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^ FUCK YES. They will never ever be able to surpass this album.

soo true. not saying thier releases after this was bad (thier split with thursday was wowiemami) but dead sinking irony was the perfect balance before they went for a softer sound.

essay wind down music


(slightly obvious jap band phase with this paper)

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soo true. not saying thier releases after this was bad (thier split with thursday was wowiemami) but dead sinking irony was the perfect balance before they went for a softer sound.

essay wind down music


(slightly obvious jap band phase with this paper)

the live versions of some of their stuff is amazing.

I've seen em twice now, once in NYC and once in DC and they never fail to amaze me. I would love to see these guys with BORIS...I think my brain would orgasm immediately.

Also, I love how insomniac doze(third album) is so operatic! The last three songs basically merge into one, that has the tension and intensity of a very good opera. Tragically hopeful, frankly.

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the live versions of some of their stuff is amazing.

I've seen em twice now, once in NYC and once in DC and they never fail to amaze me. I would love to see these guys with BORIS...I think my brain would orgasm immediately.

Also, I love how insomniac doze(third album) is so operatic! The last three songs basically merge into one, that has the tension and intensity of a very good opera. Tragically hopeful, frankly.

yea i saw mono with pelican a couple years back, probably one of the best shows ive been to even though pelican were...pelican....

i dont really get the hype around boris, i mean they play good music and thier albums ok but everyone i know was (and still are) shitting themselves when they came to town (with torche and cursed!!) and over thier LP releases. like backstreet boys and 13 year old girls type excitement.

dont get me wrong, insomniac doze was a great album and envy hasnt put out a bad record yet (fingers crossed) just deadsinking irony was the record that defined them the most thats all.


paper wrap ups, followed by a nap cause im a big fucking baby


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