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fucking back pimples that are right on your shoulder blade so when you go to sit down they get slammed and hurt like crazy

you know what i'm talking about

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foreign ass professors. they would be better elementary school teachers.

my econ professor relates everything to ordering PIZZA!!!*~!~ or how many PIZZA DINNERS!!!!! someone can eat/buy.

so obnoxious. i hate community college classes.

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wtf u talkin about pizza dinners are something everyone can relate to

who doesn't like a pizza dinner? i could go for a pizza dinner rite now big time

shit u hate: people who hate on pizza

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shit u hate: not having access to pizza when you need it most

shit u hate: THERE IS NO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you probably can relate everything to pizzas during a lot of economics classes. even on quite advanced classes such as econometry and industrial economics.

i also hate people who hate pizza, it's one of the best thing in the world. people who don't like pizzas and beers should die. (6)

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my roommates are a fucking joke. they're complaining about how san francisco has been so stressful in their lives yet every single night, they just sit in front of the TV watching Jersey Shore and The Real World.

one, who i had the most respect for is complaining how he can't graduate because he can't enroll in a certain class he needs. he's been bitching about the school, the dean, the local cc, etc. when i asked him why, he said it was because he's already failed the class 3 times.

what the shit, how can you blame anybody else but yourself? where is this stress coming from? you constantly go to class drunk or high. you can't even bring yourself to walk anywhere anymore so you DRIVE now. and so our lease is almost up and he's trying to find his own place because he's sick of cleaning up anybody else's mess when he leaves empty gatorade bottles, empty weed jars, and beer bottles everywhere. i'm also 100% sure he's never cleaned up anybody else's mess because i am the only one in the house who cleans regularly, meaning vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the stoves and counter...

and the one roommate who i hate the most is possibly the most dysfunctional person alive. he is an international relations major so he considers himself very worldly and acculturated. the sad part is... he was crying to his mom when he first moved up here because he was so scared. and now he considers himself a REAL MAN and so he's gotten back with his "true first love" who cheated on him multiple times and works as a stripper. i guess the upside is that he now drives home every weekend(according to him, only a real man can drive from SF to LA 6 weekends in a row).

i'm so glad to be out of this goddamn mess next month. they are all a good 2 to 4 years older than me so they all think i am incapable or my opinions aren't worth shit. this has always surprised me as when we were looking at places to live, i was the only one who was actively looking at houses, making phonecalls to landlords, and generally making us look like the best tenants(i can get credit reports by myself and speak fluent cantonese).

tl;dr i'm a fucking awesome roommate.

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don't live with other people who you don't know whether they have the same expectations and values concerning cleanliness and quality of living

next place i'm moving to i'm renting an appartment either alone or with my gf (she clean as fuck - can't seem to keep up :P )

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  redX said:
don't live with other people who you don't know whether they have the same expectations and values concerning cleanliness and quality of living

next place i'm moving to i'm renting an appartment either alone or with my gf (she clean as fuck - can't seem to keep up :P )

Living with a woman is the business. I know there's a few that can't keep their shit straight, but for the most part...quiet, clean, respectful, etc.

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how 31 years of marriage means nothing in the eyes of a man about to commit adultery. as much as I understand the excitement of being found attractive and the freshness of flirtation... I do not and will not ever understand or sympathize with anyone that does not have the gall or respect levels to broach the topic of moving on with their lives versus sneaking around behind their faithful partner's back. 31 years, 3 kids, 4 animals, and you can't even make the mature decision to be upfront. I'm sick.

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right, but he did. I'm referring to how the 31 years spent with his wife didn't even come to mind before he made an ass of himself.

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If you know this guy and have some insight into his situation/marriage, please, ignore the following comments (or simply consider them a response to the sort of general behavior you have described, rather than a direct criticism of your strongly negative reaction...)

Don't ever presume to know or understand the underlying motivations of a person about to do what you believe this guy was interested in, or the realities of his/her married life that have inexorably driven him/her to that point. It sounds trite, but every situation is different, every marriage unique. It's impossible for an outsider to glean anything even approximating an adequate understanding of the complex core of a relationship, let alone one that is 31 years old. That said, I agree that dealing with the break-up first before fucking anyone else is nearly always the correct way to handle a situation like that. Unless of course, the guy needs one strange fuck a year to keep himself sane and committed to his wife. I've known people like that -- people who, for whatever reason, need to cut loose of their responsibilities every once in great while. I stay out of their business, generally. And Christ, 31 years? That makes him, what, at least 50? I see that you're 21. I mean, good for him, but it is a little sleezy (and not the good, Bowie-as-the-Thin-White-Duke-sleezy, either.)

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I agree that there are so many complex reasons that go into the decisions that he has made. but please read again, 3 children... 31 years. his wife is not only devastated but also willing to take him back. she has been sincere all of this time. she has been a wonderful mother and wife. of course there are faults, but she wants this to work. they just recently became empty nesters again... you know? they got married 6 months after dating... how can he not even think that there is some building needing to be done? just caught up in the thrill of the new-old feelings? he has been a distant but respectable father. this is so hard

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  into the rain said:
my allergies are fucking kicking up these days, and i cannot describe how much i hate having a runny nose when i dont have any tissues, paper towels, or any other shit like that. goddamn it. fucking nose dripping and shit, cant blow my nose, ughhh.

Aye, I know nobody wants to hear this shit, but I finally had enough and just opened up on some tissue. I thought I was gonna have an aneurism, but holy shit...straight cleared everything and felt total relief. Could literally feel the pressure easing from my sinuses from below my eyes. #feelsgoodman

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