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first off, im only 16 , and i dont wanna mess with stuff that could injure/stunt my growth. second, i dont wanna get a membership right now ( somewhat expensive) . and third, i want to be able to do 100 push ups because im trying to accomplish a goal.

so for now, imma stick to some free weights, running, sports, and push-ups etc.

working out CAN stun your growth but its not so much the working out part, as it is the diet part. Alot of kids go on strict diets where they cut carbs or cut fat or something but at their age, they need all the nutrients they can get.

And 100 pushups isnt going to do you anything. so whatever goal youre trying to accomplish, good luck doing it your own way.

Im not saying you NEED to goto the gym but no offence, doesnt sound much like you know what you are doing.

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working out CAN stun your growth but its not so much the working out part, as it is the diet part. Alot of kids go on strict diets where they cut carbs or cut fat or something but at their age, they need all the nutrients they can get.

And 100 pushups isnt going to do you anything. so whatever goal youre trying to accomplish, good luck doing it your own way.

Im not saying you NEED to goto the gym but no offence, doesnt sound much like you know what you are doing .

Brutal honest truth right here ^

You may get some joint strengthening and some light overall strength in your arms/chest, but it wont be much. If thats what you want and thats your goal then all the power to you, but if you think you will look any different ie muscular its time to wake up

As long as your not downing stimulants and cutting carbs you wont be stunting your growth one bit. Maintain a healthy diet and eat properly and you will be on your way.

Likewise dont do the bullshit "pro workouts" with a million sets that always seem to show up in differant forms in bodybuilding magazines. If you dont go the gym every day and overtrain/overexhurt yourself you will do just fine

Also, if your doing light free weights at home, check out bodybuilding.com's workout section. They have highly detailed articles complete with pic and videos of how to lift, so you can do a varierty of body parts with a simple set of dumbells. Its great for a newbie to learn proper form and to prevent injuries due to improper lifting

Mind you nothing beats going to a real gym and watching a pro, or someone who has a shaoe similer to the one you are striving for

I wish that was there for reference when I started so I didnt stumble so much in the beggining

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Brutal honest truth right here ^

You may get some joint strengthening and some light overall strength in your arms/chest, but it wont be much. If thats what you want and thats your goal then all the power to you, but if you think you will look any different ie muscular its time to wake up

As long as your not downing stimulants and cutting carbs you wont be stunting your growth one bit. Maintain a healthy diet and eat properly and you will be on your way.

Likewise dont do the bullshit "pro workouts" with a million sets that always seem to show up in differant forms in bodybuilding magazines. If you dont go the gym every day and overtrain/overexhurt yourself you will do just fine

Also, if your doing light free weights at home, check out bodybuilding.com's workout section. They have highly detailed articles complete with pic and videos of how to lift, so you can do a varierty of body parts with a simple set of dumbells. Its great for a newbie to learn proper form and to prevent injuries due to improper lifting

Mind you nothing beats going to a real gym and watching a pro, or someone who has a shaoe similer to the one you are striving for

I wish that was there for reference when I started so I didnt stumble so much in the beggining

exactly how i feel. the first time i "worked out" was 10 years ago in freshman PE class or something. I had heard that pushups can make me buff so I did as many pushups and situps on the daily. didnt do me any good.

i can honestly say i didnt know wat i was doing until this past year. Dieting and supplementing is still fairly new to me but thank god i got it in check.

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Don't underestimate the value of pushups. I did 1000 pushups a day, in my 20's before I ever really got into lifting seriously.

I did warm sets of 50 followed by a set of about 600 followed by sets of 30 with a 50lb back pack.....yeah, yeah ,yeah, they all weren't perfect....but they worked.

Chest was sculpted, triceps were developed, delts looked good and my stomach was rock hard.

Doing push ups won't make you b i g, but they do work.

I was obsessed with them. I couldn't leave my house if i didn't do them.....but I pay today for my old obsession with arthritis in both shoulders....

anyway, back to the question of how to get to 100.....just add 1 every few days and you'll get there...you can also try the weighted back pack.

