not using kre-alkalyn take 5 grams of monohydrate when you wake up, and 5 grams when your done training.

After a week of loading you only need to take 5 grams daily to maintain with monohydrate

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Hey I'll just add in my two cents, supplementing cutups info (he keeps droppin the good ass info)

If taking monohydrate, you don't need 5 grams of creatine. Studies have shown 3 to be enough. Less stomach issues etc. As for loading, well, I don't believe in it, but I guess some people need to do it?

To be honest I never notice a difference on/off creatine, but I take it anyway ...

I haven't use kre-alkalyn but articles that I read always talk about how other forms of creatine are OKAY but sticking with monohydrate is perfectly fine.

Plus its cheap as heck =x

As for protein...

I take a scoop of a whey pre, a scoop post, a scoop if I'm not in the mood to eat a solid meal, and then I take casein an hour after I take ZMA at night.

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