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Heres some more detailed shots of the ksubis as requested. They look kinda flat in color by themselves, but when they are being worn their depth really pops out. They have a very interesting wash, they are actually painted over as you can see in the 2nd pic. I'm new to DSLRs so I apologize for the small depth of field and any other problems with the shots, I did my best.






What size? if you don't mind me asking.

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This is probably a really stupid question, but are those shoes easy to find in Germany or will I have to hunt them down? I'm going to be in Cologne and Munich in a few weeks and I'd like to pick up a pair

IIRC they're available on a German website that only ship domestic. Use the search function and you'll find a link somewhere...

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Guest mwills
What size? if you don't mind me asking.

They're 30s.

I took all the pics with a Canon 20d and 50mm f/1.8 lens.

Thanks everyone for the comments and rep

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Guest mwills
did you get them at libertine laundry?

Yes sir, I'm actually working there for the summer but I haven't started yet. The jeans are my first paycheck haha. Starting out in the hole

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