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Naked & Famous Denim


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am i the only one who think its ridiculous that their website features a model who you can strip...?

no hate or anything cuz im sure their jeans are quality stuff for the price and i'd be lieing if i said i wasnt interested...but its hard to see the line between serious-try-hard and satire that they are supposadly trying to portray. i for one had more respect fo rthe brand before i saw the "fit guide"

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^that was my immediate thought when i saw that too.

"We keep all our jeans raw and simple. No washes, no embroidery, no gimmicks…" -from their website.

that's confusing, cuz their website looks MADDD gimmicky. i seriously hope BIG doesnt stock these, or at least do very little buziness with them. they seem like a jump-on-the-trend brand than anything else.

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glad to hear a similar reaction.

i dont mean to start a debate or anything. but the gimmicky half naked girl (the one who loses her bra when you scroll to the right). come on, you can do wihtout. keep the focus on the denim, especially if your entire line is based on simplicity and satire on the denim industry. makes me think theres not much satire involved

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I'm not exactly ready to judge the quality or fit of their jeans on the basis of the website. The jeans look dope and that's all that matter to me <shrug>

Got this today from gordon (my question was about if they're going to stock)

  \ said:

Yes we are. We're only starting with a couple of styles at first.

We'll have one of each fit in one selected denim each. So 3 styles

for men and 2 for women and eventually hoping to make the whole range

available online.

then I asked about sizing

  \ said:

I need to check on the sizes for those but I think they only go up to 36

(measures 38" waist). These we won't have in store to start but would have

available online. He's got 20 styles all together so we're just pacing

ourselves in the beginning.

I didnt ask about when he'll be getting them or which styles are coming first. I think I can wait and see on the website. :)

I for one am somewhat relieved that I wont have to order them from canada. With the current exchange rate all ordering things from outside the US does is make me depressed...

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/\ That's cool. I can agree with what people are saying about the model on the website, the first time I saw it I got a chuckle at it, but after going back and looking at the site again, I guess that you could say that it was a little boring. But, after looking at the other guide on the site, I discoverd that it is the better way to view the jeans. Anyone know the $USD price yet?

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I think when you really get down to it, you know, the real point here, guys, what it all boils down to, is that the lady model is smokin' hot and you get to undress her with your mouse. Are we gonna' argue here?

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While I completely agree with you Kiya, and respect every post you make, it does seem as though your implying that any store that does carry Naked & Famous is not to be respected. As though Self Edge is somehow better than all the rest because "You'll never see this brand at Self Edge" (Quoted from the Self Edge thread post #1766).

Now I would say that Blue In Green is a very reputable store, and I'm sure their decision to carry Naked & Famous is based purely on the idea of bringing cheap Japanese denim to us denim-heads.

Spreading a rumor about Iron Heart shutting down is down right wrong and sad. No respect for that. If Naked & Famous has anything to do with that.. I'll boycott. Until that.. I really look forward to getting some Super Slub in a slim fit for a really good price. Finally a "flame" weave pair of jeans I can wear to pieces without a second thought.

Sorry if I was an ass, Kiya. I'm dying for the Self Edge x Flathead release!

  kiya said:
Oh so wait.. You met the owners of N&D that are going to do 21oz denim, then you went and created a thread that stated that Iron Heart is going under.

Wow, i wonder who started this rumor..

I'd love for the guy from N&D give me a call if he has a chance. He's got a lot to learn before he earns any respect from any reputable store.

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I just threw up a related post on my blog (thanks for the inspiration; would hate to see a good guy offering good products get thrown to the curb without a fighting chance):


Naked & Famous Part Deux

Given the increasing interest in the Naked and Famous brand I am including some additional pictures and information. I truly believe that the attractive retail prices will introduce many uninitiated to not only selvage but quality raw denim. The market currently purchasing raw denim in the $120-140 price point can use Naked & Famous as a stepping stone to higher priced jeans like Sugar Cane, Samurai, and Full Count.

Blue in Green in NYC will receive their first Naked & Famous shipment in the next week or two.

This is their standard Indigo Selvage (13 oz; approximately $120 retail):


Big Slub Indigo Selvage front and bank (18 oz, high flame character, approximately $150 retail):



Black Selvage (13 oz, approximately $120 retail; my apologies for the bad photo):


Vintage Blue Selvage (15 oz, approximately $130 retail):


If one thinks of these as fashion items then the Vintage Blue is probably the most fashion forward (to take it further I think this shade and its variations are very trend right). But at the end of the day what Naked & Famous offers is a wearable showcase of beautiful fabrics at amazingly low prices. One of the reasons for that, as I understand it, is the Canadian factory where these garments are sewn is owned by the family of Brandon Svarc, proprietor of Naked & Famous. Nor are the garments washed (a huge cost contributor). The other reason is the construction, though solid, is not superbly complex (the current collection does not have hidden rivets --but neither does it have expensive, loud embroideries). Some of the details found on $200+ garments are not present. But did I mention their entry level indigo selvage Japanese denim jean is targeting a retail of $120?? Isn't that more easy to swallow for your True Religion-wearing friends?