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True ^ but...

I dont think anyone is denying that physical activity of some kind is good, it always is. I think from the sounds of things the guy is under a false impression though

And I would bet my ass he isnt using a weight belt when hes hitting those push ups.

Its funny how pushups seem to be the next favorite question just behind " how much do you bench". Its like a universal bb question

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Currently taking a week off from lifting and a strict diet. I plan on having a pretty strict diet for the next 3-4 weeks on my cut for summer. I've hit up an all-you-can-eat sushi joint, all-you-can-eat wings, and plan on binge drinking tomorrow night. Might as well go all out, because the next month is going to get real serious.

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okay so i am not on the keto diet because i have exams and would be a unfocused jerk without carbz. huge as i am (lol), i would like to lose a bunch of fat. i am 5'7" and about 195lb (not sure my bf %).

should i try carb cycling? ive been doing 3-5 cardio sessions postworkout for months and lost some fat but not enough.

or should i just say fuck it, do the keto and try and lift heavy to retain muscles?

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okay so i am not on the keto diet because i have exams and would be a unfocused jerk without carbz. huge as i am (lol), i would like to lose a bunch of fat. i am 5'7" and about 195lb (not sure my bf %).

should i try carb cycling? ive been doing 3-5 cardio sessions postworkout for months and lost some fat but not enough.

or should i just say fuck it, do the keto and try and lift heavy to retain muscles?

Carb cycling would help, likewise your eating times and what kind of carbs your eating will play a pivotal role in weight loss.

Be sure they are all low glycemic index carbs ( ie brown whole grains, yams ect) processed high glycemic carbs will spike your insulin through the roof, causing fat gain and water retention.

Also the times you eat said carbs are extremely important. Dont eat any carbs if possible after 7:00pm-8:00pm or so. And make your breakfast something hearty like a bowl of oeatmeal. It will keep you feeling full longer, and the carbs in oatmeal will release slowly and be better utilized

Keto will eventually burn your muscles as well, unless your juiced and slinging back loads of protein.

Watch your carbs and increase your water and protein intake ( minimum of 1 gram per pound of bodyweight for the protein)

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yea i have all basics covered man and i have for awhile, im not juicing either

so will probably look into carb cycling to get rid of bodyfat im uncomfortable with. keto seems more like a BB competition diet unless juicing of course.. although i realize lifting heavy and high protein are major factors in retaining m. mass

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so I fucked up my wrist today and I'm pretty sure I'm out for a couple of weeks =[. I'm most likely going to get it checked out this week. now am I just limited to cardio/abs? or can anyone recommend me some sort of split I can do while disabled?

please =[

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^that sucks. do you think it's just sprained or what?

gaining weight is a bitch. i need to buy a blender and make some shakes

didn't have a great workout today, i think mostly because i didn't sleep very well last night. my squats are still progressing nicely. my upper body is easily my weakest area, damn these long skinny arms. need to start doing assistance lifts so i can keep progressing on press and bench.

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Starting a low-carb diet for the next 3 or 4 weeks, with one cheat meal/carb up a week. Going to see how my body reacts to it, hopefully well. Trying to cut off the last bit of body fat to judge how my bulk did in terms of building muscle, and to see my abs finally come back, haha. Wish me luck, I'm gonna be a grumpy SOB for the next while.

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Do most of you guys have built upper bodies?

My homie has huge arms, but his legs are lanky as a mofucka.

I'm the exact opposite. Would consider trading for that just to finally be able to squeeze into skinny pants/denim.

Im pretty well balanced, which is good considering I didnt do legs nearly hard enough until a couple of years ago, I was far too slack with legs

My quads have gotten rather huge because of my stance when I squat.

One major thing many of these people who dont workout legs forget is that doing legs releases double the amount of testosterone ( on average), and that release continues to be elvated well into the next day.

Therefore you grow all over by doing legs, none of the massive juice pigs in the gym ever bypasses legs, many of the monsters do them twice a week.

That being said my upper body is bigger then my legs, if my legs grew to match my upper body I would be fucked for jeans

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