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And to repeat I am not American, and I hope that day comes soon when US is not the super power any longer.

Haha, you totally missed the point of the Euro SF'ers posts. I'm totally sure that 'silly Americans' comment was directed at both the Hummer, and then the fact that Americans would buy supercars when our legal speed limit down in the lower 48 is about 70mph, give or take. I could extend that comment and say something like 'silly Japanese housewives and their AMG stationwagons and 60kmph speed limits, blah, blah.' I don't think they meant it as an opportunity to down the USA man. :)

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well I was mainly referring to the general way of thinking that the coolest people have 12 $150k cars :rolleyes:

I mean, I'm all for nice cars and haven't minded spending a bit on mine, but I could never imagine having more then maybe 2 (for different purposes), no matter how much money I had. nor could I feel comfortable "owning" several cars that I didn't pay for myself or a car that swallows 5 times as much gas as an equally performing one. I just find the "the my car is bigger than yours" phenomenon in the US a bit disturbing.

so thats what I meant, but its just a matter of personal preference of course :o sorry this is off topic again..

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i like how this forum debates the merits of peoples' purchases. i thought this was just a place for sharing all the cool shit in the world. not the moral dilemmas involved in owning a completely ballin lambo.

like any of you people would seriously turn down a lamborghini. gimme a break.

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i like how this forum debates the merits of peoples' purchases. i thought this was just a place for sharing all the cool shit in the world. not the moral dilemmas involved in owning a completely ballin lambo.

like any of you people would seriously turn down a lamborghini. gimme a break.

i wouldnt turn it down, but i would sell it immeditaly and use the money for something worthwile... like my kids education

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Guest doubletap
I just find the "the my car is bigger than yours" phenomenon in the US a bit disturbing.

stop generalizing. why do europeans always feel the need to genaralize all americans, as if they're all the same? america is a big country with many different people and styles. not everyone likes big SUVs and v8s.

btw, I'm european myself and living in the US.

-edit- my opinions about the murcielago and the CGT is that they're sick cars and I hope that you will enjoy them and drive the piss out of them. but, those cars have to be earned... its very wreckless and stupid of your parents to buy their 23 year old son a murcielago. and why do you feel the need to post them on here? obviously 99.9% of people on here are WAAAY less financially fortunate than your parents. what kind of reaction were you expecting?

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What Seraphim said.... but LAST comments promise.

1. Ever worked on a shipping dock in Hong Kong? Dirty air, dirty people, no quality control of sorts, HOT HOT HUMID conditions. Ever been inside a container with the heat outside of 35 - 40 degrees celcius with a humidex which jacks that up to feeling like 50 degrees celcius +++ ? Try 3.5 months straight of that and you'll understand. True people here may have done the same, but I highly doubt in the same conditions as I have.

Obviously I didn't make 1/2 that car working there, come on it's hong kong and people should know the disparity between the rich and the poor there. I was lucky to make one pair of nice japanese denim a week (think sd103's).

I don't drive my car going 10 - 20 km/h around yorkville area, I think it's seen the yorkville area maybe twice to visit my friends. I drive the living shit out of my car out on the track up at mosport.

DONE no more

Back to the topic of this thread, pick these up this morning because it's a nice day FINALLY and I forgot my sunglasses in Van.


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samurai s5000bk's thanks to stroke5, they fit well.... maybe i have to look for a 30 now though to get a really slim fit.

this leather jacket should be coming in soon... and a bunch of other shit.



this is a number (n)ine isn't it??

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Guest mocazen
way to shit on this thread everyone! just get back to the business of taking pictures of your really expensive goods so i can do some more drooling.

hahahaha thats classic

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What Seraphim said.... but LAST comments promise.

1. Ever worked on a shipping dock in Hong Kong? Dirty air, dirty people, no quality control of sorts, HOT HOT HUMID conditions. Ever been inside a container with the heat outside of 35 - 40 degrees celcius with a humidex which jacks that up to feeling like 50 degrees celcius +++ ? Try 3.5 months straight of that and you'll understand. True people here may have done the same, but I highly doubt in the same conditions as I have.

people work those kinds of jobs every day for 5 cents an hour. youre not even close to justified or special.

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Is that jacket really Number (N)ine? It is definitely in the style of darkanimal's napolean piece, but coldrice's looks like a lot of the cloth ripoffs selling on yahoo for really cheap. I've never seen this one, or anything like it in leather though so I may be totally wrong. Either way, I am insanely jealous, it is a really sick looking jacket. Counting my pennies right now so I can bite darkanimal entirely and get the wool napolean.... :D

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Guest mocazen
We were doing so good on SuFu and Hypebeast ignoring mocazen's MTV Cribs Car Showoff, but now you guys are just getting sucked up into it. Stop!

So much hate, its the Christmas season, relax, drink eggnog and what not.....if you really notice, I didnt say nothing, it was that one guy talking about communism and Aron respondng, so please dont bring me in the mix

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I’m not a moderator but may I suggest some modalities to make this thread better, if it doesn’t fly no problem…

1.Don’t hate on people for their purchases!! This isn’t a “rate my lifestyleâ€/â€judge me for my spending habits†thread. There’s a difference between giving some interesting comments that are critical of an item in relation to other ones of its class or stating your opinion on a design and plain attacking the posters choice and personna. First one good, second one bad: “i.e.: Don’t you think sword pendants are played out, may I suggest getting something like this: link to some Garni stuff that Rajio rocks.†VS “you little privileged bitch, where did you get the money to buy this polluting piece of shit!!â€

2.Why don’t we keep it about clothes and accessories though, my new non-fashion/unrelated to design books might be worthy of another thread but they don’t fit in here, same for your high-powered car. What links us is an interest in fashion, when I see your new car or such I just skip the post because cars bore me to death. Maybe someone feels the same about those new books I talked about earlier; the point is it’s about fashion not everything else, makes sense to me to keep it focused.

3.Mods feel free to move this comment elsewhere, maybe starting a new thread.

4.Welcome Aaron_k, I like your new belt.

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vans syndicates from nordstrom rack, 20 bucks


1) does nordstrom even sell vans syndicates? hmmm weird

2) that goyard wallet is sexxxy. fuck those sunglasses.

BTW, there's one bitch at my school who rocks a goyard bag

im so tempted to compliment b/c i'm probably the only one on the lame ass campus who knows the true value of the bag

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2) Raf Simons F/W 06' Double hooded hoodie... pics to come later.

Have you handled this in person, or did you buy it online?

If it's the latter, I have a strong suspicion you'll be disappointed.

Raf Simons' garment construction (for F/W 06, no experience with other seasons) is about on-par with H&M's.

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