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Russian soldiers discovered this disturbing alien creature along the Sakhalin shoreline, which is located in the most eastern part of Russia, some 5,000 miles away from Moscow and very near Japan. The rivers in this area are alive with fish of all kinds, particularly salmon. The coast of Sakhalin is also the only known feeding ground for the critically-endangered species, the Western Pacific Gray Whale. Other whale species on the verge of extinction are also known to gravitate to this specific area. These include: the North Pacific Right Whale, the Bowhead Whale and the Beluga Whale.

So far, Russian scientists have not been able to either identify this anomaly or place it within the known order of anything at all. They do know that according to the bones and teeth, it is not a fish. Its skeleton also indicates that it is not a crocodile or alligator, even though the tail is suggestive of such. Oddly, it has a skin with hair or fur.


The very first people who encountered the remains of the mysterious alien creature took pictures as it lay on the beach. Soon after, Russian Special Services removed it and sent it away for further, in-depth study.

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  owl said:


Lieutenant Pigott, apparently distraught because he had authorized the Taser shooting last week of an emotionally disturbed man who pitched headlong to his death from a second-story building ledge, fatally shot himself on Thursday at the headquarters of the Emergency Services Unit in Brooklyn, the police said.

The lieutenant, who had been stripped of his gun and badge and placed on desk duty in another unit after the Taser incident, killed himself with a single shot to the head from a 9-millimeter Glock handgun taken from another officer’s locker at Floyd Bennett Field, a former airfield in Brooklyn where several police divisions are located, officials said.


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that's so depressing. the canadian government is looking at taking away the use of tasers because there have been so many deaths involving them lately...like 5 people have died recently because of them, it's a super contentious issue.

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Police have apprehended a Western man who went skinny dipping in a moat ringing the Imperial Palace in a busy Tokyo business district, attracting a huge crowd, officials said Tuesday.

The naked middle-aged man jumped into the moat, then threw rocks and splashed water at two policemen who chased him in a rowing boat, a Tokyo Metropolitan Police official said on condition of anonymity, citing protocol.

The police official did not know the man's name or nationality. Public broadcaster NHK and Kyodo News agency said the man is believed to be a 40-year-old Briton living in Spain who visited the moat with several Spanish friends.


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If you're a fan of those pink and white frosted Circus Animal cookies from Mother's, either stock up or start priming your nostalgia, because this week the company closed its doors abruptly. They've cited the expected reasons—the rising cost of raw materials, and an inability to borrow in the frozen credit market.
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  • 2 weeks later...



Victoria is Canada's most delightful city. People love its balmy ocean breezes and its early spring. They love to stroll through its extensive public parks, where, every evening, colourful homeless people pitch their tents among the beautiful fall foliage. You will too. Just watch out for used needles in the grass.

Are squatters' camps in public parks a Charter right? Yes, says Madam Justice Carol Ross. So long as there is a shortage of shelter beds, they have a right to create shelter anywhere they want. Last week, the B.C. Supreme Court judge ruled that bylaws prohibiting homeless people from pitching tents on city land are "arbitrary and overbroad and hence not consistent with the principles of fundamental justice."

Naturally, homeless advocates cheered. "I'm trying not to gloat too much," said activist David Arthur Johnston, who is, as it happens, homeless by choice. "But it's not easy."

Within hours of the judgment, a tent city sprang up in Beacon Hill, Victoria's biggest and most famous park. The city quickly passed a bylaw saying the tents would only be allowed between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Still, residents are appalled. "Lots of them are passed out in their own puke and excrement, there's human waste and garbage and stolen shopping carts full of junk," one said. "It's more like a human wreckage pile than a campsite." Other cities are worried that they, too, may soon be fighting tent cities erected in front of city hall. "We are headed down a path of unknowns here," says Victoria's deputy mayor, Dean Fortin.

For years, Victoria's residents, like those in Vancouver, have stood by helplessly as public disorder has grown steadily worse. This ruling is bound to increase the chaos. Just ask Toronto, which tolerated a squatters' settlement on private land back in 2002. It was plagued by drugs, disease, theft, violence and prostitution, to say nothing of sanitation issues. Some of the squatters were also there by choice. Advocates for the homeless howled with outrage when the city shut it down, even though most of the occupants were successfully rehoused.

In 2006, Victoria shut down another tent camp and spent more than $100,000 to clean up the mess. That was when Mr. Johnston, the homeless activist, decided that his rights had been violated, and launched the case that was decided last week. It's worth noting that the judge also said homeless people aren't obliged to accept shelter beds if they don't like them.

