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shit you hate


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I hate when people take things that shouldn't be scraped down guitar strings, and the scrape them down guitar strings. And the sound of really crappy thin metal blinds being pulled up, or released.

And when I'm in the shower, and I think I hear the phone ringing, or someone knocking on the door, and then I turn it off and there's silence!!!

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Proceed by tugging on some real tight April 77 jeans and put a rolled up sock in your crotch area , when walking out your crib hit up the fashion district and walk with a swag you know something perhaps similar to a typical rapper in a hiphop video in slow motion and just wink ya eyes at the ladies.. by this time girls should have ripped all of your clothes off


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Guest youngteam
  timber said:
And when I'm in the shower, and I think I hear the phone ringing, or someone knocking on the door, and then I turn it off and there's silence!!!

bitch get the fuck out of that haunted house.

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Jeans with NBA teams embroidered on them

selling shit at a price that no one will buy and not having the sense to drop it

i wanan act like a nigguh but not be one people

fat people who pretend they can squeeze through places

asian drivers (may be diff. in some places)

ppl that say "oww i thought mexican ppl love that" and look around to see if any one laughed



overly Gay ppl

girls that get mad when you tell them the truth for ex: "i wanna dick you down" reps: fuck you perv.

being too good looking

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I cant stand people with bad hand writing. How can something so basic be done so badly? Stop writing like cave dwelling great apes.

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  samsikle said:
yeah seriously. i don't hate it but it's like come on, who are you kidding. you live in like stockton or the valley (no offense neptunecitylocal).

no offense taken.

but then again who takes pride in living in the valley where every breath you take takes years off your lifespan.

i sure fucking dont.

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I hate it when people you thought were dependable seem to go to great lengths to show you that they're not.

I leave in about an hour for NYC all the way from fucking Orlando, with plans to stay with a friend for two nights. This was agreed upon a month ago.

This morning I got a facebook message (not a phone call or something meaningful) saying I can't stay there because she and her boyfriend are fighting. She says I should look for a hostel to stay in.

Well great they're all booked because you waited until the day fucking of to let me know. Not only that, but I have four hours of class, a two hour drive, and a three hour flight, all back to back, with no time to really find a new place to stay.

Thankfully I got it all worked out (thank god my flight was delayed) but it cost me a pretty penny. I sorta feel like she should treat me to dinner or some shit as recompense. Is this out of line or do I deserve something in return for this massive goddamn inconvenience?

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  hey said:
I hate it when people you thought were dependable seem to go to great lengths to show you that they're not.

I leave in about an hour for NYC all the way from fucking Orlando, with plans to stay with a friend for two nights. This was agreed upon a month ago.

This morning I got a facebook message (not a phone call or something meaningful) saying I can't stay there because she and her boyfriend are fighting. She says I should look for a hostel to stay in.

Well great they're all booked because you waited until the day fucking of to let me know. Not only that, but I have four hours of class, a two hour drive, and a three hour flight, all back to back, with no time to really find a new place to stay.

Thankfully I got it all worked out (thank god my flight was delayed) but it cost me a pretty penny. I sorta feel like she should treat me to dinner or some shit as recompense. Is this out of line or do I deserve something in return for this massive goddamn inconvenience?

a blowjob from her is in order to fix the situation

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I'll be sure to run both of those by her.

"So, since you fucked up my plans and it cost me some expensive hotel reservations, here are your options:

A) Blowjob

B) Anal (mo bettah)

C) Dinner

The choice is yours."

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