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Warehouse Denim Contest [pics and discussion]


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Put jeans in bucket with about 1 loaf of stool and one days urine, (be sure to stir it all together). Cover for 1 hour to 1 weeks, Lift lid and breathe deep.

serious shrinking, and body high, tastes awful for weeks though,

They don't call us denim addicts for nothing. I then sell the shit and piss to little kids to get high with.

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Just checking in with my jeans. I got them yesterday at work, taking less than 24 hours to arrive from BiG.


Maybe it's just me but I was a little disappointed in the feel of the leather patch



I guess this makes me contestant #208

I hot soaked for an hour, hot washed, then hot dried and they shrunk to smaller than BiG measurements. The waist ended up at around 34.5 and the inseam was 35. I'm sure they will stretch a bit out, but I just wanted to get all the shrinkage out.


I washed on the gentle cycle without detergant and the water was still super blue. I'm not worried though because there is plenty of indigo left as my blue hands can tell.

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I was a little irked that they were shipped to my billing address and not my shipping address, but when they shrank to exactly my target length after hemming, I forgave BiG ;)

Waist shrank from 34 to 31 after a hot machine wash and hot tumble dry so I am pleased so far. They are hanging up to allow the last bits of moisture to evaporate. Fit pics tomorrow.

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hope these shrink a lot in the waist. these are bigger than BIG pre soak chart

waist 34

thigh 11

knee 9

opening 8.5

inseam 34 (asked to get a 32 post soak)

post soak and dry measurements

waist 31

thigh 10.5

knee 8.5

opening 8

inseam 32 (hemmed length)

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anyones patches getting fucked up with the hot water/dryer?

here's how my patch looks after grease, hot wash n dry and a day of wear:


I think it's got a lot of character.

btw was it ever specified what kind of leather is used for the patch? cause it would be interesting to know...

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Yesterday, I finally got my pair out of customs, taxes were 48 euros. Crap.

I washed them yesterday evening, but couldn't take pictures before wash. Oh well, when I get my camera working I can post a receipt I got from customs, so no worries there. So #145, joining date 11/7/07.

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I just hot soaked and dried these, and my pocket stitching completely came apart. The patch is almost black from the drier. Not too impressed with these jeans so far

yeah... thats odd... i hot washed and dried mine at a laundromat (heavy duty dryers) and no problems at all.

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