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Do people still care about selvedge/raw denim?


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I haven't cared about raw / selvedge in a while. More concerned with fit / appearance / price so I've been turning to April 77 more often than anything else and wear my grey colordrives most often. I'm also looking for a black pair, which will probably be all the jeans I'll be buying for a while.

I think the main issue is that I'm not as concerned with "quality" anymore when it comes to jeans, which I'd prefer to function as rotating fashion staples than long-term wardrobe additions. [Cheaper and good looking] > [expensive and good looking but better quality] for me at the moment.

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Honestly I think people started realizing that they were buying two and three hundred dollar jeans under the notion that they'd get all faded and look cool kid status, but then realized that crappy Cheap Mondays and April77's fit and look better without the kneebagging because of the stretch....

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i think it was kinda a clash of ideas though; people were jumping on the japanese denim thing, and at the same time, people were moving towards real slim / skinny stuff, but there isnt premium selvage thats skinny (at least not for the jap brands), and everyone got confused.

and i guess most people realised that they prefer the fit over selvage.

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also i think its because most peoples lifestyles do not allow them to wear jeans everyday and also will not make for good wear

thats why those who skate or get out alot stick with repro denim (beatle, cheep, sidney,stunt) as they get the proper fades that other people dont

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i think those denimheads that were interested in selvedge/raw before they discovered sufu likely still are.

those that just jumped on the bandwagon have likely moved on to lanvins or some other shit.

My feelings exactly...

People that found Superfuture because they were looking for denim geeks are probably still into it, but those that stumbled upon this site have moved onto Lavinz, CP, RO, fisfim, etc..

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I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that for the majority of us, a superior quality of denim only means that we can brag about a superior quality of denim. A few here wear their jeans to hell, but most don't. I still have a pair of sugarcanes and a pair of uniqlo selvedge that was free, but other than that I wear medium quality jeans that fit me really well.

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well i stumbled onto the site, and i would still only buy raw denim, just because i still think it always looks nicer, but yeah i am far more likely to turn too apc, april77 or number (n)nine or even dior for my raw. i think there are still "cool" japanese brands like skull ect, but honestly once you could buy selvage at gap, topman and uniqlo it isn't anything of a selling point by itself any more. I think instead i have moved much more too what superfuture was originally intended to be "global shopping". I will buy stuff from dior, and raf, but also from thickasthieves and engineered garments, aswell as random things off rakuten. the only things the clothing i buy nowadays has in common is that it nearly always arrives in a USPS $12 flat-rate envelope or similar. Quality is all well and good but people want to be both unique AND look good. case in point - my canes make me look like a pregnant woman, i don;t care that they're natural indigo with a snakeskin patch and handmade pockets, i can respect that and i'm not going to sell them but.. seriously they fit whack. A savile row suit isn't going to sell to most people just because its made of super 120's by hand, it also needs to make the owner look good. And sadly for me i don't look good in baggy jeans, some people (bill, cotton ect) do though but its not a lok that wrks for me.

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My feelings exactly...

People that found Superfuture because they were looking for denim geeks are probably still into it, but those that stumbled upon this site have moved onto Lavinz, CP, RO, fisfim, etc..

Pretty much, I owned two pairs of japanese denim (Uniqlo and 45RPM) and sold both because my APCs and black jeans/pants were getting a lot more wear anyway. Never purchased wallets, keychains and all the other assorted stuff and I do believe I'm on record awhile ago saying I preferred "european" denim, whatever that means. Those that have like 5 pairs of raw lovingly worn are probably still into it, I respect the dedication but that's not how I want to look and live.

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after nearly 6 months of wear, my APC jeans stunk and didn't look that good (crotch blowout x cell phone fade). I like raw jeans, but I do not have the patience to wear them enough to have a nice fading.

Anyway, I still like this, but I also like washed or coated denim as well. It depends on the fit and the overall look.

The main advantage of raw denim is that it can suit every style, and is quite timeless, which makes it a good investment anyway.

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I never got into the jean thing heavy, I mean it was interesting, but buying alot of expensive jeans that pretty much all look the same to the average person is not appealing to me. Ever since I've been here the least visited forum I've been to was denimz. It took forever to break some evisus in, to turn out...I actually like the raw look too. So now I'm keeping my jeans raw, less wear, hardly any wash

A man needs no more than 5 pairs of jeans anyway

At least thats what I believe...

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I prefer clothes that evolve over time, even down to the way the collar and hems of tshirt will curl and distort (I'm just not a fan of new or 'fresh' looking things). So I don't think I could ever go back to wearing non-raw blue jeans, but fit and styling definately take precedent over quality. If a japanese brand made a pair of jeans with the cut I want and the qaulity they can turn out, I'd be elated, but it hasn't happened yet.

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I never got into the jean thing heavy, I mean it was interesting, but buying alot of expensive jeans that pretty much all look the same to the average person is not appealing to me. Ever since I've been here the least visited forum I've been to was denimz. It took forever to break some evisus in, to turn out...I actually like the raw look too. So now I'm keeping my jeans raw, less wear, hardly any wash

A man needs no more than 5 pairs of jeans anyway

At least thats what I believe...

Let’s see :

1) Dior 19cm MIJ (raw blue)

2) Dior 19cm MIJ? (grey washed)

3) APC New standard

4) Cloak striped black

5) Levi 514 black (rarely worn)

6) Acne faded black jeans (rarely worn)

I guess I’d be fine with 4.

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I don't think i'll be able to ever do a distressed jean again that is blue. I am into the grey jeans with no predistressing, even if they are not raw/selvedge, same with coated black jeans... but as far as blue jeans go, i'll go raw for life most likely... they definitely look better than any predistressed jeans, as long as you can find the fit you want, (i've been wearing my apc new cures as the only raw jean since i got them as my first one) I've tried some others, and the fit isn't there that i want, so i sell them...

I'm more concerned with fit at the very most... but i'll take the time to find raw jeans that fit the way i want..

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Pre-distressed blue jeans do look cheeseball now after having had a few pairs of raw jeans, but I feel a lot more satisfied nowadays getting lots of grey and black jeans for like $100 a pop and reallocating the rest to better tops and shoes. I have far more than 5 pairs of jeans myself but I agree that 5 is plenty, perhaps too many. My rotation is pretty much identical to Fuuma's but I have a gaggle of Helmut Langs, Julian Reds and some Raf by's; the JR's just so happen to be selvedge but that wasn't my intent when buying them...

I might revisit selvedge repro denim in 15 years when I am filled out from age and get the old man aesthetic going...

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Guest youkinorn

I've always loved jeans (starting when I was a little kid, basically) and still do. Breaking in a nice pair seems like a continuation of this to me. I don't plan on giving it up for a while/ever.

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