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nah, i'm finding rest/days off highly overrated.

i feel different. when i was working out at least 6 days a week i found myself feeling all sorts of drained throughout most of my days/evenings mentally and physically. overall off track and dull as shit. im usually a pretty talkative, approachable dude but i was often finding myself sort of reserved, too cloudy to really exert myself during any sort of work or social activity.

so basically i take fridays thru sundays off...keep my game tight and my swagger right. have them bitches takin the dick. slobbin it, slurpin it up. turnin round, gettin down. makin it jiggle like a cup a jello. you know all that.

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most people don't train nearly as hard as they think.

truth. I see people carrying conversationg while doing sets in the gym. Basically, if you can hold any type of conversation without hard breathing, you aren't working to your true potential and probably aren't training hard enough.

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what is this game we are playing?


waist at belly button: 29.5in

hips where pants worn: 32.5

quad: 24in


pants fit me stupid.

whats the right proportion again?

i'm at 32" waist with 21" thighs

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whats ur waist/hip bro?

is it weird that i find it really funny when the most mundane, ordinary of questions are followed by "bro"?

what'cha got on your sandwich bro?

'kinda pets you got bro?

oh yeah when's your nieces birthday bro?

all said with a nod of the head. bro, california's got the best of me.

no hate by the way, gaydad. can we have a pic or two more of some golden browned popeye's chicken?

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