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Warehouse Denim Contest [pics and discussion]


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thats strange I didn't think that school systems were supposed to have anything as toxic as bleach in the building. only AP* (non toxic) cleaning supplies around children.

pfft, the smell of bleach builds character.

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well since I'm still in highschool, I work at quiznos for a part time job. We put some bleach in the mop water when we clean up at night, and that's how it all happened. I spilled a little bit of it on them. Most if it is near the hem though, so it shouldn't really be that big of a problem. I'll probably post pics tomorrow. Also, wtf? Indigo spray?

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^What the fuck is unusual about having bleach at work?

I have a cupboard containing potassium cyanide, and a huge array of other nasty toxic things.

Sorry for never having to use bleach at work. :-( It sucks about his jeans though but at least the damage wasn't too extreme.

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Yoooo, I just picked up a pair of 660's from BIG and was wondering how long you guys soaked your's for maximum shrinkage? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Two options:

1) soak on the hottest water you have for 3-5 hours (some say overnight even), changing water so that it stays hot

2) throw it into your washing machine, wash hot with a little detergent (to remove excess starch).

No matter what, there will be shrinking left through the next 2-3 washes, but either of those will get most of it out.

wow, it's been a while since I answered a shrinkage question... I'm getting soft...:D

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Max shrinkage I did an initial hot soak of an hour at as hot as my tap gets (hot enough for me not to be able to put my hands in), then did cold water for 30 minutes, then did an over night hang dry.

Wore it for half an hour or so, then did another hot soak, this time for an hour at the same temperature, and then I did a tumble dry on the hottest setting possible.

That got me to my max shrinkage. Since then I've spilled a few things, so I've done another hour warm soak and hot dry. And I put them through the washing machine. by themselves on a "light" cycle for about 25 minutes, but with no detergent.

Everything was done with the jeans inside out.

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we never met face to face

but kindly they helped me to paticipate this SUFU 660 contest.

I really appreciated and stitched their names on the back pocket.

both chimps also stitched. but not a good shape. (^_^);;; amateur's

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Hello ..everybody...

It updated after three months of SUFU 660 to my site.




meet the pro! so good to see your update, takashi-san.

in his blog, it says he's been wearing them pretty much any time he could (i think he can't wear them at his work). even to bed! so this is some serious weekend warrior action.

he also included an interesting account of how the 1000[1000xx] denim feel comparatively more tightly woven than the softer 1001[1001xx] denim he wore before. and the color bluer. great insights.

and gang, great to see your updates, too.

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