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How To Melt an Ice Queen's heart


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Say what you will but the techniques work. Just don't do canned phrases and have your fundementals down. To natural hijinx, don't play where you work. If the girl is cold, you neg her hard but it only works if you have high social status / value. A woman needs to respect you before she can be attracted to you. I say befriend her friends and get them interested in you; a woman's biggest weakness is jealousy. Also, don't facebook or myspace or any of that bullshit. Call the girl and make plans for a date by phone.

Oh, I'm not knocking it. It's obvious that it works, but if you really need some douchebag telling you that, you don't deserve to be getting laid anyway.

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how the hell do you shoot the breeze with people like this.



i dont claim you can have a better time with colt 45 than without it. but why take chances?

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Make fun of her...constantly.

I have a thing for ice queens and this works without fail.

aren't they the best? something mysterious about them that makes you want more ;)

unFORTUNATELY I've yet to come up with a fool-proof method to hook up with them, but this is the route I usually take.

However, sometimes it ends up in friend-zoning where you tease each other, and frankly fuck that bullshit.

seriously though im a pussy and didnt do this to get girls as im still affriad...so basiclly im you...but with cookies.

yo I ain't no bitch son don't get it twiztid

But You Got A Bitch In The Jap Land

HoW MaNy TimEz Do I HAve to TElL yoU we ARENT tOGetHer RitE nOW

buuuut she is an ice queen of sorts, she's not super super outgoing which for some reason makes me wanting MORE.

Say what you will but the techniques work. Just don't do canned phrases and have your fundementals down. To natural hijinx, don't play where you work. If the girl is cold, you neg her hard but it only works if you have high social status / value. A woman needs to respect you before she can be attracted to you. I say befriend her friends and get them interested in you; a woman's biggest weakness is jealousy. Also, don't facebook or myspace or any of that bullshit. Call the girl and make plans for a date by phone.

makes sense, makes sense, BUT is it cool to just be friends on myspace / facebook but not to make plans on there? hMmm

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Ice Queens only exist to disappoint us, so we can remind ourselves of that when looking for the next girl and end up being more satisfied with our experienced choices.

Korea is the land of the prude, and Japanese people are friendlier or at least more polite, but success rates are probably the same, at least in my experience. People are just programmed to reject strangers over in Asia so what rajio says about having the leeway to neg only if able to show higher value/status off the bat is fucking truth.

My annoyance with ice queens......

I have heard so many times in my life that I bear a pretty strong resemblance to the perennially leading handsome guy actor in Korea, or alternatively to a different yet similar looking actor who is also widely considered handsome. It has naturally progressed over the years and seeped into my ego and inflated it, and I can go out and it is inevitably a topic of conversation with Korean girls at the bar if I decide to cold approach, so much so that it's become a crutch because I'll use it to segue into my also all too played out mysterious foreigner angle. Azn8oi was with me at some bar in Apkujung-dong a couple months ago when the bartenders called me out on it and gave me a free drink even.

This is a bit far, but imagine you bear a pretty close resemblance to Brad Pitt, enough to elicit that from strangers on a regular basis, and are out in the bars on the regular. Seems to have enough value in it to put you up over the common asshole who is standard equipped, right?

In all honesty my cold approaches don't add up to the success rates I want, makes me feel like everyone is a prude and totally cold. Over the years my cold approaches and subsequent fake Ice Queen initial rejections have just ended up making me lazy and I've lost all motivation.

I honestly haven't collected a phone number in perhaps 3 or 4 years.

Why, the answer is simply that girls over in Seoul usually have this uniform reflex to say 'no' to requests, turn away from a kiss close, slap away your hands from certain places, reject the suggestion of home, just general middle school girl ploying bullshit and totally unreceptive body language even though they're spouting IOI's at you simultaneously and can't keep that shit in check like a real woman would. If i bothered to collect a phone number and leave, they'd take advantage of it and not return phone calls or text messages unless you can think of something totally witty or hilarious, it all just takes too much effort IMO, for girls you meet in clubs and the pubs. I just feel like the chumps end up trolling and working numbers and that I shouldn't reduce myself to that shit. Perhaps I expect too much. I gladly date girls and take a girl out if I have some sort of legitimate basis with them (intro from a friend, workplace/former workplace people, school girls) but really can't be fucked to put more than 20 or 30 minutes into a cold approach with some girl in a bar unless it's fucking magic and magnetic.

