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shit you hate


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  On 6/26/2014 at 4:29 PM, untrue said:

Two months ago I decided to help a close friend with financial problems out a little. I gave him an item to sell and told him he could keep whaever he made past $X for himself. I was browsing eBay today and I saw the exact same item being sold from a different state. I called him up to ask if he sold it, at first he said no but later when I told him how I saw it on eBay he later admitted he did. He probably was hoping that I would forget or just stopped asking about it since it's already been a few months without mention. The money isn't really what bothers me here, it's the fact how he blatantly lied to me over this and doesn't even feel a bit of guilt. I know he's terrible with money but this is really just a scumbag move considering that I tried to put some cash in his pocket. So what should I do? I feel like no relationship is worth keeping if you have to constantly watch your own back around someone you consider close.



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^fuck that shit


having a spider stare down right now waiting for it to get on a smooth surface so i can amash it. ffs


grabbed some old lint roller paper and card board. went up on my bed to check out the spider then noticed a spider on the card board. it was dead. i killed it about 3-4 nights ago. ffs


thought one of them pulled a quick one on me like the two trying to gang me up. 


this is one too many spiders for a month. actually don't ever remember seeing any for a few years...




spent a total of approx 45mins to an hour (i left the gym particularly early because I have a meeting tomorrow morning). failed to kill the spider. it was in a crevice and i needed to go to sleep. try to squish it in the corner but it fell behind my bed head. fuck. removed all the dusty shit under my bed and crawled under it. spotted spider at the left hand corner leg and cannot remember wth i did to make it scurry onto the carpet. all was loss then. i knew it. i thought i'd move my bed, to no avail. i ended up putting all my junk back then try to scope everything from a birdseye pov (this was after removing my mattress, pillow, sheets etc.) realized i left my boxers under the bed (chose it over stiff cardboard or thin napkin paper). ended turning my bed around a bit to squeeze my arm between the wall and frame. might as well pickup my measuring tape i dropped a week ago, too. no spider was found. i'm dead tonight. ffs 


i'm rearranging my room and throw shit out this weekend. i hate moving. 



edit 2:


fuck you!! fuck u. i win. i came back to the room after my shower and was trying to settle down. damn i tell myself. then this spider starts creeping up from the back wall around my mounted speakers. i knew this was my only chance. i sprung up from my seat, try to find the nearest thing around me. went to my dirty laundry and picked up my boxers. the spider was still climbing. it had to know what was coming. it fell onto my files. i peered through the dividers and spot it curled up. i can't reach in there with my boxers. looked through my trash for something softer to pick up the carcass. i peer back. WTF. where did the spider go. FUCK FUCK FUCK. damn boxers failed me twice. can't smash spider. at this point i'm hoping the spider is really hurt, missing a leg or something. i clean up my desk and start moving the files where it had fell. damn, it still had some life left to crawl behind my note cards. by this time it was dusty and beside it looked to be leftover guts. i took a new wrap of lint roller sheet and pulled it out. i'm sure its nervous system at this was a crapshoot, one leg still clawing the air. i put it out of its misery.




i hope this was the same spider from early...this is the second one already in about 1 week. i'm holding my breath. i can't figure why it fell from the ceiling and crawled into one corner of the room, then, reappeared around the other end of the wall. didn't it know?? maybe there's a final boss i've yet to meet...

Edited by gettoasty
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fact I haven't had my lunch yet

been crazy hectic

had to arrive a hour earlier then scheduled, so been here since 8:30

two hours of craziness with almost 70 pages of paperwork, all typed, one by one

Edited by whitney
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heartburn that feels like you swallowed a glowing charcoal briquet cause u drank too many alcoholic beverages with hella citrus and liquor

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  On 7/8/2014 at 1:38 AM, haploid said:

heartburn that feels like you swallowed a glowing charcoal briquet cause u drank too many alcoholic beverages with hella citrus and liquor


when you drinking all day and the shit sets in

goes away

comes the fuck back in the morning... Fuck

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  On 7/10/2014 at 5:00 AM, Bleu1950 said:

porns that show a huge ugly guy face before climax


or 'that' angle

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People who use -ists and -isms that have no fucking clue what they actually mean. My favourite: "I'm not a feminist... I'm a humanist." (reminds me of "I'm not a rapper")

Also in a political context when other words would suffice e.g. extreme right wing national = nazi/fascist.

Edited by TIMDOT
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hip hop or any music that talks about the illuminati and shit like that, cba with it

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  On 7/14/2014 at 9:34 PM, hugoagassi said:

instagram filters trying to imitate colour effects achieved by film photography

photoshop plugins trying to imitate colour effects achieved by film photography

people confusing pictures taken by medium format cameras with instagram


35mm cameras are cheaper than VSCO anyway

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