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shit you hate


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  Bona Drag said:
ur own fault bro mexicans cant count

ha ! so get this, at ikea with my du for a quick hotdog lick

get up we order a 2dog combo(2dog, vickie ickies and a drink) and

2 more dog on the side. order is relayed to the cook immediately, 5 feet away her only response to me utters "ahyyee, ocho"

i just smile.

we inhaled those pigknuckle quicker &didn't even have to dunk em in water like

the pros.

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^thats fucked up. im so thankful to not have a little sister. id have gotten in too many fights by now. 5 years isnt much, my parents are 10 yrs apart, but at 16 itd be a BIG problem for me.

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dude, my mom started dating my dad when she was 16 and he was 25.. i wonder about that sometimes... my dad, a pedophile?!! :eek:

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dude, my mom started dating my dad when she was 16 and he was 25.. i wonder about that sometimes... my dad, a pedophile?!!

if my sister marries this guy then i think my parents will disown her..

he's 21, been working at tapioca express for like 5 years, living with his parents going to a community college.. there's nothing wrong with a community college but it just looks like he's not going anywhere in life.


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  sophiapark said:
my parents don't force that asian thing on us.

my gpa is well under 3.8...

you can say my sister's is too.

well no hate but your parents are obviously bullshittin a reason to make your sister break up and since they prolly dont wanna blame on the age gap...

cause community college + working at the same time is not the end of the world

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my parents arent doing or saying shit to break them up. -_-

i'm the only one that actually tried to do something about it.

whenever i tried to get my mom to do something she tells me she cant do anything cause "her 16 year old daughter is in love".

so i gave up.

it drives me crazyyy.

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  Hendodo said:
dude, my mom started dating my dad when she was 16 and he was 25.. i wonder about that sometimes... my dad, a pedophile?!! :eek:

Shit was diff in the old days.

One thing that always stuck way out in my mind was from Catch Me if You Can, when Chris Walken talks about being a GI overseas in some small French village and sees Leo's future mom dancing in this little festival they put on for the troops. I can't wrap my head around a soldier just seeing a 15 year old girl in some foreign country who speaks no English and just brings her back to America. I guess that can be seen as romantic but in todays age that shit's completely sexual predator territory.

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  Hendodo said:
using a gift certificate w/ 10 dollars on it, spending 5 bucks of it on a drink, and finding out that the rest of the value is forfeit o.O

how does this even happen.

if someone stole a sweater worth 50$ and then went to the store pretending it's a gift and exchanged it for an item or items worth up to 40$ they'd get 10$ back in cash, not credit..at least in California, dunno about elsewhere states but here it's illegal to issue a merchandise credit of less then 10$, 20$ for some store depending on the price range of the merchandise that retailer sells.

sephora is probably the easiest

gap used to be, they actually handed money back (instead of merchandise credit) in the old days

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When my adorable little kitten decides to let out an hours worth of continuous 60 decibel meowing from 5-6am for no apparent reason. Hungry? My bleary-eyed attempts at plunking a can of food into your dish says no. Thirsty? Water dish full. WHAT DO YOU WANT, CAT!? CANT YOU JUST STFU UNTIL 8AM!?

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all templates in all web design programs are shit

so im building my website from the ground up

problem is ive never made a website before

i already kind of understand html, css, and rss

but occasionally something just messes me up

like in this picture


there's a table with 2 rows and 0 columns. the picture is in the top row, the divider and text are in the bottom row

why does the bottom row 'extend' into the top row?

(i highlighted the bottom row to show whats happening)

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