Anyhow.... can you really freeze out an ice queen? I don't see that working until you've melted them down, which just ends up giving you a level playing field, no special tricks required after you've got that done, so the freeze out, is it really necessary? Be fleeting and sparse as a rule, but the freeze out is just going to the other extreme which I think is unhealthy.

I also hate myspace/facebook/cyworld/mixi/friendster/whatever, but am guilty of using them occasionally.... but I NEVER add a girl until it's a done deal and in the bag. I don't know how many times I've added some girl to my then-innocuous page, when suddenly some totally platonic female friend (with some lewd sexy profile picture) will suddenly decide to check up on me out of the blue and leave me 'friendly' public messages that end up scaring off my prospects. Let's face it, most girls get jealous so easily that playing on the internet with them isn't worth it. Just drop a dime and meet up with the girl.

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buy her things, open door for her and be real nice to her and whatever she asks you always say yes no matter what it is. tell her you will do anything for her and praise her beauty and everything about her daily.

F A I L . . . .

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I also hate myspace/facebook/cyworld/mixi/friendster/whatever, but am guilty of using them occasionally.... but I NEVER add a girl until it's a done deal and in the bag. I don't know how many times I've added some girl to my then-innocuous page, when suddenly some totally platonic female friend (with some lewd sexy profile picture) will suddenly decide to check up on me out of the blue and leave me 'friendly' public messages that end up scaring off my prospects. Let's face it, most girls get jealous so easily that playing on the internet with them isn't worth it. Just drop a dime and meet up with the girl.

The thing I hate about facebook/myspace is that many guys are using it as a crutch to ease the pain of rejection and avoid talking to a girl in person. But the reality is, you're more likely to get a YES from a woman if you ask her in person since its spur of the moment, you can use your voice infliction, tone, rhetoric to your advantage and even if she initially declines, you have the opportunity to rebound and make a convincing argument. Plus, it shows you're more pro-active, willing to take a risk, and are more assertive. With text msging/myspace/facebook you're basically giving a woman time to consider and woman tend to second-guess themselves and get thrown w/ their emotions. If the woman isn't 75%+ sold on you, she'll convince herself that the date isn't happening and time will work against your favor.

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if you ignore her it will work, especially if she think's she's hot shiz. she'll be all 'why is this dude not amazed by me like every other guy is?' and she'll probably make an effort to get your attention. I've seen this work many times with my guy friends. it's worked the other way with hot/snobby guys too.

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if you ignore her it will work, especially if she think's she's hot shiz. she'll be all 'why is this dude not amazed by me like every other guy is?' and she'll probably make an effort to get your attention. I've seen this work many times with my guy friends. it's worked the other way with hot/snobby guys too.

best technique. if executed properly, no defense.

you have to ignore her, but also be the man around her. meaning, if she's with her unattractive friend, flirt with her friend but not her. be funny and cool around her but don't acknowledge her. works every time.

it's childish, but all is fair in love and war.

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best technique. if executed properly, no defense.

you have to ignore her, but also be the man around her. meaning, if she's with her unattractive friend, flirt with her friend but not her. be funny and cool around her but don't acknowledge her. works every time.

it's childish, but all is fair in love and war.

Dude, there's not set universal pattern, girls aren't computers, just like dudes...

Wait I lied, whipping it out works everytime!!

Oh and people (usually americans) that use manuals and technical talk to get laid were on the receiving end of too many wedgies in high school.

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Dude, there's not set universal pattern, girls aren't computers, just like dudes...

Wait I lied, whipping it out works everytime!!

someone talking sense...

i never understood why one would need strategies or plans to get involved with somebody you are interested in...

what happens once you have them? are they suddenly going to be a different person? are you? or do you carry on the techniques for as long as you are involved with them...

i mean do you have a manual on how to make love to the said ice queen...or if you want a relationship that lasts longer...

i guess i believe that if it doesn't happen by you being yourself then is it really what you want or need...

that said... if all else fails whip it out...