B.C. courts can be remarkably inventive in their interpretation of Charter rights. Earlier this year, another judge ruled that people who shoot up in Vancouver's supervised-injection site are also protected by the Charter because the site provides a necessary medical service to addicts. In both cases, the judges decided it was up to them, not the politicians, to make social policy. Their decisions will no doubt inspire a hundred other lawyers eager to forge new frontiers in constitutional rights.

No one denies that Vancouver and Victoria have a serious homeless problem, or that solving it will be expensive. Both cities blame stingy upper levels of government for not coughing up more money for social housing. Yet both cities are already pouring millions into every imaginable kind of social service for the homeless, from soup kitchens to art classes. Streamlining the hundreds of agencies and thousands of programs designed to "help" the homeless would be one way to free up money for what the homeless really need - a long-term roof over their heads.

Sadly, the poverty industry is so entrenched in B.C. that any effort to divert taxpayers' money from social workers to actual homeless people is probably doomed to failure. You also get the feeling that advocates for the addicted and the unsheltered are far more interested in expanding their clients' "rights" than they are in solving their problems. Too bad about that. Because we all agree on one thing. We really do owe these people something better.

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I remember as a kid my first experience with homeless people was in Victoria. This woman was all huddled up and was holding out a mirror so that she could peek out and see people coming up from behind her. Just like how inmates stick a small mirror out to see what's going on outside the cell. I just walked right up to her to see why she did that. I was like 4 yrs old. She thought i was her son. Then my mom freaked the fuck out and came and grabbed me. Weird. I remember this like it happened yesterday.

i've been back as an adult. and um lots of IV drug use going on all over the place. where i'm from we try to keep that shit a secret...

many homeless in that area seemed to be addicts and alcoholics. in the US i think most homeless are mentally impaired, living on the street as a result of deinstitutionalization. a minor but significant difference. of course both countries have both types of homeless but i think proportionally there may be a difference, i could be wrong though. that's just how it seemed...

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^no we are just ashamed of our homeless

Afghan police kill 35 militants

Wed, Oct 22 02:45 PM

Kabul, Oct 22 (Xinhua) Afghan police forces with air support from the international troops drove back a Taliban assault on southern Afghan province of Uruzgan killing 35 militants, Juma Gul Humat, the provincial police said Wednesday.

Police chief Juma Gul Humat said more than 100 Taliban militants surrounded Deh Rawood district of the province and launched simultaneous attacks from all sides heading toward the centre of the district.

'Afghan police forces engaged Taliban insurgents with air support of international troops,' he said, adding that the fighting continued till the early hours of Wednesday.

The police chief said 'over 35 militants were killed in the clashes and nine of them were identified as local commanders.'

The fighting left three policemen dead and six wounded, he said.

'Taliban militants have been driven out of the district,' Humat said.

Meanwhile, Qari Yusuf Ahmadi, the purported Taliban spokesman confirmed the insurgents launched attacks on Deh Rawood saying they destroyed three police posts and killed 17 policemen.

The southern Afghanistan has seen a significant rise in Taliban activities since the beginning of the current month.

Taliban-related militancy and anti-terror clashes have claimed the lives of more than 4,700 people, mostly insurgents, till date this year, according to officials.

^been doing this the last two days

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Electronic Voting Machines Switching Votes

At least three early voters in Jackson County had a hard time voting for candidates they want to win.

Virginia Matheney and Calvin Thomas said touch-screen machines in the county clerk's office in Ripley kept switching their votes from Democratic to Republican candidates.

"When I touched the screen for Barack Obama, the check mark moved from his box to the box indicating a vote for John McCain," said Matheney, who lives in Kenna.

When she reported the problem, she said, the poll worker in charge "responded that everything was all right. It was just that the screen was sensitive and I was touching the screen too hard. She instructed me to use only my fingernail."

Even after she began using her fingernail, Matheney said, the problem persisted.

When she tried to vote for candidates running for two open seats on the Supreme Court, the electronic machine canceled her second vote twice.

On her third try, Matheney managed to cast votes for both Menis Ketchum and Margaret Workman, Democratic candidates for the two open seats.

Calvin Thomas, 81, who retired from Kaiser Aluminum in Ravenswood in 1983 and now lives in Ripley, experienced the same problem.

"When I pushed Obama, it jumped to McCain. When I went down to governor's office and punched [Gov. Joe] Manchin, it went to the other dude. When I went to Karen Facemyer [the incumbent Republican state senator], I pushed the Democrat, but it jumped again.

"The rest of them were OK, but the machine sent my votes for those top three offices from the Democrat to the Republican," Thomas said.