When asked about the where the funky name and artwork comes from Svarc replies:

The name Naked & Famous is meant to be a satirical view of our celeb obsessed society. The owner wants to make fun of "Hollywood" and "glamor" brands that cost $300 and up only because Jessica Simpson wears them and not because they are higher quality.

The logo is reminiscent of 1950's Pop-Art. Lichtenstein and Warhol made satirical paintings of mass media and the "ideal blond" to make fun of society. Naked & Famous aims to do the same.

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I think they're a nice alternative to Cheap Monday for the kids, because it doesn't exactly seem as though they're cheap.. Inexpensive as opposed to cheap.There's something reassuring about the Japanese selvage and the family-made aspect of them..

I'd like to see how the vintage blue faded after some wear..

Can anyone tell me how starched these are?

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the shop that my girlfriend works at got a few pairs in today:

-weird guy in indigo selvedge ($108) and vintage blue selvedge ($118)

-slim guy in black selvedge ($118)

i must admit, for the price these are very nice.

the vintage blue which is 15 ounce was very starchy however I not convinced that the light blue would fade nicely, and i'm having trouble thinking of what it would look nice with.

Didn't have the time to try them on so i can't comment on the fit. One thing i noticed to be slightly odd was the fly. Despite being a faily normal low rise (9 inches), the buttons appeared to be very closely palce together, making the fly short

anyways, for 108 dollars, i'm sure i will pick up a pair in the near future

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  jdniii said:
No, Iron Army is doing fine... don't believe this guy.
  andewhall said:
Oh cool....yeah I checked the website....lots of new cuts and seemed to going strong as ever.

Two threads of train wreck huh.

Nope. Iron Army is kaput - according to Steve (one of the fathers of the brand). Funding dried up and they weren't making enough money to keep going. The website is still up, with the webstore, I imagine to just try to liquidate as much of their stock as possible, but Steve & Steve have moved on to a new project: www.city-of-others.com. Hopefully it'll be of note!

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All I have to say is who gives a shit how the brand looks. I've been reading this thread since the first couple of post and I was suprised that a brand besides some Japanese brand was generating some interest on here. TD is entitled to his own opinion, even though no one on the board has seen any of the jeans in person, and he just form it by looking at the pictures that were featured int the topic. It's pretty sad how fast that someone can form a bias opinion and just say that something sucks without even seeing it. Just because of the fact that something isn't up to a person's standard, doesn't mean that it's right to come out and say that it sucks without trying it out. Just give it a chance, for all we know they might be a great pair of jeans or if worst comes to worst, they might just become another brand that fades out pretty quick.

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I just saw two of the production/retail garments (big slub and vintage blue). Happy to confirm that the construction is solid.

It would be unfair to judge construction/fabric quality solely on pictures. A combination of visual and word-of-mouth (from people you trust) information would be better and maybe enough to make a purchasing decision. Actually handling the jeans and studying the fabric would be best.

The black back pocket stitching against the bright blue of the vintage blue jean makes it appear like the stitching is not straight in the pictures. See the garments themselves and you will find everything is neat and straight (whether neat/straight is desirable or not is a different story).

I think BIG will have these for sale today or tomorrow. If you are interested in these and can make it to NY I advise seeing them in person.

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Guest noogsahoy

exert from an email from gordon


Naked and Famous, we’re receiving the first shipment today with 2 styles, the Weird Guy in vintage blue and the Skinny Guy in silk denim, and other styles to follow.

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  dkatz said:
^ quite the range of opinions.

Pacioli - Is the vintage denim raw/rigid? Maybe it's just 'cause I'm used to associating that sort of light blue with Walmart Lees, but I can't imagine them not being soft and washed.

cheap monday, and rag and bone among others have done a raw light blue denim...

while i'm not a fan of the gimmicky site and would-be pop-art references, the denim does look interesting and their premise decent enough.

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Tried the Big Slub, Vintage blue, and Silk Denim on today. The brand looks like it's the estranged Quebecois love child of Nudie and APC. The denim shown is more down Nudies line, the cuts are APC-esque. Oh yeah, and a belt covers up the NSFW leather patch too. So down the nitty gritty.

SkinnyGuy Silk Denim: Probably the softest, lightest raw denim I've felt. The cloth is still very thick. It has a faint sheen on it. Fit is very nice, Pockets not to big not too small. My gripe is that It doesn't seem like the ideal jean to fade in. The pair tried on was not very rigid at all. Add to the fact that it isn't selvage. I wouldn't be surprised if this denim sells more on women.

SlimGuy Big Slub: Can't comment on the fit because they didn't have any in my size. Figures. It was the slubbiest jean in the store (Dutil) by far. And they were rigid as hell. Some slub patches so dark blue they are almost purple. It has a zip fly (weird). Oh, and a selvage line coin pocket. Ew.

WierdGuy Vintage Blue: Holy cardboard jeans Batman! These are like armour. Less blue than I thought it was going to be. A little twinge of gray there. Remember those LVC 501 1873's from FW07? The colour's like that. Anyway, Fit was a little less invasive then the SlimGuy. The hem opening was small enough for me to stack them. If I did walk away from the shop with pair of jeans these would be them. Especially because they were going for 148 CAD. APC's are 210 CAD over here. I think we get price raeped a little there.

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