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if you ignore her it will work, especially if she think's she's hot shiz. she'll be all 'why is this dude not amazed by me like every other guy is?' and she'll probably make an effort to get your attention. I've seen this work many times with my guy friends. it's worked the other way with hot/snobby guys too.

whodafakk r u?????? :confused:

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it seems alot of people here go for the "ignore" strategy although its a good approach I would rather suggest starting a (if you havent tried it) conversation with her (normal conversation) but put some lil sweet talk in there, just to flatter her (hopefully)..a conversation that will lead you to hang out with her then she'd be also comfortbale talking to you besides work/class then date her do whatever you wanna do

then if that fails

go to the ignore approach make her jealous and flirt with girls while shes around

that will make her feel insecure and that cold hearted ice queen melts

if that fails find another girl

its trial and error

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it depends what's ur final goal.. fuck? relationship? or just be friend?

Ice queens act cold because they want to protect themselves and not to show weakness or being vulnerable.. that's their problem, but inside their hearts.. they want to be loved (but scared to get hurt..) make sure she is this type. if the girl is total crazy cold as ice on your balls, why you even bother to melt the ice? so here is what i have (currently working and working well)

i have this ice queen.. it started off weird... i just start talk to her little by little.. it takes time, by the time i told her i like her, she pretty much told me I have no chance at all.. i was like cool.. it's fine.. so just be there for her and spend time w/ her.. show her the different sides of you, you will melt her heart in no time..

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it depends what's ur final goal.. fuck? relationship? or just be friend?

Ice queens act cold because they want to protect themselves and not to show weakness or being vulnerable.. that's their problem, but inside their hearts.. they want to be loved (but scared to get hurt..) make sure she is this type. if the girl is total crazy cold as ice on your balls, why you even bother to melt the ice? so here is what i have (currently working and working well)

i have this ice queen.. it started off weird... i just start talk to her little by little.. it takes time, by the time i told her i like her, she pretty much told me I have no chance at all.. i was like cool.. it's fine.. so just be there for her and spend time w/ her.. show her the different sides of you, you will melt her heart in no time..

Uh. You just got the "let's just be friends". How is that a success? And to all those people that say that you can't use methods and rules, I used to believe the same thing until I kept doing the same things that worked before over and over and they continue to work. I think people like to think they have more free will and aren't predictable and categorizable but shit, we're all made of the same DNA and millions of years of evolution and biological conditioning can't change a woman to be attracted to an alpha male. It's nature stupid.

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buy her things, open door for her and be real nice to her and whatever she asks you always say yes no matter what it is. tell her you will do anything for her and praise her beauty and everything about her daily.

can people not see that thelion was clearly joking? this is one of those times when a big fat (10) comes in handy.

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it depends what's ur final goal.. fuck? relationship? or just be friend?

Ice queens act cold because they want to protect themselves and not to show weakness or being vulnerable.. that's their problem, but inside their hearts.. they want to be loved (but scared to get hurt..) make sure she is this type. if the girl is total crazy cold as ice on your balls, why you even bother to melt the ice? so here is what i have (currently working and working well)

i have this ice queen.. it started off weird... i just start talk to her little by little.. it takes time, by the time i told her i like her, she pretty much told me I have no chance at all.. i was like cool.. it's fine.. so just be there for her and spend time w/ her.. show her the different sides of you, you will melt her heart in no time..

even though you just completely failed and got friend-zoned I think you got part of this right.

Ice queens act cold because they want to protect themselves and not to show weakness or being vulnerable.. that's their problem, but inside their hearts.. they want to be loved (but scared to get hurt..) make sure she is this type. if the girl is total crazy cold as ice on your balls, why you even bother to melt the ice?

I think I just like those reserved type girls. I like to feel like they really like me, and trust me over other guys, if that makes sense.

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Uh. You just got the "let's just be friends". How is that a success? And to all those people that say that you can't use methods and rules, I used to believe the same thing until I kept doing the same things that worked before over and over and they continue to work. I think people like to think they have more free will and aren't predictable and categorizable but shit, we're all made of the same DNA and millions of years of evolution and biological conditioning can't change a woman to be attracted to an alpha male. It's nature stupid.

Uh, why would you assume I and her are only friends now? i didn't write it doesn't mean it is not happening

we are together now... she asks me to move in together, now i am scared..

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