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Cotton Duck was robbed

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Ahaha, thanks guys.

I'm currently schooling people on styleforum....

This really shows the difference between the two forums quite well actually, overthere they go, "hey look "steampunk" this could be interesting"

while on the future you go: "one of ours does this better, FAIL!!!"

Ahaha, again thanks!

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Almost worm, almost...


person 1: "Hai, is it ok if my retarded fat cousin also comes to the park today for our steammeet?"

person 2: "Does she look steampunk enough?"

person 1: "Well, not right now but we'll do our best..."

rummages through garage...

person 1 to cousin: "Hey, look I found you these VERY steampunk looking welders goggles"

retarded fat cousin: "Oh gawwww..."

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whats the

little telescope thingy? is that supposed to be the mouse?

yeah most of the steampunks do look like cosplay....sucks, it could be really cool. but if well played this could be extremely cool....

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^ sorry man, I am editing my entry :)

I still dig this one japanese guy's steampunk watches... oooh I love metalware.


Though, aesthetics aside, they'd be more useful as weapons to... er... clock someone over the head with.

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She's probably referring to The Difference Engine, the Gibson-Sterling collaboration.

William Gibson and Bruce Sterling's 1990 novel The Difference Engine is often credited with bringing widespread awareness of the genre among science fiction fans (although, as mentioned above, the term was coined by Jeter in 1987.[2]) This novel applies the principles of Gibson and Sterling's cyberpunk writings to an alternate Victorian era where Charles Babbage's proposed steam-powered mechanical computer, which he called a difference engine (a later, more general-purpose version was known as an analytical engine), was actually built, and led to the dawn of the information age more than a century "ahead of schedule".

from wiki

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