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  sistersuzie said:
people that only speak one language here, i find, often don't make any effort to pronounce names properly, even if they'd be able to, it seems that they stop themselves when its a "foreign" word.


whenever i go to american apparel, i always ask for shit in french to make those anglophone bitches all sweaty and nervous

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Guest bambam

my friend read on a stoner forum that somebody had trained his cat to chill on his chest and wait for exhales while he was getting baked, or some other guys who blazed on their porch and let the dog out there one time and he now gets mega antsy and claws on the door whenever they step out.

also in a house i was at a few days ago i swear the cat there was permafried. it was just literally chillin in a comfy chair and barely reacted if you pet it or patted your hand on the chair around it. some other dude there made a chinese firecracker and the cat just flinched slightly and i swear its expression was like 'duuuude stop being such a goddamn buzzkill.'

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Had such a shitty Jiu Jitsu class yesterday. My instructor is away so the class was taken by a brown belt instead, no instruction at all and the majority of the class was standup/starting from standup. Got paired up with a purple belt (hasn't been training with us long) and he set up a crash mat to practice throws on. First thing he does is suplex me HARD into it. Second thing he does is then try and demonstrate the suplex to some people watching and dumps me face first THE OTHER WAY with all his might into regular tatami style mats. Pissed. We then do some standup sparring and every person there is going 150%. Lastly, just to top it all off, I'm paired with 2 whitebelts who have no clue what they're doing so I spend the rest of the class going at 30% and telling them what to do.

The result? Here's what my shin looks like this morning.


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some people shouldn't be allowed to have pets. once there was this girl who brought her puppy to the mall and when approaching the escalators she didn't pick up the puppy (it's a small little dog with small little paws). instead, she let the puppy walk up to the escalator and while that was fine, once they got to the top the puppy didn't step up quick enough so her paws got caught in the opening between the escalator steps and the floor of the mall.

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i hate when i'm riding my bike and there are a million cars, and there's no sidewalk for me to ride on so i end up having to ride in the grass, which equates to me having to walk because my bike can only keep rolling in the grass for so long.

which also leads to me hating idiots that like to break glass on the sidewalk and leave it, knowing that bikes have to go by, and that it could potentially lead to someone getting a flat tire.


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went with dad to see doctor, dunno if he's going to get the balloon and bypass :x hate that

& that rude receptionist at another office, my dad went in to pay cash since he was in the area anyways, first thing she says to him after he told her he wanted to pay his bill was I HOPE YOU HAVE THE EXACT CHANGE FOR THAT COS I DON'T HAVE ANY CHANGE


manners people sheesh

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I fucking hate it when people hold the joint/blunt without inhaling, instead they are just continue talking and wasting the smoke, when they should be passing that shit if they are taking a hit.

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wtf! i'd been trying frantically to get hold of my homegirl so we could buy plane tickets (50% off southwest till midnight.. totally late passed) and i hadn't heard from her so i just gave up and this bitch is doing facebook quizzes! the give away was "posted xx seconds ago" fuuuuuuuck i'm pretty sick of her shit right now.

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hate bitches that try to take your money for keying their car when you just wanna reverse the goddamn damage you did.

okay thats on my part but its driving me crazyyy.

hate DMV for not being as nice as traffic court and decided to suspend my license for longer than a year. Fuck You DMV. i give you all my middle fingers. and moar.

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