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Warehouse Denim Contest [pics and discussion]


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On day 111, I went ahead and repaired a small hole in the crotch:


Better view using a pen:


And the repair (I also went ahead and reinforced the seam at the top of the pic):



Fit pic today (Day 117)...nothing like fighting yourself in a park with a frying pan and rolling pin:


Needless to say, I now have some grass stains on them...

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Well, it was a beautiful day out so i decided to take a bunch of pictures. Here we go. A little over 4 months, including time spent getting them redone in NY.










Hmm, some of these are not quite indicative of my great photography acumen, pardon the blurriness.

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Damn, those honeycombs are sharp!

I wear my jeans every day and my honeycombs are less intense than most of the photos I've seen so far - often by leaps and bounds. And I don't feel like my fit is that loose either. But maybe the rest of you have slimmer fits. Ah well.

I'm completely in the same boat as you. I just don't get it.

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Takashi-san do you wash them often?

i'm going to butt in for takashi-san and tell you what i read on his blog. it says he washed them twice in the beginning to get rid of the starch and get the shrinkage out of the way. (he likes to wash once and put them in a dryer to get the shrinkage out. he then washes them again and air dry them next to a radiator. it's because he prefers the stiffness from air dry than the softness you get from machine dry.) he then washed it again right around the three-months mark with regular detergent and washing machine.

Damn, those honeycombs are sharp!

I wear my jeans every day and my honeycombs are less intense than most of the photos I've seen so far - often by leaps and bounds. And I don't feel like my fit is that loose either. But maybe the rest of you have slimmer fits. Ah well.

the tightness of honeycombs, in my experience, is directly proportional to how tight the fit is around your knees.

but the sharpness of the honeycombs, i'm not too sure about. it could be due to the type of denim and what you do with them. maybe things like machine dry vs air dry could make a difference. as well as starching and stuff. and, of course, how much you move around in your jeans. fyi neither takashi-san nor i have starched our jeans, though.

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personally i think it has a lot to do with your body as well. for the life of my i can't get amazing honey combs, and if you look at sufu great wild_whiskey, his aren't as super defined as they get sometimes on here.

and personally this is from my 811's and these 660's as well as a pair of NS.

or maybe i'm talking out of my ass.

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#102 checking in way the hell too late. If sufu reg was open sooner, I would have only checked in about a month ago anyway. Sorry for the crappy point n shoot pics.


Been lurking here for quite a while without an account. When I saw keykoo selling a pair of the WH x BiG for less than what they were new, I asked a friend of mine to jump on them for me. I didn't bother soaking them since keykoo already hot soaked and tumble dried 'em.

Day 1 - 2/8/08

Fit pics from the morning after they arrived. The denim was pretty hairy and had that familiar "raw" smell. Decided to hang up my Flat Heads for the next 9 months to be a part of this event.


I went against my better judgment and sized down 3 (true waist is 31). Ultimately glad I did since the top button required some effort to close but has since stretched out enough to where I can sag 'em a bit. I was never a fan of the cuffed AND stacked look, but I wanted to leave the hem in its unaltered state. It eventually grew on me.

Day 25 - Today

Creases are all settled in. Denim is already starting to fade to a rich vivid blue, most notably in the knees, train tracks, wallet, and the stacks between my ankles. Anyway, enough from me. Not going to bother posting more pics until I have something substantial to show for it.

I'm not expecting to be any sort of competition. Just hoping to keep up with the casual/weekend warrior crowd and watch everyone's denim evolve!

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seriously people

Just wash your freaking jeans

some of the premature crotch wear is just like the kind you'd get wearing nudies..

it's not an issue of denim quality

it's an issue of bacteria and filth buildup. You think of how many times these high-quality denims are dipped in indigo, yet people avoid water of any kind like the plague..for half a year?!?

an extra wash here and there doesn't hurt ANYTHING, especially these jeans....it keeps the denim in better condition, making it last longer. just because they don't smell doesn't mean there isn't an accumulation of shit from 6 months of not washing...eww..

all i'm saying is given the amount of general torture i give these jeans

they've held up better than anything else i own...and they will probably last longer, and still end up with a true 'vintage' look.....the jeans people hold in such high regard were worn and washed frequently.

i doubt little Timmy working in the coal mine refused to wash his denims because he 'wanted the creases to set' FFS...he wore them, washed them, and the creases still came.. and his crotch probably didn't blow out

so take it from someone who's (theoretically) a few months ahead of you in terms of wear/washes.

(/random rant)

i should also add that i had a minor crotch issue

whilst climbing a tree, but that was due to a broken stich/seam, not filth.

even then, since the repair and a wash, nothing's come loose again.

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Wow, so many people to compliment.

Takashi - Those look just incredible. How often have you washed them? I'm sorry to ask if you already talk about that in your blog.

N-Tice - Great fit. Sucks about the hole.

40ozprophet - Those look like they're coming along very nicely.

TFK - The creases on those combs look razor sharp!

I<3Bacon - Excellent fit on those. Do you have any updated pictures?

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As for sharp combs, I think they set more sharply if you wear them wet. I take mine out of the dryer just before they are completely dry, and wear them around to finish drying. This really helps set in the combs and get sharp creases.

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fyi, don't know if this wil make any of you feel better, but takashi-san got his 660s about two sizes too big. but he's been rocking them anyways.

(he's a 33 in eternal 811s, and he's wearing a 32 in his 660s)

Weird, 'cause his honeycombs look pretty good, not too loose, not skin-tight.

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you can kinda see my stack fades from the inside and my tracks on the bottom but this is my new tat (and my girls's new tat) and some wear pix



you can kinda see some side honeycombs and thigh wear in this pic.. natural daylight a little blown out.. not my digi cam

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Thanks for the comments and + rep everyone.

I<3Bacon - Excellent fit on those. Do you have any updated pictures?

Not at the moment... leaving town for the rest of the week in the morning, but I'll have the 660's on me the whole time. I'll snap some pics when I get back this weekend and if there's anything worth lookin' at, I'll post it.

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