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this place got screwed over on the Pliny the Younger kegs, not sure what happened. You might also like o'briens, neighborhood, or pizza port.

naw, i was just there saturday night. pliny the younger for $6, 3xipa man wow. Good thing they keep that stuff rare.

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Ryan, what camera you using that Ilford and Tri-X with? I wish my local lab charged less for developing b&w. I got a ton of expired Tri-X in my fridge waiting to be used with my XA2 and Zenit EM.

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would rep HBlack but

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to HBlack again."

that comme wallet is such an incredibly good wallet! i have had mine for a while and i think it might be the perfect wallet!

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Ryan, what camera you using that Ilford and Tri-X with? I wish my local lab charged less for developing b&w. I got a ton of expired Tri-X in my fridge waiting to be used with my XA2 and Zenit EM.

If you're just in it for the film developing why not just buy the chemicals and equipment needed to do it yourself? They pay for themselves after 4-5 rolls and developer can go a long way and last a long time.

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