"When I hollered about that, the girl who worked there said, 'Push it again.' I pushed Obama again and it stayed there. Then, the machine did the same thing for other candidates.

"Why didn't she [the polling clerk] tell me before I even used the machine that might happen? And how many people, especially my age, didn't notice that?

"Jackson County is a Republican county. I am a registered Republican, but I have been voting Democrat since the 1990s."

Thomas, who brought his daughter with him to the polls, said she had the same problem.

"After I finished, my daughter voted. When she pushed Obama, it went to McCain. It happened to her the same way it happened to me. If the poll worker knew that, why didn't she tell me before I even pushed the button?"

Deputy Secretary of State Sarah Bailey said, "When we received a call about this, we immediately called the county and told them to recalibrate the machines to make sure the finger-touch [area] lines up with the ballot.

Don't want to bore you with this long article... but if you want you can read the whole article here


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  WayneGibbous said:
^no we are just ashamed of our homeless

Afghan police kill 35 militants

Wed, Oct 22 02:45 PM

blah blah blah

Taliban-related militancy and anti-terror clashes have claimed the lives of more than 4,700 people, mostly insurgents, till date this year, according to officials.

^been doing this the last two days

I thought the figure was more 50/50 in terms of civilian and insurgent deaths these days

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  WayneGibbous said:
nah we kill way more of them. most of the deaths on the good-guys' side are national army and police. coalition deaths are relatively low in comparison

canada's death toll is pushing 100. over the course of 6 years. statistically you are more likely to die driving on a long weekend in canada than you are fighting for the coalition in afghanistan.

also, nato FUCK YEAH

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'Heavy' Inmate Hid Pot In Fat Folds Of Stomach

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Police have filed additional charges against an inmate who they say tried to hide illegal drugs inside a Northside prison in the folds of his stomach.

Officers said Cedric Webb, 25, was at the Montgomery Correctional Center on the Northside when officers searching for contraband told him to lift his shirt.

According to the police report, when Webb raised his shirt, the officer saw two bags of marijuana and tobacco tucked into his stomach fat.

Investigators said the drugs then fell to the ground, WJXT reported.

The report said Webb would not explain how he got the banned substances into the facility.

The arrest report describes Webb as 6 feet 2 inches tall and 290 pounds and his build as "heavy."

Webb, who had been in jail since May on charges of possession of cocaine and forgery, is now charged with introduction of contraband into a detention facility and possession of marijuana.


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"Whether the Republican presidential ticket wins or loses on Tuesday, a group of prominent conservatives are planning to meet the next day to discuss the way forward, and whatever the outcome, Gov. Sarah Palin will be high on the agenda. Ms. Palin, of Alaska, has had a rocky time since being named as Senator John McCain’s running mate, but to many conservatives her future remains bright. If Mr. McCain wins, she will give the social conservative movement a seat inside the White House. If he loses, she could emerge as a standard bearer for the movement and a potential presidential candidate in 2012, albeit one who will need to address her considerable political damage."


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When Ligers attack!

Ligers are the offspring of a male lion mating with a tigress, and they are known to be enormous (see picture) and tremendously fierce. It's unclear why combining male lion DNA with female tiger DNA results in a creature who is much bigger than either species. But sometimes the results can be deadly, as a volunteer at the Wagoner County wildlife sanctuary in Tulsa, Oklahoma, learned yesterday. In a tragic turn of events, Rocky the liger attacked the man feeding him, biting his neck and chest. The man remains in critical condition and the Wagoner County wildlife sanctuary is currently closed. Reports Cryptomundo:

According to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, accredited zoos frown on the practice of mixing two different species and have never bred ligers. Keeping the two species separate has always been standard procedure. However, the AZA has admitted that ligers have occurred by accident. Several AZA zoos are reported to have ligers. Safari’s Exotic Wildlife Sanctuary is not an AZA-accredited zoo.

Sounds like ligers don't occur in nature — only when big cats are cooped up in zoos together.

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Thieves caught with 12 pigs stuffed in minivan

Police say pigs came from nearby farm where 35 pigs have gone missing

BUDAPEST - Two thieves were caught in southern Hungary with 12 pigs stuffed in their small van during a routine traffic check, Hungarian police said on Thursday.

Police stopped two men in a Renault Kangoo near the town of Szigetvar, about 137 miles south of Budapest, as they attempted to drive off.

"The pigs weighed about 25-30 kg (55-66 lb) each -- they were really squashed into the car very tightly," a spokesman said.

Police said the pigs came from a nearby farm, where 35 pigs have gone missing in recent days.


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