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where did you get bless? i've been looking for their stuff forever, even online!

I bought them at reborn in Montreal. Check out the bless website for a list of retailers.


xcoldricex : I'll try to snap up a pic today. I'm wearing them to a wedding I'm playing music at :)

showbiz00ditc : They don't look too bad when on, the effect is still "subtle". Unless I start filling up the fishnet pockets with candy or something like that!

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I understand what you mean djrajio, there's somes pieces that are a bit too out there, but most of the stuff is quite wearable imo. There was a weird sideless-long-coat-backpack (they probably have a better name for it though :)) that is really nice and I really like their ultra baggy pants this season. I'm also really impressed by the fabrics they use, it is really really comfortable.

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I loaned my friend $20.00. He gave me these Number (N)ine Jeans. So I figured I post them here since I technically bought them.


I'm not sure how I feel about the native american textile pattern on the thighs and the backpockets, however I sorta feel like I can pull it off come the heavy wintertime with a huge chunky knit coat/sweater. I'll see, but I guess for 20.00 bucks I might as well keep em.

Mouko, had you seen this? This guy is Number Nine press, I think so he has the whole getup, but he makes them work.


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Mouko, had you seen this? This guy is Number Nine press, I think so he has the whole getup, but he makes them work.


awesome man. Great to see someone wearing it and making it work.

I haven't tried them on yet only because I've gained a bit of summer weight, but that has reassured me some on how good they can look.

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Its a book about a group of swedish artists called The Latin Kings. It is in swedish and not to my knowledge released outside sweden so i guess thats why you never seen it. The book is about a year old.

I think onemancult thought it was a book about the NYC gang The Latin Kings. I thought so too when i saw the title.

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Its a book about a group of swedish artists called The Latin Kings. It is in swedish and not to my knowledge released outside sweden so i guess thats why you never seen it. The book is about a year old.

Oh. Oops. Thought it was about the American street organization. My interest is piqued nonetheless, I'll have to find out more about these Swedish Latin Kings... I'm almost positive they would've taken the name from the gang.

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Clockwise from upper left

Versace sweater (thanks Mike Lowrey)

H&M M65/Bomber jacket

ebay Guitar Wolf Tshirt

Beautiful Decay Aya Kato Mermaid t

Erica Wiener Cicada necklace (for my other half)

Vintage Bayern Munich t

UpperPlayground Chihuahua t

(not pictured)

True White Vans slips via cmykhustla (half size too small so I gave em to my gran)

Vintage Leather Riders jacket I got for my little bro

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