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Photo Essays: A Unique Perspective On Our World At Large


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Feels like there should be text with the pics so from Unicef:

"Jonathan Rojo, 14, and his 9-year old sister Yomara while dining in a fast-food restaurant in the state of Texas, USA. Both suffer from hepatitis, resulting from too much fat in their diet. Excessive portions of food are standard in American restaurants. Jonathan also suffers from obstructive sleep apnoea which is caused by the excess flesh around his throat which obstructs his airways, causing a chronic lack of oxygen that can damage the heart and the lungs. He sleeps with a BIPAP machine to push air into his lungs. Fat, the 3 letter F-word, source of so much despair and self-loathing in a world which worships slenderness. Obesity has so far been debated largely as an aesthetic issue, but now it is set to become the number one killer in the United States. The World Health Organisation has called obesity a gobal epidemic, and children are in the front line. Two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Experts are especially concerned about the soaring obesity rates in children – the supersize generation, Generation XL. Life expectancy in children who develop a certain type of diabetes before the age of 15 is reduced by 27 years, and cynices predict for the first time ever that a generation of children may be outlived by their parents."

I think she also did a study of anorexia but I find these more affecting

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Wasn't really into Brooklyn gang or East 100th st, but I did enjoy Subway and Central Park. He's an amazing photographer.

One of the things that I think is so special about the east 100 images is they are all large (view camera) or medium format. He lived in that neighborhood while he photographed it.

Maybe my favorite images is the one with the young couple huddled inside with the harsh reality of the world just outside the window..

I saw Bruce speak at Columbia College in Chicago right before he released the book Subway. Its an amazing project and some of the stories Bruce had to tell were almost as amazing as the images.

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Todays story is a little different. It is a multimedia piece put together by the amazing folks at Media Storm.

It chronicles the past year or so of a good friend of mine, Matt Eich. Matt is truely the brightest star in college/young photojournalism right now. He was recently married and had a baby with his wonderful wife, Melissa. I love both of them greatly and urge all of you to watch this piece, despite the long length.


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Todays story is a little different. It is a multimedia piece put together by the amazing folks at Media Storm.

It chronicles the past year or so of a good friend of mine, Matt Eich. Matt is truely the brightest star in college/young photojournalism right now. He was recently married and had a baby with his wonderful wife, Melissa. I love both of them greatly and urge all of you to watch this piece, despite the long length.


Shit, that was epic in a senses that a journey can be epic. Bravo once again Carl.

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Carl, your friends thing on media storm was amazing, It was so powerful. Media storm has some amazing stuff. the one about the people living with aids in africa is amazing


I don't really get the "theme" of Chris Steele-Perkins - Tokyo Love Hello essay. For me it doesn't envoke anything but confusion as to what is trying to be conveyed. Someone give me some insight into it?
i feel exactly the same
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anyone have any idea who trent parke gets his photos to look like they do. i.e. the highlighs glowing. they're blown out but they dont' seem overexposed they just seem to glow i dont understand it.

Its one of these...i cant remember which.

Overexposes and then underdevelopes or underexposes and then overdevelopes. This along with a red filter, specific chemistry, percise developing, and high contrast printing.

Apologies for this thread being neglected. Ive been in Atlanta for a few days at a photo conference.

Erik Refner - Rockabillies...kinda pissed i couldnt find any solid jpeg's with a story line so google image will have to do.






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this work by alex webb is astonishing to me. he seems to have a personal connection with the city, rather than seeing it as a foreign or exotic place.


These really are beautiful something about the color and light. I agree with you it looks as though you are seeing through his eyes rather than a camera lens

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Again Beautiful photos and interesting subject

A Faith Grows In Brooklyn

To outsiders, Chabad-Lubavitch Jews with their black fedoras and symbolic trappings can look very strange. But for onetime outsider Sheila Bar-Levav, they changed her life.

Raised Catholic, Bar-Levav converted to Judaism, her husband's religion. She enrolled their children in a preschool in New York run by Lubavitch Rabbi Aaron Raskin and his wife, Shternie. Because of their influence, Bar-Levav and her husband are now observant Jews—a transformation that embodies the Raskins' life's work. Believing that a holier world will hasten the Messiah's coming, Rabbi Raskin speaks passionately about bringing Jews back to their faith: "We have to renew that spark."

The late Lubavitch rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson lit that fuse for thousands. A small, vocal faction of Lubavitchers believe that Schneerson is the Messiah and revere him as such. But most simply honor the memory of the man who helped energize a religion devastated by Hitler and Stalin.

Born in Ukraine in 1902, Schneerson arrived in the United States in 1941, devout and driven. He belonged to the Orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch group—Chabad from the Hebrew words for wisdom, comprehension, and knowledge; Lubavitch for the Russian town where the movement was based in the late 1700s.

Now headquartered in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, the group was relatively small and little known when Schneerson became rebbe in 1951. During his 43-year tenure he pioneered a system of shluchim, or emissaries, charged with going out into the world to open Chabad centers, spreading knowledge of the Torah and Judaism. Some feared that the Lubavitch movement would dwindle after the rebbe's death in 1994. But today there are more than 3,000 centers in 70 countries—nearly half of them founded after Schneerson's death.

Like all religious groups, this one has its detractors, its dropouts, its dark episodes. Schneerson sparked enormous controversy in his day. He supported a strict interpretation of the Torah, preaching that only those born to a Jewish mother or converted by Orthodox rabbis could earn Israeli citizenship—a message that outraged many Jews. In 1991 when a car in the rebbe's entourage hit and killed a black child, some members of the black community in Crown Heights became enraged, and violence erupted. Critics of the movement today deride perceived restrictions on women and the cultlike devotion of the messianic faction.

The faithful feel Schneerson's presence most acutely at his grave in Queens. "It has become a beacon that people flock to," says Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, a top Lubavitch leader. The group's rapid growth attests to the power of the rebbe, who named no successor, and suggests that the Lubavitch movement is meeting the spiritual needs of many Jews eager to reconnect with their faith.

Is this something you came across at the conference Carl?

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