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WAYWT shit talking thread


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cute agentj 'negged me' with a cute little gray square.

guy cant get more pathetic.

I was just saying that kunk needs to dress in a style more suited to his body type, and out of the blue you come with "THIS GUYZ POST GIVES ME ULCERS lololol", which really doesnt make sense at all.

Keep trying to hate though.

Also kunk, I like how since fndmybetterhalf sided with you, you decide to tell him how much you loved his last fit. Thats cute, you guys should meet up sometime.

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the negrep wasnt for your specific post but your entire existence on this forum. you're pathetic. you PM jmatsu asking him permission to buy something like a little faggot.

and dont fool yourself, you look like a dumbass with your 7diamond buttonup with them hightop CP's. so you shouldnt be talking about anyone dressing well or not.

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the negrep wasnt for your specific post but your entire existence on this forum. you're pathetic. you PM jmatsu asking him permission to buy something like a little faggot.

and dont fool yourself, you look like a dumbass with your 7diamond buttonup with them hightop CP's. so you shouldnt be talking about anyone dressing well or not.

I never asked his "permission to buy something". How is a drykorn shirt worthy of hate? I dont mind those CP's but theyre kind of over the top for me, which is why i'm selling them now and getting some different shoes.

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while you're at it, get a new frontal lobe that doesn't love cum. no offense.

Christ your insults are so fucking weak. Implying that i'm gay? OOOOOH NOOOOOOO. A guy with kids still calling people gay as an insult, amazing. You are truly a refined gentleman.

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Guest No Handclaps Please
u've been arrested by the fashunz police

just so u know

i have committed no offense. i lol'd. and then i cried.

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that reminded me of a mos def song "from black on both sides" ahahaha.

i don't think the fit itself looks bad from what i can see, i just wish he had posted a photo of his clothes and not his face.

actually, i think the fit looks pretty damn good

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so many hypocrites.

was supreme made for nerdy asian kids who don't skateboard? I doubt it. But still they wear it, and some of em even manage to pull it off well.

Take it from a non-Supreme wearing non-skater, noone who wears Supreme without being part of and understanding the culture looks like nothing more than a complete fake.

As to kunk... well, the guy is old, broad and balding and all this Sufu hipster gear is doing is making him look like a walking identity crisis. Time to suit up and join fedoralounge before it's too late I think.

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